Min Khant Zaw

I have an issue that i cannot install Altair on my computer. I have been using Altair Hyper Study Classic 2023.1 and Altair Flux Motor 2023.1 since last year. But lately, I cannot access to the software anymore, showing that I have an error with the license issue. After trying some ways, i decided to uninstall and download again. I have downloaded and installed it, set the license.dat file in the same path that I used to put before. I have uninstalled and installed multiple times. Since I cannot find the student edition bundle in marketplace, I cannot get the license key. May be that's why i started using it by putting the license.dat file that I reveived from altair university since from the beginning. I dont remember well about what I did when I first installed the Altair last year. Can somebody help? I cannot find youtube video as well. The instructor from Altair suggested me to create a new account when I try to reach by mail. I cannot create new account since I only have one mail. it shows like following picture.