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Welcome to the new and improved Community! We are excited to welcome you to the new and improved Altair Community experience. By joining, you become a part of a thriving and engaged network of over 1.3 Million users to access resources, share ideas and solutions, and connect with fellow experts worldwide. Benefit from the…
Altair Community Magnetics Chat
Join us for an exciting technical series where we will showcase the new capabilities of High Frequency and Low Frequency tools in Altair. This monthly series is designed to empower industry experts by providing them with insights into the latest features, workflows, and advancements in Altair’s Electromagnetics solutions.…
PSIM initialization problem for generated code
Hi, I am using PSIM generated code with ADC and PWM initialization by PS_SysInit(2, 20). At same time, I needed to use I2C channel of f28377D. Thats why I used, Device_init() and Board_init() function generated C2000.syscfg. Is it possible to merge two separate initialization function together? The source code of Psbios.h…
/MONVOL/GAS: Monitor volume for tire, tank or air bag, Simple example model.
Overview: /MONVOL/GAS is a monitor volume which uses ideal gas EOS. This is easy to use. I will explain how /MONVOL/GAS works with a simple cube crash simulation. Exanple 01: No /MONVOL/GAS To understand diffarence caused by /MONVOL/GAS, I show a simulation without it. In the simulation, the cube is crashed by the heavy…
High Frequency Antenna Platform Radiation Pattern Analysis
Hi, I want to analyze the radiation pattern on the high frequency reflector antenna platform at FEKO. However, the platform is electrically very large compared to the wavelength. What steps should I follow to obtain results close to full wave analysis? I will analyze the reflector antenna operating in the X band on the…
Regarding Hyperview Image capturing
Hi, while post processing results in hyperview, I need to capture the images by the default hyperview image capture, rather than capturing myself by using snip or Hyperview capturing options. the thing is like i need to capture multiple images in different hyperview windows, in a same image dimension and i don't want to…
PSD to Time Series OML Utility
Overview: This OML utility generates a time-domain realization of a signal from a PSD given as an input and writes it in a CSV file. It allows for visualization of both PSD and realization of the signal. The input PSD must be stored in a CSV file containing two columns, frequency [Hz] and magnitude. E.g.: 5,1.41E-02…
Generating PM-FlexTire files using provided STPtoOBJ executable.
I'm having issues generating all the files required to perform a coupled FlexTire analysis with MotionSolve/EDEM. I'm currently running version 2024.1 of both MotionView/MotionSolve and EDEM. I've got the PME_FlexTire.dll and STPtoOBJ.exe installed in my EDEM\bin location as described in the FlexTire installation…
Compose signal processing - PSD 2 Time-serie
Hi all, I am trying to transform a PSD into a time-history. I am using the method described in the E-book of signal processing under Compose but I am facing two errors in the script, namely I cannot display the time signal and the inverse calculation to recalculate the DSP with the time signal does not work with pwelch…
Cannot use groups to define Guide and Limit faces in Select Adjacent Layers
I'm having an issue with SimLab 2024.1 where I cannot use Face Groups to define the Guide faces and Limit faces in the Select Adjacent Layers tool. I can click on faces on the model normally which works however when I try to add a Face Group nothing shows up. Is this intended behaviour and is there a work around for an…
License deactivation from old PC
Hi, My old pc is not working anymore, so I bought a new device and I need to transfer my PSIM license to this new device. Please deactivate the license from the old pc. Thank you for your prompt assistance.
Certification of Membership
May i Request for Certificate of Membership Altair Community
I am using S Life Plastics 3.2.0 software. I can't get the material database while doing the fatigue
While using the S Life Plastics 3.2.0 software I am not getting the material database while doing the fatigue analysis. So what can i do to get the material database for performing the fatigue analysis?
Using Hyperview: adding curve statistics to Hypergraph
I would like to add info to a graph in a certain Way: Calculating statistics of a curve (Simply max/min for x&y + amplitude) in a graph. Attaching this information to corresponding curve in the graph. Now I do this just by pasting the statistics info to a note, but I would like to do this automatically, using template or…
お世話になっております。 SAOを利用していますが、SAOに同梱されているTomcat 9.0.64に脆弱性があるのでバージョンアップするように社内で指示を受けました。 最新の9.0.98はダウンロードしたのですが、バージョンアップの手順がわかりません。 教えて頂けないでしょうか。
About runing S-Timer
Hi, everyone. I recently installed S-Timer and activated the software with the Student Edition license key. Unfortunately, when I ran the software, it showed an error message. I tried to reinstall it to resolve the problem, but it didn't work. What should I do? Thanks in advance!
ERROR # 5408 - No Structural modes have been found
I am building an input deck a bit manually for demonstration purpose of how FRA works. Attached is the deck I built (which is actually based on the training example available from Altair). However, when I run this deck, I get ERROR # 5408 ANALYSIS RESULTS : ------------------ ITERATION 0 *** WARNING # 3917 No mode exists…
Can anyone tell me how to increase the Variable j by clicking the Next button in GUI.
set i 0 set j 0 set win .window catch {destroy $win} toplevel $win -class TopClass wm title $win "Master GUI" wm geometry $win 400x200+900+650 wm resizable $win 0 0 wm deiconify $win button $win.01 -text "Next" -font {times 15 bold} -command {Script [expr $i + 1]} place $win.01 -x 230 -y 130 -width 140 -height 36 proc…
I have a question about an error message in FEKO.
I am using FEKO and have encountered a problem. When I open CADFEKO and click 'Create a new project,' an error message appears. (See attached image) How can I resolve this?
How get rid of this error?
I am trying to simulate a chasis crash analysis in Hypemesh-Radioss for first time.But I'm facing following error .Can anybody help me to get rid of this error?
an error message in FEKO
I am using FEKO and have encountered a problem. When I open CADFEKO and click 'Create a new project,' an error message appears. (See attached image) How can I resolve this?
Irregularities in meshing
I am trying to mesh the circular part of a K joint. I have assigned equal densities in opposite sides. But when we go to the inner region, the density is decreased. I was expecting to have elements in concentric circles which is true at the edges but not in the middle. Other condition is when I have 7 element in one side…
*** ERROR # 4966 *** Minimum time increment reached, analysis aborted.
When I open this H3D file, the block is penetrating like this, and I don't know what to fix. Please help me I'm attaching the file for reference.
How to simulate a impact Wrench Mechanism in Altair Motion View / Solve ?
I have a Impact wrench mechanism CAD and I want to simulate it in Motion Solve / view then extract the loadings like force, torque etc…. Then use that loadings for FEA Analysis , also I would like to model a Flexible Body to obtain a Stress and Strain Result in Motion Solve. I have one you tube Tutorial link which contains…
[SimLab] SimLab 실행 시 특정 스크립트를 자동으로 실행시키는 방법
SimLab의 python window는 IPython 기반의 Jupyter QtConsole을 사용하며, 프로그램 실행 시 hwx라는 이름의 profile을 불러옵니다. SimLab을 실행하면서 특정 경로에 있는 py 파일을 이름 순서대로 순차적으로 실행시킵니다. 해당 방법은 다음과 같습니다. 경로 이동: C:\Users\sohyung.altair\SimLab_V2024.1\hwx.ipython\profile_hwx\startup 실행시키고자 하는 py 파일을 해당 경로에 붙여 넣기 참고로 1번에서 안내드린 경로는 SimLab 버전, Windows 계정명,…
[SimLab] python window의 buffer size 조절하는 방법
SimLab에서는 python 기반의 자동화 스크립트를 지원하며, python window에서 스크립트 실행, 작성 및 수정을 해보실 수 있습니다. python window를 사용하시면 일정 줄까지만 화면에 보여지고, 그 이전에 작성된 내용은 화면에서 사라지게 됩니다. 만약 많은 변수에 대한 값을 출력하고 확인하기 위해서 더 많은 줄을 화면에 표시하고자 하신다면 아래의 방법을 사용해보실 수 있습니다. python window에 default로 설정되어 있는 buffer size를 수정하는 방법은 다음과 같습니다. 1. buffer size 조절 스크립트 작성 SimLab의…
thea for sketchup 라이선스 인증방법
프로그램 다운후 라이선스키 까지는 받은 상태입니다. 프로그램을 열어봤는데 라이선스가 인증이 안되어 있는 상태입니다. 라이선스 키를 어디에 입력을해서 해당 프로그램을 사용해야 하는지 모르겠습니다. 인증하는 방법 있을까요?