License deactivation
Hi,I have the student license. I recently changed my notebook and forgot to deactivate the license from the previous one. Since I've no longer access to that one, how can I solve? Thanks in advantage
I want to update my student license, but don`t know how. Can you help me?
Hello, I`m studying at UTFPR - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, here in Brazil. I already have the student license to use PSIM, but it expired and I want to update my student license, but don`t know how. Can you help me? Best Regards Matheus Zanelatto
Does Simlab,Motionview,Motionsolve available for student license? If yes, can they couple with EDEM?
Does Simlab,Motionview,Motionsolve available for student license? If yes, can they couple with EDEM?
we have license, but i can't use this
We are notifying you to confirm availability of your managed-AU license for AU Enterprise Suite v2024 as well as AU Enterprise Suite v2024 from 2024-10-14 to 2025-10-13. Any additional products or features if purchased (e.g., Catia V5 Reader) outside of the Altair suite would be included in the provided license. See table…
Has anyone heard about a change in Altair Monarch unit "pricing?"
I was told it is increasing from 10 units to 21 units due to enhanced features, but no dates were supplied. Has anyone else received similar information or have the dates for when the increase will happen? My company uses Monarch sparingly, but it is a necessary item. This change could drive us to an alternative solution.
Cannot connect to my license even though my machine is authorized.
Error Message when installing AI Studio
I am installing AI studio and receiving the error message "Unable to find the RapidMiner Studio feature on Altair One. Any idea what I could be doing wrong?
License error issue
Hello sir, I already have the Hypermesh( downloaded on Feb 2023) but now, while I am opening Hypermesh I couldn't open it. There showing license error . Here I attached snip of this problem. How can I get rid of this?
Presento problemas con la licencia, no me perimite abrir el programa
Error Code: -10 when Altair Units Used is 0/20
Hello my AU Data Analyst license is active Error Code: -10 when Altair Units Used is 0/20
Hardware requirements RAM ECC
Hello, We are in progress to purchase the computers for calculation in Altair HyperWorks. I saw in your company’s website hardware requirement, but I have additional question. Is ECC in RAM really needed? There are many computer offers without ECC and my question is if this will be still OK with modern RAM DDR5. BR,…
Impact of new Monarch Units License
The current Units license is about to expire. When the new license is issued, would we need to authorize users again or would they be migrated to the new license in the background?
It seems the issue that I am having is that I am sharing 10 Units with my supervisor’s license, and we have been trying to download an entire license to my PC. When the license is already active, and we just need to switch the license from single us
It seems the issue that I am having is that I am sharing 10 Units with my supervisor’s license, and we have been trying to download an entire license to my PC. When the license is already active, and we just need to switch the license from single user to multiuser. Specifically, only for Anita Green & Christian Manalang. I…
Asking for temproray license of EDEM
Hi Altair, We bought Altair EDEM license but installed the software on HPC environment, may I ask for a temporary license of EDEM for testing in my local laptop? Thank you very much! Best regards, Haijie
I cannot connect to the licnese server while my colleagues can do
It is redicoulus- I have a message in ALMUTIL that says, my machine is authorized, but the application denies it.
What do I need to do after my license is renewed?
Hi, My license for 2024-25 school year is renewed. What is the next step? Can you please help or I can use the software from 07/01/2024. My license number is 761853. Thank you,
Help with licensing and logging into Automator.
Hello all, As of yesterday we have not be able to use Monarch Classic. I received the error message below. Now we are unable to login to Admin for Automator. The error message for that on is completely different. Our IT department has rebooted our server for it multiple times. They say it is coming back with licensing…
I can't autholized
Following the authentication procedure at the URL provided, https://community.altair.com/community/en/accessing-the-altair-license-from-the-altair-license-utility?id=kb_article_view&sysparm_article=KB0117149 an error message is displayed after entering the ID and password. ERROR: SOAP 1.1 fault SOAP-ENV:Client [no subcode]…
License installation without activation key
We got a new license file (ALGR_2652_20250514_779274.zip) but we can't install it because we are asked for an activation key. The previous license file has been installed without activation key. We don't have this activation key. How can we get it?
How can I cancel a borrowed license?
Licence a Machine without user dependancy
Hello, How can I license a device for Altair Inspire? So far, my approach has been to enter the created authentication token into the licensing tool. Afterwards, I can use the product, but if I log in with another Windows user, I suddenly have no access to the software. I get the message saying I don't own a license. Under…
Dans S-line, à chaque fois que j'essaie de modifier un paramètre dans "Member configuration", le logiciel ferme. Comment régler ce problème?
Can I use sframe purchased in Canada in Europe
how to check pbs pro licence server is working or not?
I had three server one login node and rest two are master1 and 2. How to check license working or not. which nodes are respnsible for licence.
HyperWorks 2017のインストール方法について
いつもお世話になっております。 スタンレー電気の村野です。 HyperWorks 2017インストールする際ですが、DVDの読み込みが必要でしょうか。 インストールファイルはあるのですが、ライセンスファイルやライセンスマネージャーが無い状態でして、 どのようにすれば獲得出来るのかがわかりません。 ご教授いただけますでしょうか。