Refresh all Post-Processing pages / windows in a session
Overview: Attached 2 example scripts. "RefreshLoop.tcl" will loop over all pages and refresh each page. "RefreshLoop_each_window.tcl" will loop over all pages and all windows, and will refresh each page, and each window separately if it is a non-empty HyperGraph-client . Pre-Requisite: Usage/Installation Instructions: Run…
Can't find HyperGraph Tools menu in new interface
After searching around online and in HyperWorks help, I can not find where the tool to update the source files for plots in a HyperGraph session is in the new interface. In the old interface it was under Tools>Replace Filenames, but this menu no longer exists. Thanks, Chris
Layout of HyperGraph bar charts
Hello, I am using HyperGraph 2024.1 to plot a bar chart of the modal effective mass from a modal analysis. I am working with the HGEFFMASS option in the OUTPUT card of OptiStruct to generate the data. However, I am having difficulty formatting the resulting bar chart. Specifically, I cannot find a way to: Change the font…
How can I see the area and velocity of a cross section in RADIOSS?
I am currently performing a coupled fluid-structure analysis in RADIOSS. I would like to output the time history of the cross-sectional area and flow velocity at an arbitrary cross-section of the fluid (ex: surface 50mm from the inlet boundary, as shown in the image). How can I do that?
Radioss Time History Output Error
I have a model outputting both a T01 file and an H3d file. I would like to have nodal forces/moments for a particular node (TH/NODE output) and forces/moments for a particular RBODY (TH/RBODY) output. I am able to get the outputs in the H3d file if I load that into hypergraph, but if I try to load the time file I am not…
No updating of the Types/Requests/Components or the chart in Hypegraph
Hi all, When I'm working in Motionview and I add for example an output with some parameters to evaluate, I open the .abf file in Hypergraph and commonly the Output Expressions, the values or or the new names in case of renamed some Expression before are not updated (or don't appear yet) and I need to open first a different…
HyperMesh Python API Notepad ++ Template Generator
Overview Notepad++ is a free and open-source text editor available for Microsoft Windows. It is a popular weapon of choice among engineers to write/edit code or review/modify solver input decks. The editor supports syntax highlighting and auto-completion for many languages, including Python, via XML templates located in…
Transitioning to the New HyperMesh 2024
Innovation is the process of creating and implementing new ideas, products, services, or processes to bring about significant improvements or changes. Innovation often leads to the creation of new products or services that are better suited to meet the needs and preferences of the users. Innovation can also result in…
Python API Demo Package
Overview The extension demonstrates the Python API capabilities in HyperMesh, HyperView, and HyperGraph. After loading the extension, a new Python Demos ribbon will be visible in the three supported clients. Each icon represents a different example showcasing various features of the client's Python API layer. Some of them…
How to plot the totalforce in hypergraph?
Hi, I have applied 2 point forces at a single point in a model. How do I verify that the forces are applied completely using a graph and contour plots? I used SPCF output card but it threw me the contour results of one force. Suppose I had applied 10KN and 30KN at a single point, the SPCF output gave me the contour for…
Rough Road Vehicle Simulation in MotionSolve – Belgian Blocks
Overview PREFACE Physical vehicle testing is expensive and resource intensive. Vehicle modeling and simulation provide an efficient alternative which can be implemented earlier in the design cycle to understand a vehicle’s dynamics. Multibody dynamics software such as Altair MotionSolve allows users to set up and analyze a…
How to output wall shear stress in RADIOSS?
Hello I am currently investigating the interaction between blood and blood vessel walls using RADIOSS. I would like to output the shear stress exerted by the fluid on the structural wall in both graph and animation formats. How should I set this up?
RSS calculation
Hi all experts, Can you show me how to use RSS calculation in HG? (Ex: to calculate the overall acceleration of node) Thanks.
Batch export of curves to file
Overview This example script will use HW batch mode to load a session and (for example purpose) export the last curve data of each window on each page to an external file. Pre-Requisite Open attached session file "2022.0_example.mvw" The script uses command "ses$ui LoadSessionFile" with a relative path, assuming the…
Plot curves plus math based summary curve and export to file
Overview This example script will plot curves from files into the current window, and then adds a math based curve that calculates the sum of all those curves. After that all curves are exported to an external file. Pre-Requisite Place attached external file "data_Run1.lac" in same folder as script. The script uses command…
Scale of Curve in Hypergraph with Python
Hello, I tried to create curve from file using python console in Hypergraph 2023.1 I have to scale my curve by 0.001 so i tried yScale property from CurveXY class with 0.001 value. I get the error message "The value '0.001' must be an Integer". However, the documentation said : property yScale: float Sets the scale for the…
Post Processing Shortcut Extension
Overview This extension will allow users to map post-processing plot preferences and options to a button or series of buttons on a toolbar within HyperView to instantly reapply onto subsequent models. Usage/Installation Instructions Generating Commands for Plot Preferences 1. Load a result model into HyperView and open up…
Imperfection in nonlinear buckling
Hello I have few questions * I want to do some nonlinear buckling analysis using imperfection. At start I made linear buckling and imported h3d file to the second model using ASSIGN card and IMPERF load collector, but it didnt work I guess because I don't see any buckling in results, only axial compression. HM and h3d…
Altair HyperGraphを用いると簡単にオクターブバンド処理が行えます。 HyperGraphで横軸周波数、縦軸振幅のグラフをプロットします。 たとえば、data.csvをプロットすると、下記のグラフが表示されます。 画面右のPlot Browserでカーブの右クリックメニューのAdd Stackmath Operationを選択します。 開いたウィンドウにて、octaveを選択し、Parametersを選択してOKをクリックします。 オクターブバンド処理したグラフが表示されます。 使用ソフト Altair HyperGraph
HyperView 要素の応力を 全体座標系で描画して、その要素値を HyperGraph にプロットする方法
いきなりグラフを描く Plots だと座標系を指定できません。座標系を指定したいときは、 Contour と Measure の組み合わせで行います。 詳しい操作は動画をご覧ください。 動画ファイルのダウンロード: KB0120578_HVで全体座標系で要素応力を描画してそのままグラフ化する方法.mp4 アルテアジャパン公式製品サイト https://www.altairjp.co.jp/hyperview/ https://www.altairjp.co.jp/hypergraph/ アルテアジャパンのエンジニアによる投稿記事一覧 https://web.altair.com/ja/technical-listing
"Unable to recognize" results from a simulation
Hi, I'm trying to load a log file from a simulation but when I try to load it says "File not recognized" and "Unable to recognize". The simulation is exported from the university computers, maybe that's the problem but in Hypermesh CFD I can see the results perfectly.
Plot Macro to clean overlapping curve-X-vector
Overview This Plot Macro will create a new curve that has a cleaned up X-vector based on selected original curves, that have an overlap in X. So the new curves' X-vectors are continuously increasing. Pre-Requisite Plot Macros can be loaded through preference files, as the example attached. To reference the preference file,…
HG Axis LockGuard - permanent axis range lock
Overview This Extension provides a toolbar with buttons to turn the "Axis LockGuard" ON/OFF (available since HG2023.1). The TCL commands that are used in the background are: [::hwplot::GetPlotManagerHandle] SetFitAxesLockGuard true [::hwplot::GetPlotManagerHandle] SetFitAxesLockGuard false Pre-Requisite Download and un-zip…
レポート作成: Loop Result でコンポーネント x 荷重ケース分のレポートを自動で作成する
始めに 以下の記事で、HyperWorks のレポート機能の仕組みを説明してきました。 https://community.altair.com/community?id=kb_article_view&sysparm_article=KB0123711 https://community.altair.com/community?id=kb_article_view&sysparm_article=KB0123721 基本的にワードを操作する代わりに HyperWorks…
初めてのレポート作成 Hello World
始めに こちらの記事で、初めての方は、モデルサマリ―レポート自動作成機能で、出来上がったレポート設定とワードファイルを見たら、どのようなことをしているツールなのか理解しやすいのではと言う記事を投稿しました。 https://community.altair.com/community?id=kb_article_view&sysparm_article=KB0123711 しかし、ゼロから何かしら作成してみることで、理解が進む場合もあると思います。そこで、今回は、Hello World とだけ書き込むレポートを作成しています。動画を観ていただいたり、ご自身でやってみたりすると、「ワードアプリでワードを作る代わりに、HyperWorks…