Welcome to the Altair Community! Get Started Here
Welcome to the new and improved Community! We are excited to welcome you to the new and improved Altair Community experience. By joining, you become a part of a thriving and engaged network of over 1.3 Million users to access resources, share ideas and solutions, and connect with fellow experts worldwide. Benefit from the…
Whether the derived contact force is a single contact
Is the data derived from the contact force the force of a sing.le contact at this moment, or the total force of all contacts at this time? I saw that there is a textbook that says that it is a single contact, so I want to verify the following. Thank you.
How to edit material on hypermesh to optimize multi-material
Someone can help me about multimaterial optimization?
How to more easily export AcuProbe results from multiple simulations of SimLab? Also, what kind of r
Hello experts, I've been running a large number of simulations in SimLab and need to export the AcuProbe results for each one. Currently, I have to open the log of each simulation and manually export the results, which takes me around 2 hours or more just for this task. Here you can see a folder showing a quarter of the…
Measure function in hyperwork
Hi everyone, I would like to know the function used for the Measure tool in HyperWorks. I checked the documentation and noticed that running the Measure function in HyperWorks does not record any commands in the command history section. Additionally, I could not find any useful information about this in the documentation.…
Export SPC forces in SimLab
Hello, I want to export the SPC forces from the simulation. I found an option called "Query results" in the results section, but I don’t know how to export them for all the time steps in the simulation. Is there a way to export all these forces over time for some shell elements? Is there any way to plot this?
Trouble Getting to Altair Learning Portal
Is anyone having trouble getting to the Altair Learning Portal (https://learn.altair.com/login/index.php)? I have tried to get in both today and yesterday and keep getting time out errors. Trying to figure out if it on Altair's end or if I need to submit a request to my IT.
Integrate Knowledge Graphs into Patient Safety Workflows
The Altair® RapidMiner® data analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) platform offers the ability to transform all relevant data into a common format using shared concepts and relationships. Data engineers, working collaboratively with safety experts, can set up robust automated pipelines that integrate all available…
How do I move my SLC Hub installation from one server to a new (replacement) server?
I am drafting some notes on this topic…"How do I move my SLC Hub installation from one server to a new (replacement) server?" The biggest consideration is: Can existing client-side references to your SLC Hub be preserved? e.g. Is the hostname going to be different. The Hub hostname, port, and TLS certificates are stored in…
Integrating non-HyperWorks solver in HyperStudy
Hello HyperStudy users, To check if a specific non-HyperWorks solver can be integrated with HyperStudy, one must ensure that the below listed pre-requisites are fulfilled: If the non-HyperWorks solver meets the above listed pre-requisites, one can follow the below-mentioned process of integrating non-HyperWorks solver with…
Free-size optimization as part of the 3 phase composite structure optimization.
Hello, I am currently practicing 3-phase optimization of a simple laminated model—a flat plate under bending—where my layup sequence is as follows: 0/-45/45/90/45/-45/0. All plies have the same thickness, and I want to carry out the optimization following the 3-phase process described in Altair. However, I am facing…
HyperMesh 2024.1: Secondary Ribbon Menu / Context-Sensitive Toolbar not showing
I'm trying to perform topology optimization tasks with hypermesh 2024.1 and mechanical Solvers. As I load the component and I try to separate the design region from the non design region with the split tool, by clicking on it, no Secondary Ribbon Menu / Context-Sensitive Toolbar is showing. The same happens with all the…
2D topology optimization
We tried topology optimization in 2D. In the following tutorial, PSHELL elemets are used. Why is the element type used? I think plane strain element is standard but it cannot be chosed. Thank youThank you. OS-T: 2000 Design Concept for a Structural C-Clip…
[Inspire] 누락된 면 확인하고 생성하기
Inspire에 CAD파일을 불러들이면, 일부 면이 누락 되어 3D한 형상을 정상적으로 인식하지 못하는 경우가 있습니다. 이 때 아래 영상과 같이 Close Holes라는 기능을 통해 누락된 부분을 확인하고 생성할 수 있습니다.
基礎編「Student Editionによるフォーミュラカーの空力解析手順」
およそ15分の動画で空力解析のプロセスを学びましょう!! この動画で学ぶこと 概要: 180Km/h で走行するフォーミュラカーの各部に発生する抗力や揚力を計算し、流れ場の様子を確認する ● プリ処理: HyperWorks CFD •HyperWorks CFDの初期設定 •形状データの読み込み •対称面による分割と計算領域の作成 •部品ごとの抗力を計算するためのサーフェスグループの作成 •材料(空気)および境界条件の設定 •車両周辺の詳細メッシュ領域の設定 •車両周りメッシュの作成と確認 •AcuSolve計算実行 ●ポスト処理: HyperView 、 HyperWorks CFD…
/MAT/LAW25 CRASURV 材料を順を追って理解していきます
はじめに CFRP などの、特に積層向けの複合材料と言えば /MAT/LAW25 (/MAT/COMPSH) の CRASURV 材料なのですが、非常にパラメータが多く、複雑ですので、いきなり全パラメータを埋めていくのは難しいと思います。 そこで、本記事では 線形材料としての定義 応力に上限を設定する。 降伏するが、降伏応力は拡大しない 降伏応力も拡大する、非線形材料としての定義 という順番で、階段を一段ずつ上るように説明していきます。用途によっては 1段目、2段目で十分ということもあると思うので、そういう意味でも、この順番で理解を深めていくのが良いと思います。 線形材料としての定義…
パートを細かく分けて、パートごとに板厚を定義する ある程度はなめらかにできます。 パートは HyperMesh上ではコンポーネントですが、コンポーネントやプロパティでグループ分けができるので、モデル管理は簡単です。 要素ごとに板厚を定義する Radioss では、要素一つ一つに板厚を定義できます。もちろん /PROP/SHELL などのプロパティ設定値よりも優先されます。なめらかな分布を持たせるときに活用できます。
How can I deactivate a sudent license without access to the device?
I formatted my PC and and when I tried to activate PSIM I got this error. I read I had to deactivate the license from the device but I have no longer access. What can I do?
How do you install Altair SLC 2024 on wine 6 running on Linux Mint (Ubuntu)?
I have successfully installed Altair Analytics Workbench on wine 6 running on Linux Mint 21 (Ubuntu 22.04) using the *.msi installer. When I tried to install Altair SLC the same way, I get these errors: MESA-INTEL: warning: Bay Trail Vulcan support is incomplete…
how to plot contact chain in EDEM
how to plot contact chain in EDEM
Inspire crashes when running motion analysis
I'm having a problem with Altair Inspire when I want to analyze a movement. The program works correctly as long as there is NO contact set between parts (both as structural or joint contact). If there are any contacts the program closes automatically when pressing the motion run button. My PC has all the technical…
Predictive maintenance: Use historical data to determine when a component will require maintenance
Component and product failure can cause significant delays and be very costly. While scheduled maintenance is a must, there are often key indicators that a component is likely to fail outside of a scheduled maintenance window. In this video, we show how the Altair RapidMiner platform can help predict failures so you can…
How to use 'Deep Learning' operator?
In a multi class classification problem, I understand softmax output function needs to be used. Where do we set this in the configuration of the 'Deep Learning' operator?
Activation issue
Good afternoon,I would like to request support for the following issue: I am facing an activation issue with the HyperMesh software. When I launch the software, an Activation Problem window appears with the following log: "[12/02/24 12:23:45] Activating features... [12/02/24 12:23:45] Trying to activate... [12/02/24…
Unknown account number
Hello I'm trying to raise a support ticket but one of the required fields to fill in is the account which I do not know. What account is this? Thank you
where can i find abaqus-simlab-edem coupling tutorial?
where can i find abaqus-simlab-edem coupling tutorial?