Mathematical model for deep drawing

Samuel Morales
Samuel Morales Altair Community Member
edited August 2024 in Community Q&A

Hello everyone! I am doing simulations of sink filling from stainless steel sheets AISI 201 and AISI 430. At the moment I can visualize the conformability diagrams and equivalent stress maps of Von Mises.

However, I would like to know, is there a way of knowing the mathematical equations that the software uses to model, for example, sheet deformation and equivalent stress calculation? In general, what mathematical model does the software use for deep drawing processes?

I also show you some of the results I have achieved

Thank you for your help.




  • Saurabh_Bhamania
    Altair Employee
    edited August 2024

    Dear Samuel,


    Can you please contact Altair support to get connected with the manufacturing experts. That way we can have a session to discuss your queries in detail.
    To create a support ticket, please send a mail to with your official mail ID. And the ticket will be assigned to the manufacturing experts.
