HELP : finding law paramaters for ballistic impact in 3D ((Hydro) Johnson Cook), ball and plate
Hello altair community, For a class project, we are trying to simulate a ball piercing through an aluminium plate at high speed. We did a first try with plate in Shell element using the Johnson Cook law, and the results were accurate enough. Now we try it in 3D, but the simulation is unrealistic : Message we get : EXCEEDED…
What does this mean! Hourglass Possible On Shells?
hi, Recently I have created a Radioss crash model, I exported the 0.rad model and import it into HyperCrash to do a model check, what I find really really confusing is that it throws a warning saying that there are shells with possible hourglass? But what does it even mean? I have not been able to find information about…
How to define material parameters ?
Greetings, I have a query regarding the Force versus Displacement (pink) curve obtained from a structure after conducting a 3-point bending simulation, as illustrated below. I am interested in creating a material that behaves same under the same conditions. I have determined the Flexural modulus for the elastic part using…
Hello, I keep getting this error after 50% of the time of the run I'm using HyperCrash : * Radioss Error 110 ERROR : RIGID BODY ID=31 UNSTABLE How can I fix this ?
Does the XYZ coordinates change for 1D elements, What does this based on?
In my understanding, When modelling a 1D bar element, the XYZ coordinates are based on the System collectors. As you can see the common XYZ axis in the bottom left and the XYZ axis on the 1D element. Does this mean when I'm looking at results(for example shear force at each axis (X,Y&Z)) do I have to assume the Y result…
Error: Material direction is almost normal to the elements
I am getting error Error: Material direction is almost normal to the elements. I am trying to understand why I am getting this error I have modelled composite material with surface sandwich shell property. Changing direction vector in property instead of 0 to 0.0001 get rid of this error.
Altair® HyperWorks® 2022.1 ブラウザの機能強化について
複雑なシミュレーションモデルにおいて、モデルブラウザを使用して節点や要素などのエンティティを効率的に確認し、調査する方法を説明します。 Altair® HyperWorks® 2022.1.0シミュレーションリリースでは、興味のあるエンティティを選択してブラウザに一括表示し、確認や編集を行うことができるようになりました。 HyperWorks 2022.1.0のモデルブラウザでは、ユーザーエクスペリエンスを向上させるいくつかの主要なユーザービリティとパフォーマンスの強化を導入しています。…
HyperWorks 2022の新しいユーザーインターフェースへの移行
イノベーションとは、物事を改善する方法を発見するプロセスです。ユーザーは、革新的な製品や機能を楽しみにしています。また、生産性やユーザーエクスペリエンス向上のために、旧バージョンから最新バージョンに移行することも多くあります。 このような革新的な変化の典型的な例が、電話です。過去数十年の間に、電話は有線のロータリーダイヤル式やキーパッド付きの電話から、キーパッドのないアプリ搭載のスマートフォンやウェアラブルデバイスの現世代へと変化してきました! 図1:電話の進化…
LAW 10 units converting
Hello I have material law 10 for concret in g cm Mus I would like to convert it in N-g-mm-ms units. Are there any way of soft can coverting this law automatically? Thank you in advance for your attention and for your support. Regards
How to increase number of Recent Files avaliable
How to increase number of Recent Files available in File>Recent Session and File>Recent Files ? I often need to switch between different models, and thus it would be nice to have at least 20 of Recent Files. Probably some configuration file needs to be edited, but my efforts to find the appropriate variable hit a vertical…
Why is the total energy dropping so drastically ? It should remain constatn
Hello Everyone, I am performing a crash of simple component on the rigid wall. I want to understand the basics of the Energy Curves. When I plot the curves of the energies. It is seen that the Total Energy is dropping significantly, as per my knowledge the energy should stay constant or change negligible. The energy error…
HyperCrash - HyperView Assembly Heirarchy Creation
Overview Assembly Hierarchy Structure can be created in HC11 and same can be seen in HyperView11. Around 40 Ls-Dyna users are using this script for seeing assembly structure. It would be greate, if you could consider to implement this in core of HV12.0 Usage/Installation Instructions Just copy the script in altair instal…
How to Plot Total Deformation vs Time Graph for the Dynamic Crash Analysis
Hello everyone, I am performing the dynamic front crash analysis of the chassis of a vehicle in Radioss. I want to plot the total deformation vs time graph in the Hypergraph for the results obtained but I am not sure how to plot it. I have also checked all the global variables used to plot graphs but I didn't find the…
How to check crashworthiness with maikin
In are there default dummy model to check driver safety or we have import the model If have to import then where can i get dummy model for manikin
How to run analysis in hypercrash
I have created all control cards, velocity , rigid wall but i am unble to run analysis as i dont know where solver commoand
How to run analysis in hypercrash
Unable to initiate solver process in hypercrash
Is it possible to Customize HyperCrash ?
How can we customize HyperCrash. I want to add a User plugin to the main GUI Like we do for HyperMesh
Total Materia
How do I import Total materia .parm file into Hyperworks?
Import ls-dyns(.key) in hypercrash
hi my dear In the hypercrash,the LS-Dyans profile, information can be entered in two ways : 1)file>import>LS-Dyna>(select .key file) 2)file> import>Ls-dyna include >(select .key file) Please advise what is the difference between the two methods Is there an example or Ducument in the description of this issue? thank you
Airbag (shell)
Hi! I studied the example from the link (https://2021.help.altair.com/2021/hwsolvers/rad/topics/solvers/rad/airbag_example_r.htm#airbag_example_r). But I still could not understand how this folded model is created (Fig. 1). First, a model of a deflated airbag is created in Hypermesh, then it is folded in Hypercrash? In…
sphere-shaped airbag
Hi Everyone! I'm trying to simulate an airbag, using the hyper crash guide for this. But I can't figure out how (and is it possible) I can make an airbag in the form of a sphere? In hypermesh, a flat area is constructed, which I then expand in such a way that a sphere is obtained? or is a sphere being built in hypermesh…
Hypercrash/Radioss Analysis of Honeycomb Impact Attenuator does not converge
Hi everyone, I'm trying to do the tutorial of Altair University, of an Analysis of Honeycomb Impact Attenuator but not with HyperMesh but with Hypercrash. I've already done some tutorials on Hypercrash, but this doesn't work. When I lunch the file on Radioss the remaining time continuously increases. I think the problem is…
Does hypercrash support 3d connexion?
Hi there, Does hypercrash support 3d connexion? If so, how should I set up it? I am using hypercrash 2017.2.4. Thanks.
measure Contact Force
My Dear After completing the crash analysis,How can the contact force between parts be measured at Hyper View? Tank you
Errore when run Hypercrash
Hi My freind's When I run the Hypercrash program, An error has been detected and I am unable to execute it. Apparently, a number of required files have been deleted. Please send me these files or guide me according to the attached image to solve my problem. bestregards <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>