Inquiry for a tutorial that can be used for numerical analysis of an imported 3D model (MSO coil)
Hello. I asked about the possibility of numerical analysis of MSO coils and received the following response. Below you can import the 3D CAD file of MSO coil and start working on it. The work flow will be similar to any other meshed coil workflow. Assign coil to coil/solid conductors. If you are just looking for torque or…
Detailed modeling of coil geometry of BLDC motor
Hello. I want to analyze the performance of BLDC motor with MSO coil (torque, etc.) I wonder if it is possible to load 3D MSO file and analyze it and how to develop analysis model. Please answer related tutorial or method. Thank you.
MotionView cannot make dynamic link to MATLAB interpreter
To community members and Altair employees Hi, I definerd a Motion in Motionview 2021, with the uesr defined properties. Script file written in MATLAB and save as .m file. When I perform simulation, The following error message appears: ERROR: Failure in call to TERM_SUB in ···\hwsolvers\motionsolve\bin\win64\numat.dll !…
Error in accessing card image of material in batchmode
I have a script which tries to fetch the card image of the materials. I am trying to filter the materials with card image type "MATERIAL" In order to achieve this, I am using hm_getvalue mats id=$mat_id dataname=cardimage hm_getvalue mats id=$mat_id dataname=solverkeyword These command works fine when I use in GUI mode.…
Error in accessing card image of material in batchmode
I have a script which tries to fetch the card image of the materials. I am trying to filter the materials with card image type "MATERIAL" In order to achieve this, I am using hm_getvalue mats id=$mat_id dataname=cardimage hm_getvalue mats id=$mat_id dataname=solverkeyword These command works fine when I use in GUI mode.…
Inspire PolyFoam 発泡成形シミュレーション 日本語トレーニング資料
発泡成形シミュレーションシステム Inspire PolyFoamは、最新の直感的なユーザーインターフェースを使用して、軟質発泡成形部品や硬質発泡パネルの製造性設計(DfM)を効率化するための検討を行うことが可能です。このページから発泡成形解析の日本語トレーニング資料およびモデルデータをダウンロードが可能です。 このトレーニング資料をベースにInspire PolyFoamをご活用いただきたく存じます。 トレーニング内容: * ・インターフェース概要 * ・発泡解析のワークフロー * ・発泡パート * ・ノズル * ・ツール * ・プロセスパラメータ * ・解析実行 * ・演習 *
How to display velocity using a tracking system?
Hello, I want to analyze a fluid velocity in a moving rigid wall. I use a tracking system (applied on the rigid wall) on HyperView to display the relative displacement of the fluid, but the option "use tracking system" is not available for the velocity. How could I display the relative velocity? Thank you in advance.
Add a Spot on Cylindrical Face with Altair SimSolid
This video demonstrates how to use the Spots on Cylinder tool in SimSolid. Spots are used to create local areas where connections or boundary conditions can be applied. The Spots on Cylinder tool allows for creation of these local areas on the inner or outer faces of cylinders. Watch this workflow to see how to: * Isolate…
Modeling Liquid Bodies in Altair SimSolid
This video demonstrates how to apply a liquid body to an assembly in SimSolid. Watch this workflow to see how to: * Pick wetted faces using Clip with plane tool * Add automatic connections * Create and run modal analysis * Review results of modal analysis with Liquid body https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7aYlNAczYA
Why the result of free size optimization become like this?
I am doing the free size optimization with sandwich structure in order to minimize mass of the structure. And the way I create the sandwich structure is create the ply first and then use the STACK to create the laminate and use Symmetric option to define Sandwich structure. When I create the ply, the parameter that I need…
While doing a snapfit analysis in optistruct, I have given an enforced displacement to one component. While running it in simulation, both the components starts moving simultaneously
Please refer to the file attached for reference. As it can be seen that the horizontal beam starts moving before coming in contact. Can someone please help regarding this.
How to do Mesh control in EDEM
how can we control the meshing of the imported cad geometry or can we export the meshed cad geometry from EDEM
.bdf file for ADAMS Max-flex
I wanna create .bdf file to use in adams max-flex for non-linear analysis. I don't know how to do it. Can anyone pls help me
Can HyperView draw stress-strain diagrams?
I want to draw a stress-strain diagram in HyperView. Is it possible to draw?
some graphics troublewith the models.
I have the student version of Crash analysis and radioss software of hyperworks. When i import any CAD model . it is not showing the model on the screen. but when i minimize the tab and then maximize it, the model is visible on the screen. even incase if i import one model, i cannot control it with my mouse as it does not…
How composite stress in OptiStruct compute? What is the equation behind it?
I am working on free-size optimization in OptiStruct with composite material. And I use composite stress as one of my responses and I have to constraint it to have a safety factor more than 1.5. So, I would like to know how OptiStruct compute the composite stress to find the allowable composite stress that I allow it to…
FLD strain time history in Hyperview
Hello all, I am currently using Hyperview to evaluate an Abaqus simulation. It is about the evaluation of the main deformation changes in the forming limit diagram. I would now like to output the strain paths at individual points of my deep drawn part in the FLD. For this purpose, the path of an element in the strain space…
ERROR #1461 in the input data: Card "DLOAD" is not allowed for this subcase type.
Hi all, I am trying to do a nonlinear transient heat transfer analysis. I referred to example analysis (https://2021.help.altair.com/2021/hwsolvers/os/topics/solvers/os/manifold_nonlinear_transient_heat_transfer_os_example_r.htm) and created my model accordingly. As you can see from pics, the subcase card in my model is…
Temperature dependent material model
Hi all, I am trying to create a transient heat transfer analysis with shell elements. The material in the model is steel and the following properties are temperature dependent: thermal conductivity, specific heat capacity, thermal deformation, elastic modulus and yield stress. What would be the suitable RADIOSS material…
ERROR #716 in heat transfer analysis
Hi all, I am trying to create a nonlinear transient heat transfer analysis (input file attached). Heat is applied on top plate and convection on the bottom plate. The EXCITEID field of the TLOAD1 card is pointing to SPCD load collector id13, which is linked to SPCD Weighted constraint id 1965 with all the nodes on top…
How to fill gaps between surfaces after making mid-surface operation ?
Hi Everyone, I have a 3-D truss structure to make bending analysis. So, I converted the analysis 3D to 2D by making a mid-surface operation. But when I use mid-surface for box-section profiles, gaps showed up between surfaces, naturally. I would like to ask how I can eliminate the gaps between surfaces? and should I do…
(Solved?) Scripting in HyperStudy to simplify study setup / Scripting DOEs (including output responses from h3d and T01 files)
Hello, I am currently using DOEs in HyperStudy to run a number of simulations with a set of varying parameters. I use HyperMesh to create the .hm model and use Radioss as the solver. Due to the length of time one model takes to run, my process to set up a study in HS usually goes: import .hm model; define input variables;…
What have I done wrong with shuffle optimization, why the core ply change the position, actually it should not be stacked?
I am doing a shuffle optimization with monocoque structure with composite material, and the result of it did not correct. The core ply (Rohacell) should stay still. I do not know which steps did I miss? As you can see the core ply which has orientation on 60 degree need to stay still as iteration 0 but the other plies…
Tabulated tensile and compressive test data at different strain rates (compatible material card, Radioss)
Hello, I currently have stress-strain data for a certain material under tensile and compressive loading at different strain rates. It seems as though Radioss MAT LAW36 and MAT LAW60 can handle tabulated data at different strain rates but do not distinguish between tensile and compressive loading* and MAT LAW69 can handle…
Tabulated data for MAT LAW36 (PLAS_TAB), MAT LAW60 (PLAS_T3)
Hello, I have tabulated stress-plastic strain data for a certain material that, when plotted, looks something like figure (a) in the attached image, where the curves f_1 through f_5 are associated with different strain rates (and the strain rates associated with each function are such that 1 < 2 < 3 < 4 < 5). Thus, there…