Refresh all Post-Processing pages / windows in a session
Overview: Attached 2 example scripts. "RefreshLoop.tcl" will loop over all pages and refresh each page. "RefreshLoop_each_window.tcl" will loop over all pages and all windows, and will refresh each page, and each window separately if it is a non-empty HyperGraph-client . Pre-Requisite: Usage/Installation Instructions: Run…
Select all elements in a Part assembly by TCL
Hello. I would select all elements in a part assembly to rotate it around a axis with a TCL script. Currently a part of my script already works. I find all the parts and parts assembly in my highest part assembly with the following code. set parts [hm_getvalue parts name="Joker Fluegel li Version1" dataname=childrenids] To…
Save selected nodes cordinates to*.csv file
Overview: You can save selected nodes cordinates to *.csv file Post-Requisite: You should modify file path and name. Open this tcl file in Text editor program such as notepad++ Specify CSV file path on line 2, modify "C:/WORK/TCL/temp.csv"
Change the unit of property/material in bulk (only Optistruct, Nastran inerface)
Overview: The script allows you to change the units of variable values in the HyperMesh OptiStruct, Nastran user Interface. Convertible unit systems : in lb/386 lbf, in lb lbf, mm ton N, m kg N Coverage: Grid locations PSHELL thickness , T PBAR area and moments of inertia A,i1, i2, j PROD A, J, NSM Masses: “mass” Mat1:…
Component Extracter
Overview: Saves the currently displayed Component with its respective Component name to the specified path. If you only specify a save path after running the app, each Component in the current model will be saved as Component name.hm. Step 1) Import Model with multiple components (ex: 25 components) Step 2) Run the script…
Find and Save surfaces with free edges
Overview: This script finds surfaces with free edges, highlights (selects) them, and saves them. Step 1) Import the Geometry model file. Step 2) After changing to topology color mode, Check for free edges Step 3) Run the script and find surfaces with free edges. (You can also save it.) Release Version: 2024.1
Create COG node (Geometry-Solid)
Overview: Script to create nodes at cog points in Solid. Step 1) Import a Geometry model file. Step 2) Run the script Step 3) Select Solids Step 4) Create COG node Release Version: 2024.1
Is there a Tcl command in Hypermesh to query the material orientation vector of an element?
I was wondering if there's a simple Tcl command to get the coordinates of the material orientation vector of an element, just like hm_getelementnormal *reviewmaterialorientation actually reads this vector before plotting it but I'm struggling to access its coordinates. Thanks in advance!
Generate the selected hm files as a JPE files
Overview: This script saves all hm files in a specific folder as jpeg files. Post-Requisite: Step 1) Open the tcl file and select the hm file by dragging it when the window like below appears. Step 2) The captured Image will be created as shown below. (Default path : C:\Users\Documents) Release Version: 2024.1
Bounding Hexa Mesher
Overview: Script that creates Hexa Meshs by wrapping Geometry in a box. (only geometry) Elements are created for each selected component Multiple components can be selected and created at once Post-Requisite: Step 1) Import a geometry model file. Step 2) After running the script, select the component or components that…
Setting the CBUSH Orientation
Overview: If you have many CBUSH elements with the same orientation, this is easy to define, but if each CBUSH has a different orientation, you will need to define as many CBUSH elements as you have. This script automatically assigns the length direction of the selected CBUSH elements as the default Vector, so you can…
Update RBE2/RBE3
Overview: When you need to change a model that was working with Second order to First order, Rigid (RBE2)/RBE3 is not automatically updated to match the change in Order. Therefore, if you run this script after the Order Change, the Rigid information will also be updated to match the changed Element Order. Post-Requisite:…
Moment Of Inertia CalCulator / Create Mass elements
Overview: This Script can find the Moment of inertia of the selected Solid. and "Create Mass creation" is only available in Optistruct User Profile. 1. Import a model file with Solid parts 2. Load scripts 3. Select Solid 4. Enter density and Apply 5. Check MOI 6. (optional) Click 'Create Mass' > Create CONM2 element at MOI…
Component Name Remover
Overview: You can easily delete the part of the Component name you want to delete. Just enter the desired item from the items separated by ‘_’(underbar) Post-Requisite: Enter the name you want to erase Remove name separated by underbar(_) Release Version: 2024.1
Center point generator of solid
Overview: You can use it if you need to determine the center of each Solid and generate points. In this script, you enter the name of the component in the GUI where the point to be created will be stored, and the solid's center point will be stored in the component with that name. If the name already exists, it will be…
HM Version Checker
Overview: Check the version of the hm file, which is the binary file for HyperMesh Post-Requisite: 1.Select *.hm file 2. Check the version of the file Release Version: 2024.1
Python script to create nodes grid and change the node ID so they are ordered.
Overview: This Python script creates a grid of nodes. Every new node that is created is renumbered so that the node IDs are in ascending order starting at a specified ID.
Set Creator
Overview: Utilizes the Elems, Name, and Id information of the Component to create a Set list with various names for different combinations of users. You can customize it by adding the User Define field. Post-Requisite: Run the script Select the components & Set type Set name -Set the name placement order Complete Release…
Enter the total load to calculate the area of each element and Appy pressure
Overview: This script generates pressure after calculating the area of each element by entering the total load. The total load can be expressed by selecting Force / Pressure. You can use the surface/element/node buttons to display it anywhere you want. Post-Requisite: Select the type of load you want to apply. 2. Enter the…
Separates solids contained in volumes between specified values into separate components
Overview: This script separates solids contained in a volume into separate components between user-specified values. Post-Requisite: import Solid file (Only one component) 2. Click "OK" 2. Click "OK" 3. Enter the minimum volume value. > "OK" 4. Click "OK" 5. Enter the maximum volume value. > "OK" 6. Create a component with…
Auto-generating components
Overview: This Script creates any number of Components at once. You need input conditions for the Component name and number of components. Post-Requisite: Name the component to create 2. Specify the number of components to create 3. Check the list of created components 4. Component IDs are assigned sequentially from 1 and…
Automatically Create a COG Mass at the Center of Gravity of Each Component
Overview: This script automatically creates a Mass element at the center of a Solid when a density value is entered. Select Solid and enter Density to create CONM2 at the center of Solid. Post-Requisite: Usage/Installation Instructions: Post-Requisite: Solid entity file import 2. After running the script, select solid 3.…
Automatically Create a COG Mass at the Center of Gravity of Each Component
Overview: This script automatically creates a Mass element at the center of a Solid when a density value is entered. Select Solid and enter Density to create CONM2 at the center of Solid. Post-Requisite: Solid entity file import 2. After running the script, select solid 3. Enter the density and click OK 4. This…
Ferrite Ring Coil macro
Overview This macro will create a ring coil with ferrite core based on user input. Once the ring coil has been created, only a wire port and a voltage source need to be created. A near field request already exists. VEP is used for the ferrite core. A video to demonstrate the workflow is attached. Usage/Installation…
Automatically Split a Solid Part into Multiple Solid Parts
Overview This is a script that automatically Split a Solid Part into Multiple Solid Parts. If the imported CAD solid information is in one Component, you can easily divide the Component by solids. This is handy if you have a large number of Solids. The Component is named based on the text the user enters. EX) if it is…