Python API Demo Package

Michal Stefuca
Michal Stefuca
Altair Employee
edited September 2024 in Altair Exchange


The extension demonstrates the Python API capabilities in HyperMesh, HyperView, and HyperGraph. After loading the extension, a new Python Demos ribbon will be visible in the three supported clients.


Each icon represents a different example showcasing various features of the client's Python API layer. Some of them also incorporate popular third party libraries such Plotly, Matplotlib, Pandas, and others. The input data (models, results) is included in the extension package and the required files are automatically loaded when an example is executed.

Please note that the HyperMesh examples require the OptiStruct solver interface to be active (the ribbon will not be visible or accessible otherwise).

Python Demos ribbon in HyperMesh:


Python Demos ribbon in HyperView/HyperGraph:


Usage/Installation Instructions

1. Unzip the

2. Register the extension in HyperMesh via File > Extensions.

3. Once registered, the extension will appear in the Extension Manager and you can enable it using the toggle button.
