How to plot the totalforce in hypergraph?

Vikas_22008 Altair Community Member
edited August 16 in Community Q&A


I have applied 2 point forces at a single point in a model. How do I verify that the forces are applied completely using a graph and contour plots?
I used SPCF output card but it threw me the contour results of one force. 

Suppose I had applied 10KN and 30KN at a single point, the SPCF output gave me the contour for only 10KN. How do i get a contour plot or graph for both the forces (combined and individually)

Thanks in advance

Vikas M B


  • Jason_Craanen
    Altair Employee
    edited August 16


    The SPCF should show the total force at that single point constraint for the applied forces in that loadcase.

    Here I have a 100 and 11 unit force. You can see it is automatically calculating the total. There is no way to break them up, unless they are separate loadcases.

