Hypercrash/Radioss Analysis of Honeycomb Impact Attenuator does not converge

Hi everyone,
I'm trying to do the tutorial of Altair University, of an Analysis of Honeycomb Impact Attenuator but not with HyperMesh but with Hypercrash. I've already done some tutorials on Hypercrash, but this doesn't work. When I lunch the file on Radioss the remaining time continuously increases. I think the problem is on Interfaces contacts but I've already try to change something on them, but it doesn't work anyway. I don't know how and when use the Interface TYPE7 with the Self-Impact activated.
I am attaching the tutorial .pdf file, and the last .rad file I've made.
Thank you so much for the help.
Please set the honeycomb element property /PROP/TYPE14 with
For more information please refer to the documentation of /PROP