SimLab not opening/crashing on startup
Hello, I've just reinstalled SimLab 2024.1. When I try to open it, the popup gets to "Loading SimLab" before disappearing. I had no issues before uninstalling, the only difference is that I included the SimLab2024.1_Additionals folder in the installation. I've tried restarting my PC, changing power modes, VPN/antivirus…
How to download certification for SimLab electronics?
I have attended SimLab Electronics training on 2nd & 3rd of October, but not able to download certificate for the same. What needs to be done?
NanoFluidX post-processing in Simlab
Is it possible to post-process NanoFluidX results within Simlab and not exporting them for a post-process in ParaView? It seems possible to me, since ParaView is considered an auxiliary tool and I have seen tutorial with post-processing operations in Simlab, but, can someone confirm it? Then another question would be: are…
v2024.1 SimLab ECAD対応
v2024からSimLabでECADを直接読込、3Dモデルとして扱うことができるようになりました。 ヘルプに対応ECADの名前が記載されておりますが、拡張子の情報がありません(v2024.1時点)。 *.x_tがパラソリッドと言うことがわかっても、「*.mcmは対応している?」と言われても恥ずかしながら何のソフトウェアの拡張子なのかわからないので、拡張子含めて対応ECAD(v2024.1時点)の情報を記載させて頂きます。 ◆ODB++(*.tgz; *.tar; *.zip) ◆Altium(*.pcb; *.pcbdoc) ◆IPC-2581 (*.xml; *.cvg) ◆MentorGraphics ●PADS(*.asc)…
Structural Strength of Dozer Using EDEM-OS-2Way Co-Simulation
Background: Bulldozers are earthmoving machine used in numerous industries and applications, including construction, mining, agriculture and landscaping. They were originally used by farmers as tractors to plow and clear land. Over time, dozers have evolved to accommodate a variety of environments and applications with…
How to more easily export AcuProbe results from multiple simulations of SimLab? Also, what kind of r
Hello experts, I've been running a large number of simulations in SimLab and need to export the AcuProbe results for each one. Currently, I have to open the log of each simulation and manually export the results, which takes me around 2 hours or more just for this task. Here you can see a folder showing a quarter of the…
Export SPC forces in SimLab
Hello, I want to export the SPC forces from the simulation. I found an option called "Query results" in the results section, but I don’t know how to export them for all the time steps in the simulation. Is there a way to export all these forces over time for some shell elements? Is there any way to plot this?
where can i find abaqus-simlab-edem coupling tutorial?
where can i find abaqus-simlab-edem coupling tutorial?
2024年11月28日から29日に広島で開催された1DCAE・MBDシンポジウム2024において、「機械学習と1Dシミュレーションを活用したパワーエレクトロニクス設計(Power Electronics Design Leveraging Machine Learning and 1D Simulation)」というテーマで講演を行いました。 シンポジウム|1DCAE…
How to choose the Boundary Layer Thickness, Boundary Layer Mesh and No of Boundary Layer in CFD
Hi, I Performing a CFD analysis for an Air blower Model. Here I meshed Model with some Element size and Tetra 3d Mesh Type. But here How to choose the Boundary layer mesh Size, No of layer and thickness.
How Create a Helical spring in Hypermesh Radioss which is already Compressed?
Hi, I have an Assembly which contains the Helical spring, the actual length of spring is 31mm. During assembling process, we compressed the spring by 10mm that is 21 mm and assembled it in the actual assembly. So, How to create a compressed Helical spring in Hypermesh Radioss user interface. Thanks & Regards, Sivaprakash V.
Flux - SimLab Tutorial : 3D Electric Motor of Tesla Model 3
Description This tutorial shows how to use SimLab to design and run electromagnetic analysis with Flux solver for electric motors. The 3D studied device, the Tesla Model 3's electric motor, includes the following elements: a fixed part (stator) including yoke, slots, and windings an air gap a movable part (rotor) with…
Flux - SimLab Tutorial : 3D Rear View Mirror Motor
Description This tutorial illustrates one possible method to create a 3D model of a small permanent magnet motor, used to align the rear-view mirror of a car. It contains the general steps and all data needed to describe the motor model. The device to be analyzed is a small permanent magnet motor, used to align the rear…
Flux - SimLab Tutorial Summary: 3D Linear Actuator
Description The studied device is obtained from an import, it is a linear actuator with a coil, a mobile and a fixed part. Analysis 1: Computation of the electromagnetic force This a 3D magneto static solution. Visualisation of magnetic flux density, magnetic field and force curve depending on the mobile part position.…
Flux - SimLab Tutorial : 2D SPM Motor Brushless
Description This tutorial shows how to use SimLab to design and run electromagnetic analysis with Flux solver for electric motors. The studied device, a brushless DC motor with surface permanent magnet, includes the following elements: a fixed part (stator) including yoke, slots, and windings an air gap a movable part…
SimLabの基板モデル化 トレースマッピング
SimLabは2024年前後から急激にECADの読込能力が向上しました。 ただ、例えば基板の熱のそりなどの問題では、微細な配線をそのままモデル化せず、ある程度大きな格子メッシュを作成し、そのメッシュ領域に含まれる各材料が占める体積の割合から加重平均により物性を計算するモデル化が良く使われております。 そのモデル化手法をトレースマッピングと呼ばせて頂いておりますが、SimLabでは非常に簡単な手順でモデルを作成することが可能です。 ご興味ございましたらご確認頂けますと幸いです。
What does it mean by checking arguments?
Trying to simulate flow through an accumulator, I'm not sure if this means my set up is wrong, but any help would be appreciated.
How to fix this acusolve error?
I am using simlab and acusolve to measure air flow through an accumulator. The mesh is created ( as you can see) but for some reason I get this message when I try to update the study. Any idea what I did wrong or how to get around this?
Contacts in Simlab
Hi Good Afternoon, I want to perform the stress analysis for the below mentioned Handle Model. The Handle contains two parts, Top and Bottom. these are connected using Screws ( shown image) . Apart from screw joint, the two parts are mated each others. Full Model ( Top cover is in transparent view) Top View ( For Screw…
Simlab does not correctly recognize an Inspire model
Hello dear Experts, I have performed several operations to create a part with an inner cavity in Inspire 2024.1, as shown in the following image: However, when I import the model into Simlab 2024.1, the inner cavity does not appear: I have tried all CAD extension (iges, parasolid, step, etc). What should I do? Thanks in…
Hi Good Morning, I performing a Conjugate heat transfer analysis. In our model we have a motor, for stator and armature shaft we know values of Resistance and current. Now, In sim lab there is three possible ways to feed the heat source values and I attached the image below. So My doubt is how I consider the heat source of…
UDF for body force
Hello, I found that there was an issue to apply gravitational force (x, y, z) from test data. (simlab 2024) Multiplier function support only 1 direction of time-dependent data. (2 column array, time versus data). I was trying to use momentum source command (it support 4 column array). However, time variable was not…
お客様から、下記のようなお話を良くお聞きします。部品形状が少し異なるものを再度解析する、と言うお話です。 * 全ての製品で実施が決められている解析があり、毎モデル同じ解析をする。 * 試作ステージごとに形状変更があった部品に対して、形状変更前と同じ解析を実施する。 これらの定型的な解析を効率良く実施するための機能の一つにテンプレート機能がございます。いろいろな設定を覚えておき、新しい形状のモデルに対してその設定を割り当て直すようなイメージの機能になります。SimLab learning centerにこの機能を紹介する動画が見つからなかったので作成しました。是非お試し頂ければと思います。…
SimLab 操作画面のフォントサイズ変更
操作メニューのフォントサイズ変更が可能であれば変更設定方法を教えて下さい。 デフォルト設定では小さすぎて見難いです。
Unable to import Solidworks Assembly part in Simlab
I am unable to import the solidworks Assembly and solidworks part file in Simlab.