Missing tools After SimLab installation
Hello, I installed SimLab but missing lot of tools like meshing and all as you can see in the image. I also watched related videos addressing this problem and tried reconfiguration the software to choose different solver options like selecting Altair solvers and non-Altair solvers or Altair solvers only which is explained…
Optistruct. non linear analysis. loads
Can the various applied loads be various factors of one load? I know via a linear analysis what load will first produce stress equal to yield: load Y. Now I want to apply more load in a non-linear-analysis by applying load steps that consist of loads that are factors of load Y. I've previously just created lots of…
Where is the review thickness, final edit tools, creating nodes on surface in Hypermesh 2024.1?
Hello Team kindly let me know where is the below shown tools in Hypermesh 2024.1 Thanks and Regards Sandeep k Mahato
endpoint 외부 데이터 join 연결
데이터 소스 추가에서 altair ai hub endpoint로 머신러닝 모델을 적용하여 예측값을 출력시키는 단계는 정상 작동 상태입니다. endpoint로 불러온 데이터 소스에 있는 "입력된 데이터"라는 박스안에 데이터를 하나하나 json 형식으로 입력하는 것 말고는 데이터를 추가로 입력할 수 있는 방법이 없는지 문의드립니다. 또한 endpoint로 불러온 데이터소스에 데이터 소스를 추가하여 결합을 진행했을 때, 결합된 데이터에 endpoint로 가져온 머신러닝 모델을 적용할 수 있는 방법이 있는 지 문의드립니다. 현재 두 번째 사진에서는 추가로 결합한 데이터에는…
Hello, I am in the process of trying to import data after an analysis to matlab. After my analysis i get the plt, abf files. plt is in readable form but i cant seem to find a way to identify my desired output (Acceleration-TIme). How can I get the specific output and import it in atlab in an automated way. (I know I can do…
Problem during installation of SimLab
Hello, I got an issue during the installation of SimLab as you can see in the attached image. If possible could anyone help me? Thank you and best regards
BH values in fluxskew
In fluxmotor I had entered an excel with BH values for the lamination materials. There, flux motor calculated a fitting curve for the BH curve. How can I re-enter the BH values in fluxskew without taking a fitting curve? kind regards
How do I move an installation of Monarch from one server to another
We are decommissioning a server with Monarch installed and I need to move the Monarch licensing on the old server to the new one. How do I do that. The old server is FLEXDEV and new server is FLEXTASK. Hope you can help
Configuraion of 2 license Servers to pull Altair license
I am writing to seek your guidance on configuring and synchronizing two license servers for Hypermesh Tokens. We have two servers: one with 197 tokens and another with 21 tokens. If a job requires more than 21 tokens, how can we ensure that the servers synchronize to provide the necessary additional licenses? Could you…
magnet segmentation flux2D
How can I specify in Flux 2D that the magnets in a SPMSM are segmented?
import geometry in flux2d
I would like to import a DXF file into Altair Flux. I want to import it into Flux 2D, but I can't find the option "Import Geometry from DXF" in Flux 2D. However, this option is available in Flux 3D. Is there a way to import a DXF file into Flux 2D, or is there an alternative method to use my DXF geometry in Flux 2D?
Monarch 2024.1 Release
Where can I find the Monarch 2024.1 Release/update ?
Free Trial SIMLAB
Need to Access SIMLAB Mentor with FRC team4398 however I do not have a academic email address to renewal my student license - Did download free personal inspire great however need access to SIMLAB . Can't acquire by creating creating a new account since I already have one New to model g forces on the FRC robot
Is it possible to do bottom intrusion simulation for a battery pack plate using Radioss?
Hey , I am a beginner in simulation field . I want to perform a bottom intrusion simulation on a battery pack ,which tutorial should i refer to?
The Yeoh model currently only supports material parameter input. Thus, it is necessary to calculate the Yeoh material parameters outside of Radioss. For this example, a solidThinking Compose script is provided to calculate the Yeoh parameters in Radioss.
Script to fitting swift hardening parameter (A,eps_0,n) from giveing input stress-strain curve for Radioss LAW32.
Radioss thermal expansion
Overview The models attached to this article demonstrate Radioss thermal expansion. Different material parameters of steel and Alu are used (eg, thermal expansion coefficient) Two parts are tied to each other Below is a contour plot of the Radioss thermal expansion.
Drop test for particulate matter in Fabric packing bag
Overview Drop test for particulate matter in Fabric packing bag
Getting a high error in HTC for coolant jacket compared with ANSYS. Please check the file attached
I am trying to estimate the heat transfer coefficient for coolant jacket. Please verify the process followed. You may check the attached file for more details. I am getting a different value compared with ANSYS CFD with a relative error>100%. Seek your observations on this matter.
any having issues with blank reports in the logs?
we recently upgraded to 2024.0, since the upgrade, error logs appaear blank.Anyone having this issue and know how to fix it?
can anyone tell the compatibility of psim with opal rt / dspace
does psim compatible with opal rt / dspace. if yes tell me the complete procedure of this
Problem with my student license in PSIM
Dear PSIM Support Team, I have been using PSIM with a student license for some time. However, today I accidentally uninstalled PSIM and am now trying to reinstall it. When I enter my student license, I receive the following error message: "Error activating license: License already exists in license store." I need to use…
I need to perform frequency response analysis (sol 111) in Nastran need to Apply unit acceleration I
I need to perform frequency response analysis (sol 111) in Nastran need to Apply unit acceleration I have couple of question kindly suggest me execute this problem 1.SPCD IneedtobeConsider1or9810? 2. I need to apply multiple SPCDs since I'm working on the rear twist beam of a suspension system. It has 12 hard points, and I…
How to plot the frequency vs damping curve in complex eigen value analysis?
Hello Team, I have run a complex eigen value analysis and I'm able to see the output in the result browser (image attached) in Hyperview in the form of frequency and damping for each modes. Is there any way I can use this information and plot the frequency vs damping in Hypergraph and find out the instability without…
reintall hypermesh on a new pc for studient reasons (the older pc cannot working)
please give the instructions to reinstall on my new pc the exist student version for university lessons?