ERROR 1026

Hi I am trying to perform analysis of a model that consists of 1d beam elements and 3d tetra elements. I am getting this error 1026 duplicate id's found. I have tried multiple techniques to solve like renumbering and deleting duplicate elements but still the problem persists. Can anyone please help?

Best Answer


  • Rajashri_Saha
    Altair Employee


    Please share the fem and .out file of the run after deleting duplicate element.

    Will have a look.


  • hemanth kollipara_20292
    hemanth kollipara_20292 Altair Community Member

    Here are the files, please let me know what can be done?

  • hemanth kollipara_20292
    hemanth kollipara_20292 Altair Community Member

    Hi, can someone please respond to the query.

  • Rajashri_Saha
    Altair Employee


    The error now is due to some of CWELD elements where the GA and GB are sharing the same node.

    You need to update those values. See below.

    CWELD 795 2 ALIGN 680 680

    Both the grids are sharing the id 680 which is wrong. It should connect two different grids.

    So please update these CWELD elements (you can find the element ids from .out file) and rerun.


  • hemanth kollipara_20292
    hemanth kollipara_20292 Altair Community Member

    Hi rajashri,

    1) did you try renaming all the 'CBEAM' elements that share the same id and then you received this error?

    2) I have tried the same case but on a simple geometry. I did not get this error, what might be the reason for this to pop up only for this geometry?

  • Rajashri_Saha
    Altair Employee

    I did not do anything; the error is reported in your .out file.

  • hemanth kollipara_20292
    hemanth kollipara_20292 Altair Community Member

    can you please try with this fem file? As I am getting this again. If I get this error that happens only with the elements that share the same node, it should be applicable for the rest right. why particularly for few nodes?

  • Rajashri_Saha
    Altair Employee

    In this model also you need to correct the beam elements as they need to have finite length.

  • hemanth kollipara_20292
    hemanth kollipara_20292 Altair Community Member

    Ok, I did not try this method. But the model consists of large number of beams, identifying them and defining the length is difficult, how can I overcome this?

  • Rajashri_Saha
    Altair Employee

    What is the purpose of creating those beams?

    If they are really required, may be you need to recreate them as the number is quite high.

  • hemanth kollipara_20292
    hemanth kollipara_20292 Altair Community Member

    those beams elements are created from the lines. I am getting the same error even if I am recreating, changing the beams. interestingly it is happening only for few beams.

  • Rajashri_Saha
    Altair Employee
    Answer ✓

    Please correct them to have finite length and rerun.

  • hemanth kollipara_20292
    hemanth kollipara_20292 Altair Community Member

    Hi, the line segment is of finite length but the element is having trouble in having the same node id. The solution that you are suggesting to follow is a bit time difficult due to the complexity of the geometry. do you any other suggestion?