I'm struggling with RapidMiner. Any resources outside of those in Altair?
As stated above, I'm having a hard time learning Rapid Miner/ Altair Studio. Would you recommend any resources outside of the ones on Altair, which I've already reviewed? I am also open to tutoring sessions if anyone is available.
How to download the RapidMiner Studio
Hello, when I am opening the suggested website to download it is being redirected to another website which does not have any option to download, does not from where I am trying to download the tool, it always redirects to this website where you can not download anything. Looking forward to help. Regards, Omer
AIstudio does not have acess to my files even after allowing full writing and reading acess
I previously reached out regarding an issue, but the suggestion provided did not resolve the problem. My AI Studio is unable to read any files from my desktop or downloads when I try to import them. This is a significant issue, and I need assistance. Could we set up a call to troubleshoot this? Please refer to my previous…
How to convert MF4 (or Microsoft access shortcut MAT) file to use in AI studio
I have been presented with some data in both an MF4 and MAT (not matlab) format and would like to use them in AI studio to make a ML model. The problem is that I cannot use either of those files as AI studio strictly works with CSV, excel or Binary files. How can I convert my files into the required ones?
Cannot import files. please help
Hello, I am running AI studio 2025.0.0 and when i go to import read csv none of my files appear in my downloads or desktop. I tried going around this by dragging and dropping the file but it kept giving me an error. i also triedd uninstalling and reinstalling.
AI Hubの機能および使用に関するご質問
いつもお世話になっております。 現在、機械学習を用いてCAE結果を予測するために、Altair units-Data Analystのプランをレンタルさせていただき、導入を検討しております。主にAI studioを使用して予測モデル構築を進めておりますが、将来的な活用を考えた際にAI Hubのようなモデルを運用・デプロイしていきたいと考えております。つきましては、以下の内容についてご質問させていただきます。 ①AI studioのシミュレータ機能をAI HubでWebアプリ化して社内で作成したモデルを活用することは可能でしょうか。また作成したWebアプリに複数人の同時接続は可能でしょうか。 ②AI Hubを使うにはDocker…
blocked account
how to unblock my student account????
Book Recommendation for Data Enthusiasts: Learn Data Mining with AI Studio!
Looking to dive into data mining with real-world, hands-on examples? Check out Data Mining for the Masses by Prof. Matt North! 🎓 https://app.myeducator.com/reader/web/2085a This book is a fantastic guide to understanding how to gather, store, and analyze data effectively, featuring practical examples using AI Studio. From…
Color problem when filtering two dimensions
Hello. I am getting started with Altair and playing aroung with the Gapminder dataset. I have done a few charts with some selection parameters and filter transfers, so I can select both countries and clusters and get the other charts filtered and or color / opacity encoded. It seens to work fine at begining, but I am…
RapidMiner StudioとRapidMiner AI Hubで、Rを実行する方法についてご紹介します。Rは、主に統計解析やグラフィックに使用される オープンソースな言語・環境で、多様な統計手法を使用することができます。連携させることで、より高度な分析が可能になります。 RapidMiner StudioでRを実⾏するには、以下が必要です。 • Rの実⾏環境 • 「R Scripting」エクステンション • パスの設定 以下などを参考に、Rの実⾏環境を⽤意します。 https://cran.ism.ac.jp/ ※この続きは以下のpdfでご覧ください。
代表的な拡張機能の紹介 ーIn-Database Processingー
データベース上の処理を視覚的に行うことができる拡張機能 ”In-Database Processing Extension”をご紹介します。SQLで書く必要がなく、データ準備や前処理がより効率的に実行できます。パラメータの解説や使用方法も掲載しておりますので、ぜひご活用ください。 In-Database Processing(データベース内処理)は、その名の通りデータベースシステム内でデータの準備や前処理を⾏うことを指します。…
RapidMiner CheatSheet 前処理編
RapidMiner Studioには2021年3月段階で1500を超えるオペレーターが収録されており、非常に多機能となっております。今回はデータ前処理で良く使われるオペレーターに絞って、CheatSheetにまとめましたので、是非こちらをご覧になりながら、RapidMinerで前処理を実装してみてください。
RapidMiner Studioで作成したプロセスを一定間隔遅らせて実行する処理をご紹介します。例えば、あるデータ加工の処理が1時間後には終了する予定なので、そのデータが生成されてから実行したいといった場合に利用できます。 Operator Toolbox Extension(無償拡張機能)を使用しており、サンプルデータとプロセスは下記よりダウンロード頂けます。ぜひご参考にしてください。 ▼サンプルデータとプロセス ▼Extensionのインストール方法 ※内容については以下のpdfでご覧ください。
Execute Python 'pandas module not found' when installed
I'm trying to use the Execute Python operator in RapidMiner. I have installed Python, pip and pandas: When I execute my rapidminer process I get the following error: 'Pandas module not found -- The pandas module for Python was not found. Please make sure that the pandas module for Python is installed in your execution…
🚀 Check Out the New Teaser Videos on the Academic Hub for AI Studio !
We’re excited to share our latest teaser videos, now live on the Academic Hub page! 🎥 These quick sneak peeks highlight the incredible capabilities of AI Studio, a powerful tool for data enthusiasts of all levels—from beginners to seasoned experts. Whether you're new to data or looking to expand your skills, these videos…
Student Educator License Renewal
Logged on to Altair/Inspire- license not valid expired Need for FRC 2025 FRC - Team 4398 mentor - can you reactive or do I have to go thru the process for a new download and license see attached
Rapidminer 9.10 installation on Mac
Hello, I've been trying to install Rapidminer for a course on my mac (M3, Sequoia 15.1.1) but the app just won't run with the an error message "you can’t open the application “rapidminer studio” because it may be damaged or incomplete". Tried everything I know of, but nothing. Can somebody suggest anything?
Missing File, Edit, and Process Menu Options in Mac Version of RapidMiner
Hello, I am currently using the Mac version of RapidMiner Studio and noticed that the menu options such as File, Edit, Process, View, etc., which are typically found in the interface, are not visible in my version. I would like to know if these options are available in a different location on the Mac version or if there is…
How can I see the relation between the parameters-dependent variable and pIC50-independent variablee
Hi everyone! I'm working on a project about designing a model (QSAR - model) using Deep learning and in the "Deep learning" report i dont see the relation between the parameters and PIC50. Please help me Thank you.
Organizing and Importing Data in AI Studio
Hello Altair Community, I recently received a question from a professor regarding how to organize and import data in AI Studio. I thought this would be valuable to share with the entire community, so here’s the question and my response. The Question: How to migrate datasets and processes from the book we are using (files…
The import does not recognize the building
I encountered a problem when importing files into Winprop, and I would like to ask you about it, the problem is like this: I am importing shp files and DXF files into Winprop is showing that the building is not recognized; The acquisition of shp files and DXF files is as follows: the shp files are generated by UAV aerial…
winprop material api
I have two account on same e-mail
Hello I have two account with same mail adress. I am entering one with my software under "Manege licences" tab which leads me to https://my.rapidminer.com/nexus. To go other one I am using https://altair.com/altair-rapidminer. I am so confused. I just wanted to install my software to my other computer. Now I have two…
Monarch classic : Is there a way to create an If formula to return a blank value
Hello, I am trying to figure out how to create an If formula to return a blank value. This is what I'm looking for : If(condition,true value,return a blank value) My current formula looks like this : If(condition,true value,0) I can't figure out how to return a blank value instead of plugging with a zero (0). It is a…
拡張機能の紹介 ーGenerative AI Extensionー
“Generative AI Extension”は、テキストと画像を生成するために OpenAI の API へアクセスするための2つのオペレーターを提供します。 Generative AI Extensionで利用するOpenAIは、テキストを理解し生成することに優れた最先端の言語モデルを提供しています。 具体的には、コンテンツ生成、要約、分類、感情分析、データ抽出、翻訳などのタスクをこなすことができます。 本資料では、Generative AI Extensionの実行準備と実行方法をご説明しておりますのでぜひご参考ください。 ※この続きは以下のpdfでご覧ください。