To change the view cube orientation according to the stamping direction for Inspire Form Feasibility module.

Altair Employee
edited October 2024 in Altair HyperWorks

By default, the View Cube appears at the bottom-left corner of the modeling window. And it rotates the model to the nearest possible orientation of the selected face. If that orientation is not the standard, clicking the face again re-aligns the model back to the standard orientation. If the orientation is already standard, repeated clicks on a major face reverses the view. 

So, when defining the stamping direction during the process setup for feasibility runs, you can change the view cube orientation as per the stamping direction and for that you can align the cube to the orientation of a selected system or boundary condition (draw direction) by right-clicking on the cube and selecting Align to System/BC and then click on the stamping direction in the modelling window to align. 
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To Re-align the cube to the global coordinate system, you can again press right click on the view cube and select Reset to Global.