HPCWorks Suite 2025 Release
I am pleased for my first post to the Altair Community to be the announcement of our new HPCWorks 2025 release that came out February 5th. This is a major milestone for us as we have synchronized our individual product releasees under the HPCWorks Suite banner and transitioned all our products to Altair Units licensing.…
Community Champion of the Month - January, 2025
The Community Team would like to introduce the January Champion of the Month, Philip Holland @Philip_Holland. For 44 years Philip R Holland has been working with the SAS language. In that time, he has witnessed the evolution of usage of the language from mainframes to modern analytics environments used across all business…
Altair Community Power Conversion & Motor Drives Chat
Introducing Power Conversion & Motor Drives Chat Series Join us for an exciting technical series where we will showcase the new capabilities of Altair’s power electronics and power conversion design tools. This monthly series is designed to showcase the latest capabilities, applications, and workflows for the design…
Welcome to the Altair Community! Get Started Here
Welcome to the new and improved Community! We are excited to welcome you to the new and improved Altair Community experience. By joining, you become a part of a thriving and engaged network of over 1.3 Million users to access resources, share ideas and solutions, and connect with fellow experts worldwide. Benefit from the…
Altair Community Magnetics Chat
Join us for an exciting technical series where we will showcase the new capabilities of High Frequency and Low Frequency tools in Altair. This monthly series is designed to empower industry experts by providing them with insights into the latest features, workflows, and advancements in Altair’s Electromagnetics solutions.…
Hi, I am performing a CFD Analysis of Air blower using SIMLAB to find the Flow rate of it. I have done my meshing. But I have some doubt in Boundary and its size. For Air blower model, How to choose the Boundary layer thickness and first layer height. If I choose Y+ based, I am having HM CFD, Y+ calculator is there. In Y+…
I cannot access HyperStudy after downloaded the program
After I downloaded these 3 files HyperStudy student license 2023.1 (First image). Then I try to activate my student license in activation key and it said like this (Second image) (I'm not sure that because previously I downloaded Flux and FluxMotor and the license had already used?). Then I go directly to check my…
/ANIM 出力要求から /H3D 出力要求に移行してみる例題
概要 私は Radioss の入門用の演習書 (ログインおよび enroll me というボタンを押す必要がある場合があります) を作成していまして、v2024 までは、アニメーション出力要求に /ANIM をお伝えしてきました。 一方で /H3D という、OptiStruct と同じ .h3d を出力する要求もあり、こちらの熟成がかなり進んできたと感じているので、最近は /H3D をお伝えすることが多く、演習書も 2025 からは /H3D にしようかと考えています。 そこで、本例題では、いままでのおすすめ /ANIM からだと、どの /H3D 要求がおすすめになるのかというのを示します。 テンプレート用の _0001.rad /ANIM…
2024 の mic ファイルを 2024.1, 2025 に読み込むとどうなるのかを検証する例題
始めに 2024.1 から GUI がガラッと変わりましたが、2024 の mic ファイルを読み込んで利用することはできます。 この例題では、どこの項目は、そのまま利用できて、どこを作業で補わなくてはならないのかを、理解していきます。 なお、.mic ファイルに互換性がないため、新しいバージョンから古いバージョンへの読み込みは基本的にできません。 設定内容の比較検証 演習用の 2024 版の .mic ファイルです。 演習は 2025 で行いますが、2024.1 と変わりはありません。 ユニットセル 2024 では長繊維モデル、体積率 40% です。 正しく読み込めています。 材料特性 2024 での線形特性は 2025 に届いています。…
Optimization of microstrip patch antenna
How to optimize a microstrip patch antenna. Any guidelines on how to use OPTFEKO. I am not able to understand how it is used even from the example and user guide. I need the whole concept of optimization and OPTFEKO. I am not getting the desire resonant frequency 1.57542 GHz, axial ratio (antenna is RHCP) and even Gain.…
Hi I am trying to Mesh a Air blower model in Simlab. After I plugged the fluid regioand MRF Zone, I done the Surface meshing. Then I am trying to do cfd meshing. In CFD meshing, I select the the Fluid Body as plugged fluid volume and mrf zone, then Ignore BL surface as Inlet, outlet and MRF zone surfaces. If I click ok, It…
Exporting And Importing Systems To the Entity Browser in MotionViews 2025 Interface
Overview: With the release of MotionView 2025, another workflow has arisen to export and import system. Before in order to export systems, users could right click the system and select export. In addition, they could go to File> Export> MDL Definition (this option is still available). Now if users right click the system…
EDEM Contact Model API -> configForTimeStep error
Hello, I am using the contact model API in my simulation and realized while running my simulation that the code written within the configForTimeStep function was not executing if I ran an EDEM-only simulation. This was the case even if particle contact occurred. However, if I ran the simulation as a coupled simulation with…
Running SimLab on HPC without GUI
Hello, I'm trying to use SimLab on a HPC, but I'm not sure how to run a simulation via command prompt without the GUI. I'm able to set up the case, it's just a matter of calculating. I'd like to run simulations using SimLab by itself (using AcuSolve), as well as SimLab coupled with EDEM. Any advice would be greatly…
ET Type マクロについて
夜分遅くに失礼いたします。 HyperMesh2024でET Typeのブラウザを探しているのですが,見つからないです。 以前のGUIでは,Utilityの中に”ET Type”がございましたが,どちらにあるのでしょうか?
EDEM 2024.1 버전이 실행되지가 않습니다.
EDEM을 컴퓨터에 설치 후 실행을 하려 하는데, 실행이 되지 않습니다. EDEM 프로그램 아이콘을 클릭 하면 검은색 창이 몇 초간 실행된 후 흰색 창이 5초 정도 켜지고 두 화면 다 갑자기 꺼집니다. 실행을 위해 계속 진행해봐도 똑같은 상황이 반복됩니다. EDEM 버전은 2024.1이고, 윈도우 버전은 11입니다. 문제 해결 위한 해결책을 주시면 감사하겠습니다.
SimLab 2024 環境設定
SimLab2024を使用しています。解析を行おうとすると、 "OptiStructソルバー環境が設定されていません。"と表示されてしまい計算ができません。対応策を教えてください。
Is it possible to work around the 1 load/surface/load case limitation in Inspire and SimSolid?
The analyses I would be running require to have several loads applied to one surface in a single load case. Inspire (2024) and SimSolid (2024) both fail to run an analysis if more than a single load is applied to the same surface (see image below) . Does anyone know how to work around that problem? Thanks!
Mirroring a graph in POSTFEKO
I have some sim data at 0-180 azimuth plotted in a polar plot. I'd like to mirror this data about AZ 0 to create a symmetric graph from 0-360 azimuth. How can I do this within the POSTFEKO environment? Thank you in advance!
Import IGES into Hypermesh with Component Names
Hi. I have an IGES file previously exported from Hypermesh (2021.1) using the Export Geometry option. Following were the export options AssemblyMode = groups OptimizeForCAD = off OuterLoop = optional When I try to import the same IGES back into Hypermesh, the components are separated, but their names are lost (replaced by…
Condensation using CMS method(CMSMETH)
Hello, I want to create an EXB file that is condensed in Optistruct using CMSMETH which is later used in AVL excite MBS software. I have one example file but I don´t know how it was created and where (simlab or Hypermesh). Can anyone help me with how to do it? For example I have an gear model as you can see in tha below…
How to generate condensed (EXB) model using CMS method (CMSMETH)
Hello, I want to create an EXB file that is condensed in Optistruct using CMSMETH which is later used in AVL excite MBS software. I have one example file but I don´t know how it was created and where (simlab or Hypermesh). Can anyone help me with how to do it? For example I have an gear model as you can see in tha below…
Student Edition Unavailable
I have followed the steps and procedure as mentioned on website video still not able to get student edition bundle in the suite section please guide me regarding this
Periodic surface mesh icon
Dear all, i used hypermesh in the past but with the new visualization in hyperworks i not find the icon for periodic mesh. Could some one help me? Below there is a screenshot of old hypermesh 2017… but where i can find this command icon on hyperworks? Thanks Stefano
HyperStudy link doesn't work
I Made the link in the hyperstudy and checked the number changed in doe But after simulation the linked sinusodial Rotation didn't changed in the EDEM How Can I fix this problem?
nFX[c] Execution Problem on Windows
Hi Experts, I have an nFX result and try to execute nFX[c] for post-processing, but the program does not progress anymore after the message 'Waiting for connection from nFX at "test"' pops up. I'm wondering how to solve it. The cmd is launched by double-click the set_nFX_environment.bat file. Thanks, Gary
Bond status in the fiber bounding model?
Please let me know how I can see the broken bond in the bond status plot
Issues with exporting control cards
I'm experiencing issues with hypermesh not exporting control cards with models that previously worked without issues. The first time PARAM cards stopped exporting/writing out to the bdf. The PARAM card in the model needed to be delete from the HM model and re-created. HM is now doing the same with GLOBAL_OUTPUT_REQUEST…
Shape Optimization 관련해서 문의드립니다.
안녕하세요. Flux2D 예제를 통해 최적화 방법을 공부하고 있는데 이에 관해 몇가지 문의하려고 합니다. 1. 'Shape optimization of an RSM' 예제 Flux2D 예제인 'Shape optimization of an RSM'을 통해 최적화 과정을 공부하려 하는데, 도중에 오류가 발생하여 문의 드립니다. 예제를 그대로 따라가다가 'Free shape optimization' 기능을 통해 최적화를 실행하면 실행 도중 아래의 오류가 뜨면서 멈춰버립니다. No result file found. Please check repository…
Transient Magnetic 2D analysis in Altair Flux 2025
Hello community members, I have modeled a couple inductor in the "Transient Magnetic 2D application". And I want to perform a transient analysis by exciting the coils with specific exponential decaying waveforms. I don't know how to do that as there are not enough content about it. Moreover, in "Solving scenario window"…