MotionView - Angular Momentum Conservation
Hi! Is angular moment conservation present in motionview? My simulation contains following - base-plate which rotates and boxes stacked on top of it. Every object has mass and inertia defined by user and is represented with point mass (body) and graphical geometrical object. In the simulation the whole assembly spins up to…
Missing some parts while importing <.3dm> format file types
Hi, I am trying to import <.3dm> format file type, previously it was working well but in the recent times some parts are missing when I try to import the geometry. Has anyone experienced with importing this file type and faced this issue?
How to assign properly an allowable value for a Python Certification Method in composites material
Hello there, I want to create a Failure Theory using the Certification Method tool, using a simple python script. I assign the Xt, Yt, etc with the corresponding Material allowable defined in the MAT8 card but when running the method it shows an error saying "Warning, LongTensile StressLimit not available for element". I…
Density Variation Calculation over Time for MAT/LAW1 and MAT/LAW6 in RADIOSS
When using MAT/LAW1 or MAT/LAW6, an initial density is set. How is the density change over time calculated in these cases?
Why is the section plane moving in visualization mode (Post) ?
I have an issue related to the visualization of a CFD analysis. When I put a section plane and animate it, it moves, instead of showing the movement "inside" of it. Such as the current movement as the time passes. Before, when I was studying an individual piece it would let me, but now I have this big cluster of pieces and…
HELP : finding law paramaters for ballistic impact in 3D ((Hydro) Johnson Cook), ball and plate
Hello altair community, For a class project, we are trying to simulate a ball piercing through an aluminium plate at high speed. We did a first try with plate in Shell element using the Johnson Cook law, and the results were accurate enough. Now we try it in 3D, but the simulation is unrealistic : Message we get : EXCEEDED…
ERROR 1026
Hi I am trying to perform analysis of a model that consists of 1d beam elements and 3d tetra elements. I am getting this error 1026 duplicate id's found. I have tried multiple techniques to solve like renumbering and deleting duplicate elements but still the problem persists. Can anyone please help?
Radioss: Engine trouble shooting
Introduction The original article is this, This article explains how to determine the cause of an error when the engine _0001.rad fails to run to the end. This is my own method, and it is not the best or the only way to find the cause of the problem. You can modify my methods and find your original better way. Methods A,…
How can I see the area and velocity of a cross section in RADIOSS?
I am currently performing a coupled fluid-structure analysis in RADIOSS. I would like to output the time history of the cross-sectional area and flow velocity at an arbitrary cross-section of the fluid (ex: surface 50mm from the inlet boundary, as shown in the image). How can I do that?
parametric sweep of feed position
Dear Altruist, I hope my message will find you well. Could you please let me know how can I do parametric sweep of my feed position and extract the result in CADFEKO v2022.3.For the time being I am using simple wire feed with 50 ohm voltage source. It would be better if anyone could give me a link of video tutorial for…
Error compresible simulation
Good afternoon, I am trying to perform a simulation taking into account the compressibility of the air and I always get the same error. I have tried changing the material as ideal gas air, absolute pressure in the solver and output pressure of one atmosphere, and still the same error continues. I attach an image of the…
What is the terminology?
Hello Please tell me the name of each of these variables in the API. The terminology in the API is very ambiguous. Match the following: A,B,C,D,E,F Options contact.normalContactOverlap element1.physicalRadius element1.contactRadius element2.physicalRadius element2.contactRadius contact.normalPhysicalOverlap
How to achieve this sequence of simulation?
I have three UDLs that go in the body force section I am trying to understand the simulation sequence from the documentation. I assume that the simulation of EDEM follows this sequence. I want the simulation to follow this sequence Is it possible to achieve this sequence given in the second image? If yes, how? If no, what…
EDEM Particle Explosions
I am using the same parameters shown in the table, but I am still getting particle explosions. Why is this happening? Time step: 1e^-8s
how to detect particles inside contact radius?
Hello I am trying to use Hertz-Mindlin API to implement screening distance. But unfortunately I am able to activate the API only when physical contact happens. Can you please tell me how to get away from this? I have selected this in the factory. and In API If I activate line 205 and 206 it does not get activated when…
Nonlinear Excersice - Error 4966
Hi everyone, I'm recently started to learn Hypermesh and Optistruct from one of my classes. We are working with the model attached to this message, it's a nonlinear analysis of a suspension element. When I run this model, I keep getting error 4966, which, according to the documentation, it means that minimum time to solve…
お世話になっております。 Hyperviewでの要素の表示についてご教授ください。 hyperviewを使用し、要素を表示する際、要素が透けてしまうのですが、どうしたらよろしいでしょうか。 このように下の床のエッジラインが見えてしまいます。 外のエッジラインのみ表示させ、コンポーネントを透けさせないようにしたいです。 詳しくは、HyperMeshで表示したときの感じと同じにしたいです。 ご教授よろしくお願いいたします。
Wall boundary condition in AcuTrace
Hi, experts. In the analysis results (animation) by acutrace of the tutorial ACU-T: 6000 Static mixer, the particles do not appear to be reflected by the wall set as the reflecting wall. Even in my own model (analysis of particle behavior in a tank filled with water in a single-phase flow), reflection does not occur on the…
Question about implementing screening distance through API
Hello, I have created a contact model using contact radius to perform charge transfer operation. I am able to compute columbic force only up to a particular distance value that is the contact radius. I want to calculate the electrostatic force experienced by a particle due to a particle that is outside the contact radius.…
visualizing contact radius
Is it possible to visualize contact radius around a particle? What I mean by this is that I have a particle of radius R and I have defined a contact radius of 1.2R. Now, during the simulation in the GUI, I only see the particle of radius R. I want to see a faint sphere (translucent sphere) of radius 1.2R engulfing the…
Should the calibration model for PBF simulation in Altair Inspire be measured after a heat treatment?
Should the calibration model for PBF simulation in Altair Inspire be measured after a heat treatment?
Hypermesh - PLOADX1 definition
Hi everyone ! I'm trying to performe an axis symmetric analysis, but i'm having trouble for defining the PLOADX1 (pressure): The result works but I get much too big deformation, as if the pressure was multiplied by the number of elements (or the surface). is it possible to apply the pressure on the edge directly? Best, Axel
Issue with Capture Peripheral Example When Using Different GPIO Pins
Hello everyone, I'm currently trying to use the Capture Peripheral with interrupt example provided by PSIM, and it works perfectly when I use GPIO 0(the channel set in this example). However, when I attempt to use different GPIO pins (specifically GPIOs 124, 122, and 58), even after configuring these channels in the…
Streamline of particles in AcuTrace
Hi, experts. I understand that in order to plot particle trajectories (streamline) as the analysis results of AcuTrace, it is necessary to obtain streamline data, as described on the page at the following URL. I have the following questions regarding this.…
Automation of preserve node into temp nodes into Hypermesh
I am trying to automate the conversion of preserved node into temp. Manually we can do like : Analysis ->preserve node-> select node->make preserved now node preserved. The preserved node can be converted into temp node like: Analysis ->preserve node-> select preserved node->make temp For automation: step 1: Need to call…