Sync include files which are modified by a text editor

Zeus3 Altair Community Member

Hi all,

I have a lot of include files which I export without Hypermesh comments. I change some Elements, Nodes or whatver with a text editor. Now I want to update the Hypermesh file.

What is the best way to do so?

I tried some ways. But all approches need a lot of steps where mistakes might happen. (Import, overwrite,…). I would like to have a buttom which says "Synrchonize!" and my model will be updated from changes I made with the text editor. Exists such a buttom? 😉

Thank you



Best Answer

  • Michael Herve_21439
    Michael Herve_21439
    Altair Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hello @Zeus3 ,

    to be honest trying to sync text files with pre-processing tools is becoming quite tedious. That said it is not completely impossible, but to get something close to what you are looking for, you need to work with Subsystems.

    Are you familiar with Subsystems yet? If not, I'd recommend you to start with the video below:

    One point of interest is that you can save a representation of your subsystem. In the 2nd video below, you can use the saved representation to create instances, but once the representation saved you can also import a new version of your representation from an external file.

    Hope that helps,



  • Michael Herve_21439
    Michael Herve_21439
    Altair Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hello @Zeus3 ,

    to be honest trying to sync text files with pre-processing tools is becoming quite tedious. That said it is not completely impossible, but to get something close to what you are looking for, you need to work with Subsystems.

    Are you familiar with Subsystems yet? If not, I'd recommend you to start with the video below:

    One point of interest is that you can save a representation of your subsystem. In the 2nd video below, you can use the saved representation to create instances, but once the representation saved you can also import a new version of your representation from an external file.

    Hope that helps,


  • Zeus3
    Zeus3 Altair Community Member

    Hello Michael,

    thank you for you answer. I´m not shure if this solve my problem, but I will give it a try. But for sure it solves another problem I have. So it is very interresting for me.

