Altair Community Magnetics Chat
Join us for an exciting technical series where we will showcase the new capabilities of High Frequency and Low Frequency tools in Altair. This monthly series is designed to empower industry experts by providing them with insights into the latest features, workflows, and advancements in Altair’s Electromagnetics solutions.…
When using simlab, how to set optistruct solver to use gpu
When using simlab, how to set optistruct solver to use gpu
How to integrate a SimLab Model with TwinActivate and Third-Party Software
Hello everyone, I have a SimLab model with established parameterization for physical parameters (current, voltage). My goal is to integrate SimLab with a third-party software via TwinActivate for a bidirectional workflow. The process I envision is as follows: after SimLab simulation, the new data is sent to the third-party…
Hi, I am performing a CFD Analysis of Air blower using SIMLAB to find the Flow rate of it. I have done my meshing. But I have some doubt in Boundary and its size. For Air blower model, How to choose the Boundary layer thickness and first layer height. If I choose Y+ based, I am having HM CFD, Y+ calculator is there. In Y+…
Hi I am trying to Mesh a Air blower model in Simlab. After I plugged the fluid regioand MRF Zone, I done the Surface meshing. Then I am trying to do cfd meshing. In CFD meshing, I select the the Fluid Body as plugged fluid volume and mrf zone, then Ignore BL surface as Inlet, outlet and MRF zone surfaces. If I click ok, It…
Running SimLab on HPC without GUI
Hello, I'm trying to use SimLab on a HPC, but I'm not sure how to run a simulation via command prompt without the GUI. I'm able to set up the case, it's just a matter of calculating. I'd like to run simulations using SimLab by itself (using AcuSolve), as well as SimLab coupled with EDEM. Any advice would be greatly…
Optistruct Installation Issue
Hello, Thank you so much for your help. now it's working. I have one more problem with the Optistruct installation. I installed hw2025 and mechanical solvers including Simlab as you can see in the image. But after installation was done I couldn´t find the OptiStruct Application. I can only see Compute Console 2025 and…
Missing tools After SimLab installation
Hello, I installed SimLab but missing lot of tools like meshing and all as you can see in the image. I also watched related videos addressing this problem and tried reconfiguration the software to choose different solver options like selecting Altair solvers and non-Altair solvers or Altair solvers only which is explained…
Problem during installation of SimLab
Hello, I got an issue during the installation of SimLab as you can see in the attached image. If possible could anyone help me? Thank you and best regards
Looking for a demo model of AcuSolve electronics thermal simulation
Hello! I am looking for a ready-to-run demo model of electronics box. This simulation would be done with SimLab+AcuSolve and ideally contain a cooling fan.
Altair SimLab / ElectroFloとHyperStudyを活用した電子機器の熱解析DOE手順書
Altair SimLab / ElectroFloの高度な熱解析機能とAltair HyperStudyを組み合わせることで、電子機器の熱解析におけるDOE(実験計画法)を効率的に実行できます。 本稿では、Altair SimLab / ElectroFloを用いて電子デバイス、ヒートシンク、ファンの熱解析モデルを構築し、それをAltair HyperStudyと連携させることで、発熱量・ファン速度・周囲温度の変化に伴うデバイス温度を自動で算出する手法を解説します。さらに、取得したデータを活用し、フィットモデル(予測モデル)を作成するプロセスについても紹介します。 下記より、手順書およびモデルをダウンロードいただけます。ご利用ください。…
SimLab / ElectroFloを用いた電子機器の熱解析手順書
Altair SimLabおよびElectroFloを使用すると、複雑な形状や空気の流れ、熱経路を考慮しながら、電子デバイスの温度解析を迅速に行うことができます。 本投稿では、問題を単純化し、「デバイスの発熱」「ヒートシンクへの熱伝導」「ファンによる冷却」を考慮した解析手順書を作成しました。本手順を用いることで、指定したデバイスの発熱量、ファンの風速、周囲温度におけるデバイス温度を予測できます。 下記より、手順書およびモデルをダウンロードいただけます。ご利用ください。 使用ソフト: 大規模有限要素モデリングとアセンブリ | Altair SimLab
Free Trial SIMLAB
Need to Access SIMLAB Mentor with FRC team4398 however I do not have a academic email address to renewal my student license - Did download free personal inspire great however need access to SIMLAB . Can't acquire by creating creating a new account since I already have one New to model g forces on the FRC robot
Post Hole Digger: EDEM-OS Two Way Coupling
Background: A post hole digger is a drilling tool that uses a rotating helical blade to drill holes into the ground/soil. It's also known as a tractor screw auger or earth auger: The auger has a metal blade or bit with a helical, spiral shape The blade rotates, acting like a screw to pull material upward as it drills into…
[SimLab] node를 공유한 Tet,Hex/Penta Mesh 생성
Geometry의 Boolean과 Replace 기능을 활용하면 Tet, Hex/Penta Mesh의 맞닿는 node 위치를 일치시켜 node를 공유시킬 수 있습니다. Boolean 기능을 이용하여 공유면 표시 node가 공유되지 않은 Tria, Quad mesh 생성 Replace 기능으로 Tria mesh를 Quad mesh가 있는 평면에 적용하여 공유면 생성 생성된 Quad+tria mesh를 사용하여 Hex mesh 생성 (ex. Extrude) Tetra mesh 생성 2D mesh를 이용한 Hex mesh 기능이 적용 가능한 상황에서만 활용 가능합니다. 따라서…
2D/3D Electrostatic Workflow in SimLab
Dive into the latest advancements in ElectroStatic workflow with the SimLab Multiphysics platform! In this video, we explore the newest tools and features designed to enhance your simulation experience. Key Highlights: ElectroStatic Workflow: Discover the streamlined process for setting up and analyzing electrostatic…
Busbar Multiphysics Analysis in SimLab
In this video, you’ll learn how to effectively combine Electromagnetic AC modeling, thermal coupling, and structural simulation to analyze busbars. Key Highlights: Electromagnetic AC Modeling: Understand the principles and techniques for modeling AC electromagnetic fields in busbars. Thermal Coupling: Learn how to…
Time steps in Explicit Dynamics Analysis Using Altair Radioss?
Hi , I am just started the Radioss solver using Radioss Elearning by Altair One. I have little bit confusion about time stepping. What is Critical Time Step, Element Time step & Nodal Time ? ∆𝑡 <∆𝑡c, Here what is ∆𝑡 and ∆𝑡c ? I know ∆𝑡e is Element time step. Thanks & Regards, Sivaprakash V.
[SimLab] Kubrix 라이선스 설정 및 실행 방법
SimLab에서는 Kubrix 라이선스를 별도로 구매하시면, 자동으로 입력한 조건에 맞춰 Hex mesh를 생성하는 기능을 사용해 보실 수 있습니다. 알테어 담당 영업을 통해 해당 기능에 대한 테스트 및 구매에 대한 문의 가능합니다. Kubrix 라이선스 구매 후 해당 라이선스를 적용하는 방법은 다음과 같습니다. 1. kubrix_lock.txt 파일 생성 장비 정보(이더넷 정보)를 제공해주시면 해당 장비에서 사용 가능한 Kubrix key를 제공받게 됩니다. 영문과 숫자로 구성된 7자리 문자열 4개로 구성되어 있습니다. 아래의 그림과 같이 텍스트 편집기를 이용하여 해당…
[SimLab] Kubrix 기능 소개
SimLab에서는 Kubrix라는 자동 6면체 요소 생성 프로그램에 대한 인터페이스를 제공하고 있으며, 해당 기능은 Kubrix에 대한 별도 라이선스를 구매하시면 사용 가능합니다. 관련 라이선스 설정 및 실행 방법은 아래의 글을 참고해주시기 바랍니다. [SimLab] Kubrix 라이선스 설정 및 실행 방법 Kubrix에 대한 소개는 첨부된 pdf 파일을 참고하실 수 있습니다. SimLab에선 Kubrix 사용 시 다음의 인터페이스를 제공하며, 옵션에 대한 설명은 다음과 같습니다. Maximum element size : 요소의 최대 크기 Maximum aspect…
Remote loads in SimLab
Hello, I wonder if it is possible to apply an external or remote load in a static linear analysis using SimLab? Regards.
SimLab Automation, identyfying faces, bodies, creating groups
Hi everyone! I wanted to improve my quick scripts to enable submodelling procedures as well as to make the flow more accessible for other geometries. I've stumbled on some issues while trying to identify the ID of faces inside my model. Basically it is a housing part that is pre-cutted and therefore it has submodell…
How to find Contact stress in Gear ?
Hi , I have a Two sets of gear, here I want to perform an FEA Analysis to find out the contact stress in the gear tooth using Simlab? I have gone through the rack and Pinion gear tutorial in Hypermesh. But in my case, there are Bevel and spur type gears. Which type of analysis suitable to find the above outputs and which…
How to find the Contact tooth stress in Gears?
Hi Good Morning, I want to perform an analysis to find out the stress produced in the tooth of gear. Could you suggest me that which analysis should I do and which contact should I use in Simlab? Here is the Image of Gears which I want to perform an analysis. How to give contacts for this gears in simlab and How to find…
Cannot use groups to define Guide and Limit faces in Select Adjacent Layers
I'm having an issue with SimLab 2024.1 where I cannot use Face Groups to define the Guide faces and Limit faces in the Select Adjacent Layers tool. I can click on faces on the model normally which works however when I try to add a Face Group nothing shows up. Is this intended behaviour and is there a work around for an…
[SimLab] SimLab 실행 시 특정 스크립트를 자동으로 실행시키는 방법
SimLab의 python window는 IPython 기반의 Jupyter QtConsole을 사용하며, 프로그램 실행 시 hwx라는 이름의 profile을 불러옵니다. SimLab을 실행하면서 특정 경로에 있는 py 파일을 이름 순서대로 순차적으로 실행시킵니다. 해당 방법은 다음과 같습니다. 경로 이동: C:\Users\sohyung.altair\SimLab_V2024.1\hwx.ipython\profile_hwx\startup 실행시키고자 하는 py 파일을 해당 경로에 붙여 넣기 참고로 1번에서 안내드린 경로는 SimLab 버전, Windows 계정명,…