How can I see the area and velocity of a cross section in RADIOSS?

Yuki Kaneko
Yuki Kaneko Altair Community Member

I am currently performing a coupled fluid-structure analysis in RADIOSS.

I would like to output the time history of the cross-sectional area and flow velocity at an arbitrary cross-section of the fluid (ex: surface 50mm from the inlet boundary, as shown in the image).

How can I do that?

Best Answer

  • PaulAltair
    Altair Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hi, a few parts to the answer, in short, I'm not sure it is possible to get what you want here:

    you can make a /SURF/PLANE at a location based on XM, XM1,


    I don't think that is what you want here, a /TH/SURF with outputs MASSFLOW and AREA is only compatible with shell based surfaces and even then, only for airbag pressure/flow (not ALE) or you can get Pressure and Area in lagrangian pressure modelling like /PLOAD, /LOAD/PFLUID

    a /GAUGE and /TH/GAUGE would be better for ALE, but, in that case, you can only get /TH of P, IE, DENS, not Area or Flow

    I don't use the ALE options often so someone else may be able to give more information


  • PaulAltair
    Altair Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hi, a few parts to the answer, in short, I'm not sure it is possible to get what you want here:

    you can make a /SURF/PLANE at a location based on XM, XM1,


    I don't think that is what you want here, a /TH/SURF with outputs MASSFLOW and AREA is only compatible with shell based surfaces and even then, only for airbag pressure/flow (not ALE) or you can get Pressure and Area in lagrangian pressure modelling like /PLOAD, /LOAD/PFLUID

    a /GAUGE and /TH/GAUGE would be better for ALE, but, in that case, you can only get /TH of P, IE, DENS, not Area or Flow

    I don't use the ALE options often so someone else may be able to give more information