Eingabe Channels bei Multi-Axialer-Analyse
Hallo, die Channel data files (*.rsp) werden nicht in der GUI "Load Map" gespeichert, obwohl sie vorher zusammen mit den Lastfällen augewählt worden sind. Schließt man die GUI "Load Map" und öffnet diese wieder, sind die Channel Input files verschwunden. Was kann der Grund dafür sein? Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Christian…
Open results in HyperLife
Hi all expert, After running my analysis, I have a results file that looks like the image below. How can I view the results with HyperLife? Should it be a .hlf file? I keep experiencing crashes every time I import the .hlf file into HyperLife. Thanks all.
Surface treatment shopeened and cold worked why?
In the material properties tab of hyperlife, there is the possibility to select 3 surface treatments (Nitrided, shotpeened, coldworked) Nitrided applies a correction factor of 2 while shotpeening and coldworks don't apply any correction factor. My question is: Why there is the option of apply shotppening or coldwork when…
Hyperlife and tcl scripts
In Hyperlife, is there any possibility to see the command file as in Hypermesh, or view previous tasks performed in the HWC window as in Hyperview? I would like to create a TCL script for a fatigue load case. The tasks I perform are always the same: assigning the corresponding material to each part and creating a load map…
Single Sine Tone Fatigue from FRF Analysis
The article below demonstrates three methods for a Single Sine Tone Fatigue Analysis based on FRF Analysis, implementing Sine-Sweep, Steady State (Steady) and Multiple Sine Tones (HARMO) approaches. As an example, to analyze these methods, we will calculate the fatigue damage on a plate model, where we will enforce a…
Overview 本記事では、弾性体を含むMotionSolveの解析結果のmrfに対し、ローパスフィルタ処理を行いpch形式で出力するスクリプトを紹介します。 疲労解析のHyperLifeでは、弾性体を含むMotionSolveの解析結果のモード情報を用いて高速に疲労評価を行うことができます。 本スクリプトでは、モード変位に対し、事前にローパスフィルタ処理を行うことで、見たい周波数帯のみの振動を考慮した疲労解析が可能となります。 Pre-Requisite MotionSolveとHyperLifeを用いた機構解析は下記よりテキスト、モデルがダウンロード可能です。本記事でもこのモデルを使用します。 機構解析から始める疲労解析…
Do you want to learn more about "HyperLife for Weld Fatigue Analysis"? There is dedicated training!
Hi all, We have a new Instructor Led Training offering about “HyperLife for Weld Fatigue Analysis”. For more comprehensive information about “HyperLife for Weld Fatigue Analysis”, please visit the Altair Learn site (https://learn.altair.com/) under Class Schedule to check for scheduled sessions and register if you are…
Do you want to learn more about "HyperLife for Fatigue Analysis"? There is dedicated training!
Hi all, We have a new Instructor Led Training offering about “HyperLife for Fatigue Analysis”. For more comprehensive information about “HyperLife for Fatigue Analysis”, please visit the Altair Learn site (https://learn.altair.com/) under Class Schedule to check for scheduled sessions and register if you are interested.…
Fatigue analysis results interpretation
Olá, sou de uma equipe de competição baja e estamos com algumas duvidas quanto à analise de fadiga do software HyperLife. Alguns pontos são: - Como funciona a falha por fadiga analisada? O software interpreta a falha / tempo de vida / dano acumulado de cada um dos elementos, certo? - Segue um caso experimentado, onde…
Life and damage contradiction - Hyperlife fatigue
Hello, I was performing Random response fatigue analysis with PSD data (1 direction). First 1G base excitation was done in Optistruct to get the Transfer function (Modal based FRF in 1 direction). The H3D FRF results and PSD (Exposure time of 1 hour) were given as an event. Stress life approach was chosen. The problem got…
Impact fatigue
Hello, I am examining the fatigue that occurs when a thin metal plate hits another metal. I modeled the thin metal plate with shell elements (The shell element properties I use are attached.) and I used M1_Elast metarial card. For simulate this impact motion, I'm making a time-dependent solutions with radioss solver. I…
機構解析 (MotionSolve) で部品の応力履歴を取得して、S-N 線図による疲労寿命予測解析 (HyperLife) をする演習書です。 HyperLife と MotionSolve の入門に最適な内容です。 次のバージョンに対応しています。 Simlab 2023, MotionView 2023, HyperLife 2023, OptiStruct 2023, MotionSolve 2023 演習書: 機構解析から始める疲労解析2023_0.0.1.pdf 演習データ: 機構解析から始める疲労解析2023_0.0.1演習データ.7z v2022.3 用のデータ 演習書:…
Weld fatigue life prediction?
Within my assemblies i need to conduct fatigue life evaluations on both base material and weld lines within HyperLife. My fatigue environment is random vibration in nature therefore I understand I must utilize an FRF model with PSD input approach. I note that because of this i can't use the Volvo method (as a PSD input is…
Does HyperLife support LS-Dyna solution files?
Hello. I sub posted this in another thread however thought i might get more traction in its own thread. Does HyperLife support LS-Dyna solution files? It is noted in some of the HL help documentation that only OptiStruct, Nastran, Abaqus & Ansys are supported however when opening the initial model or importing results…
溶接継手の疲労に関する研究を行っています。 ホットスポット応力の取得方法がJSSC(日本鋼構造協会)の規格とHyper-Lifeでは異なっている。 JSSCでは溶接止端部の近傍の応力を用いて近似的に算出しその応力(ホットスポット応力)から疲労寿命(板厚貫通寿命)を求めます。 Hype-Lifeでは溶接止端部の応力を自動計算し、疲労寿命も自動計算されるという認識でよろしいでしょうか。 また、この時の疲労寿命は破断サイクルではなく、板厚貫通寿命という認識でよろしいでしょうか。 残留応力の影響は考慮されていない。ただし、実験結果と板厚貫通寿命と大体あったという認識でよろしいでしょうか。
uniaxial or multiaxial method in hyperlife
Hello, I have the following : Subcase 1 is pressfit Subcase 2 is pressfit + point load In SN approach, Do I need to go for uniaxial or multiaxial method, Please explain also how to create events with the above subcases. Thanks
HyperLife 2023 Release Highlights
HyperLife 2023 highlights two key features, hotspot sets to pintpoint specific damage locations and range envelope to identify the large stress range across subcase list within an event. Hotspot Sets Output of hotspot sets based on damage thresholds is now supported. Users will be allowed to control the number of hotspots…
configuration of exposure time in hyperlife for fatigue analysis.
i want to know the contribution of exposure time in hyper-life, how should i configure it, considering the sub model of input psd with frf. how does it effect my results, thanks.
Adding preload while appling a history event in Hyperlife
Hello, How can we add an initial preload on the part while we are applying an event with Time data ? Thanks,
Hyperworks has encountered an error and must now exit
Hello, I am trying to perform a fatigue analysis with Hyperlife. I set up the model but when I try to save or run the sumulation I have the following error: I have the correct graphic card running the program. I also try to reinstal the software but the error still appear.
Unable to create event for sin sweep in hyper life
I am unable to create event for sine sweep in hyper life
Hyperlife hand calculation
Hi all, my question is about hyperlife damage calculation process for strain-life state. I want to do some hand calculation to estimate fatigue life and obtain same results with Hyperlife. I am using .h3d file as my input for calculations. 1. How does Hyperlife calculate related strain value to use at E-N graph? I am using…
Can we use non linear material properties in CMS analysis
Hie, can we define non linear curve of material in CMS analysis?
Rainflow/Damage Matrix
Is there a method to modify the Rainflow/Damage Matrix graphic in HyperLife? In addition, is there a method to export the data to HyperGraph 3D to create a unique 3D Histogram?
In Altair Hyperlife while selecting input subcase and input PSD in load map panel , two sets of excitations are automatically created ( Excitations 1& Excitation 2 ) Just wanted clarification on what they represent.
In Altair Hyperlife while selecting input subcase and input PSD in load map panel , two sets of excitations are automatically created ( Excitations 1& Excitation 2 ) Just wanted clarification on what they represent .