To change the view cube orientation according to the stamping direction for Inspire Form Feasibility module.
By default, the View Cube appears at the bottom-left corner of the modeling window. And it rotates the model to the nearest possible orientation of the selected face. If that orientation is not the standard, clicking the face again re-aligns the model back to the standard orientation. If the orientation is already…
Altair Inspire 2024 전 제품군 설치 방법
* AxAltairInspire2024_win64.exe 파일 ‘관리자 권한’ 실행 . ※ AxAltairInspire####2024_win64.exe 파일을 실행하면 별도의 폴더가 생성되고 내부에 설치에 필요한 파일들이 다운로드 됩니다. ※외부망과 연결이 되지 않은 경우, 정상적으로 다운로드 및 설치가 불가합니다. 이 경우 support@altair.co.kr 로 연락 주시기 바랍니다. * ‘OK’ 클릭 * ‘다음’ 클릭 * 설치 파일 다운로드 및 자동으로 설치 실행 ※AltairXpress2024폴더가 생성되고 하위에 총 6개의 설치 파일들이 다운로드 됩니다. * 설치…
Mathematical model for deep drawing
Hello everyone! I am doing simulations of sink filling from stainless steel sheets AISI 201 and AISI 430. At the moment I can visualize the conformability diagrams and equivalent stress maps of Von Mises. However, I would like to know, is there a way of knowing the mathematical equations that the software uses to model,…
Q: Inspire Formでのバインダーとパッドの違いを教えていただけないでしょうか。
A: バインダーとパッドの違いですが、「バインダー」は単体で独立した動作をしますが、「パッド」は付随させるツールがある場合にInspire Formではこの名称が使用されております。
Q: Inspire Formの材料ライブラリにSPCC材、もしくはそれに近い材料データベースはライブラリ中にないでしょうか?
A: JIS規格のSPCCに相当する鋼材としまして、EN規格のDC03~07が該当しますのでこちらを代替材料としてご使用いただけますでしょうか。
Q: Inspire Formのインクリメンタル解析では、ツールの自動ポジション設定後の初期状態のデフォルト値が板厚+20%に自動調整されるのでしょうか?
A: はい、その通りです。 プルダウンメニューのファイル > プリファレンス > Inspire Form > インクリメンタル解析 > 設定 > ツールオフセット係数のデフォルト値が 板厚*1.2となっており推奨値となります。
Q: Inspire Form で板厚減少率のコンター結果の注釈を表示した際にその座標を確認する事は出来ますか?
A: 座標を表示する事が可能です。 * 解析エクスプローラの注釈で任意位置のコンター結果を表示します。 * 注釈オプション右側の注釈リストをクリックします。 * 注釈リストの項目をクリックし位置にチェックを入れて表示しますとXYZの座標が表示されます。
Is it possible to implement yield-2000 model in Inspire Form?
I would like to implement Yield-2000 criteria in my model, which is not among the three allowed choices in the material creation pannel. Is it possible to integrate other models which are available in Radioss?
Simulate at the Speed of Design 2024
Looking to Cut Down Development Time and Lower Costs for Your Next Product? By leveraging CAE, FEA simulation technologies early in the development process, you can expedite the creation of high-performance, profitable products. However, we also understand the challenges you may face selecting the right simulation solution…
Strategic Decision Making in Manufacturing with Digital Twins
The Challenge In the metal forming industry, simulation of processes and the resulting material behavior has become a highly valuable standard practice. The investigation of key process parameters - such as material flow, temperature range, required press tonnage, as well as resulting material characteristics including…
Predicting Sheet Metal Simulation Results Within Seconds Using Altair Physics AI.
Altair Inspire Form is a sheet metal simulation software that allows users to enhance and optimize forming process. One of the challenges in forming industry is to quickly determine the optimized blank shapes and sizes. With using Inspire Form integrating with the Altair Physics AI, one can predict the sheet metal…
Altair Physics AIとの連携による高速プレス成形解析
Inspire Form/HyperFormは、金属のプレス成形プロセスをシミュレーションするソフトウェアです。プレス成形プロセスの設計課題として、最適なブランク形状および寸法の決定があります。プレス成形時の成形性を満足するブランク寸法の早期の導出が求められます。ここでは、ブランク寸法の変化がプレス成形性に及ぼす影響を検討しています。Altair Physics AIは、過去のシミュレーションデータから学習することで、高速な物理予測を実現します。 以下は幾つかの寸法のブランク設計を学習した簡単な事例です。解析モデルはS字型の絞り型を使用しました(図1)。 図1…
Error 156 - Function Read: error in the Bottom binder spring curve definition
When I define a custom operation with top die, bottom die, top binder, bottom binder, the simulation will terminate due to an error when reading the bottom binder spring's curve. In particular, I can see from the .rad file that the points on the x axis are not defined correctly: I can modify them manually and solve with…
Which is the best way to have a parametric study on the binder force in inspire form?
I would like to set up a parametric study in Inspire Form. My goal is to evaluate the final blank shape for a certain range of binder force.
Inspire Form simulation does not make any progress, even though there is no error
When I launch a simulation on Inspire Form it progresses up to 50%, but then stays at this point indefinitely. There is no error message and on the run folder the CurRunStatus.xml file is the only one to be updated. The c2f.log does not display any message: How could I solve this?
To predict a blank shape for a feasibility analysis setup.
Topic Details: This is to predict the blank shape when running feasibility analysis setup. Step 1. Run the feasibility simulation to get the flat blank (initial shape). Step 2. Run the blank nesting operation using Overlap option ON. Step 3. Check the nesting results and press right click on blank layout and select Extract…
Adaptive mesh technique for the simulation of a forming metal sheet component.
The provided model showcases the forming of a metal sheet component. Adaptive meshing technique is used to improve the results of the simulation, while minimizing the number of elements and, hence, the cost of simulation. Altair® HyperForm® has been used in order to set this model up. The model overview is displayed in…
Predicting Blank Shape for a multistage setup.
This is to predict the blank shape when there is a trimming or piercing operation is available in the multistage setup with an open trim line/multiple lines. Step 1. Run the complete simulation with the flat blank. Step 2. Extract the outer edge of the final stage blank component for prediction. Step 3. Predict the trim…
How could i see the ram punch force and how could i stop the binder in the end in Inspire Form
Hello, I only saw the binder forces in the results, but no force for Ram. It is possible to stop the binder in the end of stroke? Sometimes i have less force on the binder and i need the end position fix. Thanks a lot
Altair inspire form simulation running error.
I have a problem when ı try to run my simulation. Every time ı get this error when ı try to run it. Error Says ' Error creating new process'. I tried it with your tutorial and have same problem even with it.
How to push CPUs to limits in Inspire Form 2022.2
Hi everyone, My workstation is running on a Core i9 10900k with 10 cores and 20 threads. But it only uses 1 or 2 cores (<15% utilization rate) for the solver. Is there any way to make it use all of it's power? It's not the matter with simple problem and short solving time. But sometimes, I have to wait for minutes but…
Inspire form springback problem
hi, I'm designing a progressive shearing and bending die. I am simulating the 2 bending operations present in my die and I am interested in predicting the springback of the material. The bends are sort of a 32 degree flang and an asymmetrical U bend. To verify the goodness of the software I'm carrying out the simulation of…
Simulate at the speed of Design 2023
Simulate at the speed of Design 2023 Learn how small and medium organizations like yours, are deploying Altair simulation (CAE, FEA) solutions like Altair® Inspire™, SimSolid®, SimLab® to reduce the risk and cost of Late Design, Manufacturing changes. Topics covered in the event, * Presentations from small-medium business…
Springback problem on inspire form
Hi, I'm doing a springback analysis for a bending operation (like a flange of 32 degrees) on a small simmetric component. In tryout ribbon i have a Custom operation with bottom, top die and top binder and a springback operation with the custom operation's bottom die as reference. In tryout results for springback i am…
Why I can not find the option to define user FLC curve in HyperForm version 2022.1?
Hi experts, I am using HyperForm, but I can not find the way how to define FLC for material. Anyone could help with that? Thanks in advance!