Vim で OptiStruct や Radioss に縦ライン表示を入れて見やすくする例題
始めに Radioss や OptiStruct の入力ファイルを見るとき、このように縦ラインが入ると見やすいですよね。本例題は、このような縦ラインを入れるための Vim のスクリプトの例です。 Vim が使えること前提で、Vim の使い方のような話は一切しませんので、ご了承ください。 Vim スクリプト まず、次の関数を用意します。私は .vimrc に書いています。set cc は縦線を入れることのできる設定コマンドです。この関数を呼び出すごとに 8桁、10桁、表示なし、の切り替えをします。 set cc="" function! OreBBCCToggle() if &cc == "" set…
Inspire Python API - user interaction with mouse to get coordinates for sketching and modeling?
Hello! I'd like to create some custom sketching and geometry tools in Inspire. Does the Inspire API have any features that would allow me to create scripts/extensions that incorporate user input via mouse clicks on a sketch/plane? I've been unable to find a method that will collect the coordinates of a clicked point on the…
Altair Python Training Dedicated to Hypermesh / Hyperworks Automation
Hi. our organization want to develop the current team with Python training from scratch which dedicated focusing on HyperMesh Automation. I am curious to know, what should be our training path to follow and points to cover in training so as to get insides of the Automation using python. Also, If you know any Institute /…
Preference file example for extra StackMath operations
Overview: This is the preference file which is used in the video below: Please note the user expressions in the Preference file needs to be coded with Templex. Please feel free to reach us if you have any request related to functions you would like to implement. Prerequisite: Usage/Installation Instructions: Load this…
SimLab Automation, identyfying faces, bodies, creating groups
Hi everyone! I wanted to improve my quick scripts to enable submodelling procedures as well as to make the flow more accessible for other geometries. I've stumbled on some issues while trying to identify the ID of faces inside my model. Basically it is a housing part that is pre-cutted and therefore it has submodell…
Preference file to expose source file of the critical subcase for Envelope loadcases
Overview: This preference file can be used in case you create an envelope in HyperView from different files, where loadcases share all the same loadcase name (eg: hyp files from NCode). It helps to identify the critical loadcase by source name instead of loadcase label Prerequisite: Usage/Installation Instructions: Follow…
PSD to Time Series OML Utility
Overview: This OML utility generates a time-domain realization of a signal from a PSD given as an input and writes it in a CSV file. It allows for visualization of both PSD and realization of the signal. The input PSD must be stored in a CSV file containing two columns, frequency [Hz] and magnitude. E.g.: 5,1.41E-02…
Can anyone tell me how to increase the Variable j by clicking the Next button in GUI.
set i 0 set j 0 set win .window catch {destroy $win} toplevel $win -class TopClass wm title $win "Master GUI" wm geometry $win 400x200+900+650 wm resizable $win 0 0 wm deiconify $win button $win.01 -text "Next" -font {times 15 bold} -command {Script [expr $i + 1]} place $win.01 -x 230 -y 130 -width 140 -height 36 proc…
[HyperView] Tcl 명령어를 활용한 각 window 별 .gif 파일 일괄 저장 방법
HyperView에서 간단한 TCL 명령어를 사용해 각 window 별 애니메이션을 .gif 파일로 일괄 저장하는 방법에 대해 안내 드리겠습니다. 해당 명령어를 사용하면 각 window마다 일일이 File > Screen capture > Video to file 할 필요 없이 지정한 폴더에 지정한 파일 명으로 일괄 저장됩니다. hwc hwd page current activewindow=1 #1번 윈도우를 활성화하는 명령어 hwc save animation page C:/user_path/1.gif #저장경로와 파일명, 확장자 지정하여 애니메이션 저장하는 명령어 위…
Rainflow Counting Algorithm - Create Simple 3D Plot
Overview: This OML script shows how to create a 3D histogram from results from the rainflow OML command. These are the steps it takes: Create signal to analyze Evaluate rainflow counting algorithm Create 3D histogram from means & ranges Format histogram to show cycle count for means & ranges Prerequisite: Install Altair…
How to rotate view in HyperMesh using script?
Hi guys! In HyperMesh tcl I use command *rotate 0.0 15.0 to rotate model in HyperMesh. Which command should I use to do the same in HyperView? We have "view orientation" but how to rotate to user-defined view? Thank you!
Implementing Higher Complexity Functions Through Python User Subroutines in MotionView
Overview: Using the Expression Builder in MotionView allows the User to write a variety of expressions to define Forces, Motions, and the positions of Points. However, higher level functions can be cumbersome in the Expression Builder, so a User Subroutine can be implemented to enable more complex and higher-order…
Location of files for HyperView python examples
Hi guys, I started to run some python examples for HyperView and HyperGraph. My version is not latest 2023.1. May be somebody knows where are those input/supporting files for python examples: aerobox.fem, aerobox-LC1-2.op2.. (see the screenshot). I guess these files are from some other tutorials - HyperMesh or OptiStruct?…
winprop material api
Prop Creator by Comps name
Overview: This Script can reduce labor when you have a large number of components and need to assign the same Property. Logic that uses 2D shell thickness information from the Component name to create a corresponding Property and assign it to the Component. Step1) There is a "t" in the Component name. This is the shell…
Why do Altair employees publish codes in the TBC bytecode format and tag them as 'Scripts'?
Why do Altair employees publish codes in the TBC bytecode format and tag them as 'Scripts'? Such scripts are useless for users and offer no educational value. If you don't want to share the code, then don't publish it under tag "Script". I've seen many such scripts on Altair Exchange, and it's very frustrating.
Modeling a Cone Penetrometer Test using EDEM
1. IntroductionThe Cone Penetrometer Test (CPT) is commonly used to characterize mechanical soil properties and often finds application in agricultural and geotechnical engineering. Also, calibration of DEM parameters against CPT results is often considered for modeling and analysis of equipment-soil interactions in…
Components Exporter as STL File
Overview: You can use this script to save Elements information per Component into its own stl file. You can choose any folder to save to, and the Component name will be automatically assigned as the filename. Usage/Installation Instructions: Run script > Choose folder Each component converts to .stl Complete Release…
Size Design Variable Creator
Overview: Macros to create design variables to use when configuring size optimization. *This script is only available on the optistruct interface. Usage/Installation Instructions: Run script > Click 'Select' Select Property Variable settings App Function Description Select Property Select Property: Choose the Property for…
Import Multiple Curve
Overview: This app is a script that imports multiple TABLED1 curves based on Optistruct. The curves are named after the name of the CSV file, please note that you need to enter the data from the 1st row of the CSV file. Usage/Installation Instructions: Run script > Load .CSV file Imported Curves Release Version: 2024.1
What is the script to generate pop up while saving the model or exporting model
I wanted to ask how to write tcl script that gives pop up once we go & save the model or preferably export the model. Its a bit urgent & replies will be helpful. @tinh Hi, Your posts are very helpful. It will be useful if you could help. Following tcl script I generated using GUI HWVERSION_2020.0.0.71_May 28…
Obtaining Elements by path using HM Commands
Hello, I have an objective to extract elements "by path". I have $elem1 and $elem2 in a closed loop. Is it possible to append the elements between $elem1 and $elem2 "by path" using tcl script and HM command? If yes, kindly provide the related API command for the same. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!…
.bdf to .hm converter in HyperMesh
Overview: This is a script to export to .bdf files. It exports .bdf models in a folder as HM models. Release Version: 2024.1
How to use scripts to create gauge pressure monitoring points in hypermesh_radioss solver?
How to use scripts to create gauge pressure monitoring points in hypermesh_radioss solver? gauge The type of the pressure monitoring point is Node definition and the node ID is used to select the pressure monitoring point.
[HyperMesh] Associate nodes to surfaces
Overview: Associate nodes to multiple surfaces at once Prerequisite: This is for HyperMesh classic interface up to 2022.3 Usage/Installation Instructions: Load this script via File » Load » Tcl/tk Select surfaces you want to associate Select nodes to associate Insert the tolerance between each surface and node Script file: