Inspire form springback problem

Altair Community Member
I'm designing a progressive shearing and bending die. I am simulating the 2 bending operations present in my die and I am interested in predicting the springback of the material. The bends are sort of a 32 degree flang and an asymmetrical U bend. To verify the goodness of the software I'm carrying out the simulation of a bend of a component whose springback is known because it is in the production phase. By simulating the springback with the Feasibility module, the springback is correct and also very close to reality. On the other hand, I find serious errors in the tryout module, in which, at the suggestion of the altar community, I have inserted a custom operation and the springback operation. I'm probably setting the Springback operation wrong in the tryout module and can't figure out how to set it correctly. The results I get in the tryout, in addition to being orders of magnitude smaller than reality, are also asymmetrical (it shouldn't, given the symmetry of the components) and opposite to the real case. I hope you can explain how the springback operation should be set (constraints and references) in order to obtain optimal results. I am attaching the simulation I made so that you can better see where the errors are. "Tryoutcofronto5.iform" is the simulation of the bend of the component in production. The springback is opposite to the real case and to the one obtained with the feasibility. I look forward to your support.