Springback problem on inspire form

I'm doing a springback analysis for a bending operation (like a flange of 32 degrees) on a small simmetric component. In tryout ribbon i have a Custom operation with bottom, top die and top binder and a springback operation with the custom operation's bottom die as reference. In tryout results for springback i am obtaining opposite direction of displacement using a custom mesh of 1 mm and 0.5 mm. I'm trying to figure out why. Can someone help me?
1. You need to define the constraints or clamps to get the actual results. For that, you can use IF 2022.3 to use clamps on reference surfaces.
2. You need to select the mid surface from the Actual CAD instead of the bottom die surface to assign as a reference part for springback runs.
3. Also, try creating the reference system during results visualization near the symmetry plane and then check the results. (refer to the attached video and document).
Please let me know if this helps.
Thanks.0 -
Hi, thank you for replying, i have some questions.
1. I don't undestand what reference is in springback operation. I'm studyng the single "station" of a progressive die and when the bend operation is finished, the sheet metal is lifted up and moved to the next station. So i think my component is free to move at the end of the operation. so what costrains and reference i add? (i'm doing the simulation on only the bendings of the single component and not the entire sheet metal. The sheet metal has a central carrier and after every step of the progressive die i have the unbent component i am studying).
2. For multistage operation, i have to add the springback analysis after every operation or only at the end of all the operation?
3. To simulate bending operation what is the correct operation in inspire form (flange, custom ...)? or there are no difference?
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1. Reference part is the CAD for the final shape of the component, for which the tools are designed. And when the springback analysis is performed then it is showing displacement in the part, and that displacement is calculated based on the reference shape. Constraints or clamps are to provide the reference part for springback run defining the areas or surfaces in the parts being fixed and assuming no springback will be in the part for those areas. So the areas of the single component under the carrier are needed to be fixed or constrained as the part will be under the carrier when the tools are extracted.
And reference system is defined to create a reference plane so that the results are being visualised based on that plane.
2. For multistage operations it is suggested to define springback after every forming operation so that if there is a need for compensation, then the tools for the specific operation will be compensated and then the run performed again with the compensated tools.3. To simulate bending operation you can use Crash form or custom operation, and use Flange tools when performing flanging operation as it includes the top pad tool as well to hold the component before the die gets in contact with the part.
Please let me know if this helps.
Thanks.0 -
I tried what you said but i still have problems. Could you send me an example of a bending operation with springback analysis and the reference and costrains to put on sprinback operation? It will be very helpful.
I have also another questions.
What kind of mesh element inspire form use? If i run tryout with solid blank (not midsurface), the mesh elements are solid or still shell?
The trimming operation can be performed only after an operation of deformation or i can simulate the trimmin operation before the other operations? because its going in error if i put only a trimming operation
Thank you
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Hi Matteo,
1. For defining the spring back setup, I am attaching an example model with reference part and clamp with results in the link below, please refer to that and update if that helps.
https://ftam1.altair.com/message/kYaarnLhThcKK7coGSdx242. Inspire Form using quads only mesh for blank components and Rigid body mesh for the tools.
If using a solid blank then the elements will be solid as well.3. No, a trimming operation cannot be performed in the first stage, for that either you need to perform some forming operation or you can use the blank with the holes or trimmed areas.
Please let me know if this helps.