Using Hyperview: adding curve statistics to Hypergraph

I would like to add info to a graph in a certain Way:
Calculating statistics of a curve (Simply max/min for x&y + amplitude) in a graph.
Attaching this information to corresponding curve in the graph. Now I do this just by pasting the statistics info to a note, but I would like to do this automatically, using template or so. Maybe some users already have done this before ?
Paul Steuten
Hello @Paul_Steuten ,
We cannot pass yet Note information from HyperView to HyperGraph (or TextView or TableView). What we can pass is the content of Measures, below is an example:
If you want us to support the possibility to pass note content to HyperGraph, please open a support request so that we can record your company information and attach it to a Request of Development.
Hope that helps,
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Thank you Michael for your quick answer.
I would like to pass info within hypergraph to a note on the screen, attached to the curve,
step1: calculate statistics from a curve (like min, max, amplitude etc.)
step2: make a note next to the curve with the calculated statisticsdata
I hope it is more clear ?
Paul Steuten
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please let me apologize, I misunderstood the request. When you use note on the latest version, and point to a curve, you can have some statistics identified directly (min and max), as shown in the video below at 6:00
Apart of max and min, there are many operators available to extract statistics. These are Templex operators.
Below is script where I use several Templex operators to push curve statistics to TableView. All operators used in this script can be used in HyperGraph notes too:
You can find the list of Templex operators in the online help:
You can also create your own functions in Altair Compose, and register them for usage in HyperGraph: