Import IGES into Hypermesh with Component Names
Hi. I have an IGES file previously exported from Hypermesh (2021.1) using the Export Geometry option. Following were the export options AssemblyMode = groups OptimizeForCAD = off OuterLoop = optional When I try to import the same IGES back into Hypermesh, the components are separated, but their names are lost (replaced by…
Mesh problem with physics lines
Hello. After meshing, I checked physics and got the following message. message Begin of physical check ... The lines : of the plan of periodicity have no linked discretisation. The mesh periodicity is not assured. The PERIODICITY PeriodicityNumberZaxis can not be taken into account Lines of the constraint without reference…
Geometry problem when meshing after modifying BLDC example
Hello. I want to change the BLDC coil shape and analyze it, so I changed the coil shape of the basic example file as follows. (Proceeded with the example that progressed to physics) And when I performed the mesh, the following message appeared. - output message - List of linked faces without source face (geometry): 112 113…
How to apply a force to a rotational axis that does not rotate with it in MotionView
Hi everyone I am modeling a transmission system that includes gears. I plan to replace the gear meshing force with a pair of concentrated forces. Therefore, the application point of the forces is not on the axis of the gear. I need to ensure that the application point does not rotate with the axis, so the gear force stays…
X11 Forwarding - Recieving X Output
Hello, I'm having an issue receiving X output from within Interactive jobs. I have confirmed that X output will return outside of a job. Submission Arguments: qsub -XI qsub -XI -l host=[exec host] xterm <return> ============================================ strace output points to an inability to write to localhost and/or…
Wheel Loader Simulation using MotionSolve and Activate
Overview This is a co-simulation example of a wheel loader model using MotionView / MotionSolve along with Activate. The simulation: * Models the dynamic effect on the wheel loader during operation * Connects a hydraulics model in Activate with mechanical model in MotionSolve * Predicts the stress in Boom, Connecting Rod…
Convert RADIOSS model to LSDYNA
Hi, Is it possible to convert RADIOSS model to LSDYNA model? If so, can we convert everything? Contacts, boundary conditions, materials, properties, etc... I have seen an answer from 7 years ago using HyperCrash, but I don´t know if it is still a valid solution.…
Exclude single ply from composite optimization
I have a composite part that I'd like to optimize. The base ply structure is a standard 0°/45°/90°/-45°/0°-stack. I want to optimize this part and reduce the plies in areas where they're not structurally necessary. The first ply should however not be optimized to get a uniform surface of the part, so only the remaining…
Some error message when save EDEM files
Hi, When I changed the generated rate(kg/s) of particles in factory, the error message would popup as figure. Can anyone explain this?
How to run a Flux project generated in the 2024 version on the 2021 Flux version?
How to run a Flux project generated in the 2024 version on the 2021 Flux version?
Is there any tcl script for property or component renumbering based on the same component with different thickness.
I have one component with different thickness. For example: 1.5024XXX-1XX, 0.96 thk 2.5024XXX-1XX, 0.58 thk 2.5024XXX-1XX, 0.36 thk So for the above example i want to give the numbering sequence one after another instead of the random number.
How to get the list of common elements present in the multiple Entity Sets
Basically i need to know is there any element is present in the mutiple sets. I have created 5 entity sets from my assembly model. I need to know while creating is there is any element found in mutiple sets which i created. How to identify it.
Reflection of pressure waves in piping systems with HW
Hello, I have a questions about a possible study: is it possibile with HW CFD to evaluate the reflection of pressure waves? For examples I inject a periodic pressure forcing on one side (is it possible?) and I want to see how the pressure varies at different points in time. For an open pipes (one inlet and one outlet) and…
Modal Frequency Response Analysis 관련 질문입니다.
안녕하세요, 한화시스템 위성시스템 5팀 신현철입니다. Hypermesh/Optistruct를 이용하여 진동해석을 하고있는데요 해당 해석을 하기 위해 Load Step의 Analysis type 중 'Freq. resp [modal]'을 이용하고 있습니다. 여기서 궁금한 점이, 요소수 가 많은 시스템 레벨의 FE Model은 대부분의 해석 시간이 EIGRL혹은 EIGRA 카드를 이용한 고유진동수 해석에서 소요됩니다. 혹시, Normal modes 해석을 별도로 수행한 후, 결과 데이터를 이용하여 주파수 응답해석 및 랜덤진동해석 에 활용할 수 있는 방법론이 있을까요?…
Unexpected Decrease in Total Contact Force and Discrepancies in Flexural Strength Predictions in Three-point Bending Simulation
Hello, I am conducting a three-point bending simulation of a composite material using Radioss. However, I am encountering an issue where the total contact force consistently begins to decrease at a fixed time, regardless of the failure criteria employed. While the predicted flexural modulus aligns with experimental…
Sanity check: conservation of angular momentum problem (sprinkler rotation)
Hi, I'm trying to perform a co-simulation (acusolve-motionsolve) to solve a sprinkler rotation problem similar to this, I've finished the set-up lunched the computation, with no errors, while waiting for the solution to converge, I want to make sure that the problem is properly set up since I do not have a strong…
What does this mean! Hourglass Possible On Shells?
hi, Recently I have created a Radioss crash model, I exported the 0.rad model and import it into HyperCrash to do a model check, what I find really really confusing is that it throws a warning saying that there are shells with possible hourglass? But what does it even mean? I have not been able to find information about…
Hi, can anyone help to please identify the orientation i.e. X, Y, Z, RX, RY, RZ directions of the compliant universal joint in the images attached? - (joint is as per front lower control arm unv joint from multilink template)
Image1 shows the joint definition and coordinate orientation and how it is oriented via two axes. I've sketched three orthogonal directions and the joint is selected in the image - 1) one along the direction of the control arm to the knuckle hard point --> (is this X direction?) 2) one along the bushing axial direction…
Confused! HOW to convert RADIOS model to NASTRAN?
Hi I have a RADIOSS model where I have the mesh, material, properties, contacts and boundary conditions defined for a simple crash test! Now I would like to export/convert the model to perform an analysis in NASTRAN. I have tried to change the User Profile and export the bdf file! But when I try to run it it says that no…
Can someone help me resolve this error
I see the following error when I am trying to simulate a patch antenna model: The following message from the master process (MYID= 0): ERROR 33867: Error (13) checking/creating temporary directory at C:\Temp\ See also message in the output file pentagonalantenna_2021_new2_fr_1_ada_1.out The following message from the…
Porous media definition
Hello, I am simulating a flow through a filter. I have the drawing of the filter (is a oil filter cartridge) and QxdP chart. I have modelled the circuit with the filter medium. Then I imposed porous media to the solid of the filter medium. My doubts are: * How can I define the thickness? What is the thickness? Is it…
Geometry won't display
Hello, I have weird problem with HyperWorks Desktop 2021. When I import a geometry the geometry won´t be shown on the display. I know that the import works and the modelparts are correctly imported but I just can't see them. Does anyone know what the Problem might be? Here you can clearly see the parts are imported and…
Calculate eddy current density from magnetic vector potential
Hello everyone, I try to check the FEA theory by calculating the current density from magnetic vector potential. I obtain the magnetic vector potential on each mesh node of the study region (copper, non-magnetic) at 2 time steps in a row and try to calculate the current density according equation [Finite Element Method for…
Changing Default Folders in Monarch Classic
This describes how to change the default folder paths for the following files: Report Files Import & External Lookup Files Model Files Project Files Export Files Prerequisites: A Monarch restart is required for the following changes to take effect. Steps: 1.) Open Monarch Classic. 2.) In the Home tab, select Options. 3.)…
FMU from MotionView to Simulink
Hello, I am facing issues trying to couple MotionSolve and Simulink, I created a very simple model which imposes the kinematics and simulink should provide aero forces and control forces. The FMU is created succesfully and I can import it in Simulink in a FMU box. However, many times Simulink crushes, despite motionsolve…