代表的な拡張機能の紹介 ーIn-Database Processingー
データベース上の処理を視覚的に行うことができる拡張機能 ”In-Database Processing Extension”をご紹介します。SQLで書く必要がなく、データ準備や前処理がより効率的に実行できます。パラメータの解説や使用方法も掲載しておりますので、ぜひご活用ください。 In-Database Processing(データベース内処理)は、その名の通りデータベースシステム内でデータの準備や前処理を⾏うことを指します。…
Inspire Perforate Tool using Implicit Geometry
Overview: Are you looking for a way to quickly create thousands, or even millions of circular holes on your part? Inspire unlocks this capability through implicit geometry. (Checkout Inspire Docs on Implicit Geometry to learn more) This extension will enable you to quickly add thousands of evenly spaced holes on any…
代表的な拡張機能の紹介 ーSensor LinkでPI Systemと連携ー
製造業で広く導入されているPI SystemとRapidMinerとの連携を簡単に素早く行うことができる拡張機能 “Sensor Link Extension” をご紹介します。 さまざまなオペレータが収録されておりますので、PI Systemをお使いの製造業の方はぜひお試しください。 PI System:操業パフォーマンス管理に必要な情報(生産実績、品質情報、設備稼働率など)をリアルタイムに共有するシステム ※この続きは以下のpdfでご覧ください。
Calculating Static Rollover Threshold Using Automotive Tilt Table Event and MotionSolve
Preface: The automotive Static Rollover Threshold (SRT) refers to the maximum tilt angle at which a vehicle is likely to tip/roll over during a static situation. The SRT can be used to predict the vehicle lateral acceleration in which rollover may occur. Vehicles with a low Static Rollover Threshold (SRT) are at a greater…
Mechatronics : LatchMechanism DigitalTwin demonstrator
Overview: The LatchMechanism model can be used to demonstrate live some of the most valuable milestones in the implementation of a DigitalTwin: Multi-physics system simulation Multi-discipline systems integration Parametric sensitivity DoE & fit Reduced order modeling Interacting with physical world Download attached…
Aerospace : LandingGear multi-discipline model, actuation and drop test simulation
Overview: The LandingGear model can be used to demonstrate: OptiStruct flexible bodies in MotionSolve Flexible translational joint in MotionSolve Linear analysis, FRFs and CPSDs in MotionSolve Hydraulics actuation in TwinActivate MotionSolve cosimulation in TwinActivate TwinActivate hydraulics actuation in MotionSolve Tire…
New MD DigitalTwin Driver feature
Overview: The new MD DigitalTwin Driver feature is part of the new "MD_Tools for Compose" extension. MD DigitalTwin Driver intends to enable NEW users (targeting project managers, system and test engineers) to leverage EXISTING advanced multi-discipline models for parametric simulation and related results investigation…
New MotionSolve interactive plots feature
Overview: The new MotionSolve interactive plots feature is part of the new "MD_Tools for Compose" extension. MotionSolve interactive plots feature enables to easily compare multiple MotionSolve results in either the time or frequency domain (leveraging either FRFs, FFTs, or CPSDs). Pre-Requisite: MD_Tools for Compose and…
New MD_Tools extension for Compose, TwinActivate and HyperWorks v2024.x
Overview: The new MD_Tools extension is available for Compose, TwinActivate and HyperWorks (both MotionView and HyperMesh clients) v2024.x. MD_Tools extension enables many useful features in the scope of Multi-Discipline System Integration (combined use of CFD, FEA, MBD, 1D-System, CEM modeling and simulation) for the…
Automatic Menu Rebuild for Rapid Script Deployment
Overview Welcome to the HyperMesh Menu Build Extension Documentation. The extension is designed to be a mechanism for rapid deployment of custom user scripts. The extension supports both .tcl and .py files. Simply place a script in a folder within the hm directory, refresh the menu, and enjoy access to your scripts during…
Is Jackhammer still available in Market extension? Thanks.
Python API Demo Package
Overview The extension demonstrates the Python API capabilities in HyperMesh, HyperView, and HyperGraph. After loading the extension, a new Python Demos ribbon will be visible in the three supported clients. Each icon represents a different example showcasing various features of the client's Python API layer. Some of them…
Integration of Altair Compose in AI Studio - Use Cases
Overview Altair's AI Studio is a comprehensive Data Analytics and AI Platform that empowers organizations to make powerful insights accessible to their entire team. Altair AI Studio (formerly AI Studio) allows users to design and prototype highly explainable AI and machine learning models. Altair Compose, on the other…
Demo extension with Python code
Overview A simple extension example demonstrating how to link custom Python code to a ribbon icon in HyperMesh. Upon clicking the icon, a message will be printed in the IPython console. Usage/Installation Instructions 1. Unzip the DemoExtensionWithPython.zip 2. Register the extension - File > Extensions and click Add…
Super Element Generator Script
Overview The included script is used to generate super elements and their associated residuals in HyperMesh. The script allows the user to select the desired residual elements, the condensation method, and the loadsteps to include. It also permits choosing a save file directory and a file name suffix. The script supports…
MotionView to Car Real Time
Overview The MotionView to Car Real Time extension (MVtoCRT) provides a tool to export the suspension characteristics of MotionView’s vehicle models to be used in Altair TwinActivate Car Real Time (TwinActivate- CRT) and VI-Grade Car Real Time (VI-CRT). Pre-Requisite Working knowledge and installation packages of Altair…
Machinery Tools Extension
Overview The Machinery Tools extensions entails higher-level modeling entities that form an integral parts of larger machinery or equipment. This extension aims to simplify the modeling process in MotionView and MotionSolve. By utilizing this extension, you can swiftly create complex models of general machinery and gain…
Flightstream tools
Overview This extension adds a new "Flightstream Tools" ribbon. It provides an easy way to export a meshed model to Altair Flightstream in the OBJ format. The export tool allows the user to select the components to export and select the file to export to. The organisation of the mesh will be respected in the OBJ file…
Send prompt to OpenAI doesn't work with gpt-4
Hello I'm having problems with the Send pronpt operator from Generative Models Extension. The extension works well if I select the default OpenAI model, gpt-3.5 turbo, but when I change the default model to other, for example, gpt-4 the operator doesn't work. @Ingo, can you help me with this issue? best, Cesar
Post Processing Shortcut Extension
Overview This extension will allow users to map post-processing plot preferences and options to a button or series of buttons on a toolbar within HyperView to instantly reapply onto subsequent models. Usage/Installation Instructions Generating Commands for Plot Preferences 1. Load a result model into HyperView and open up…
How to collect rapidminer aihub metrics to prometheus?
Hi guys, I have been trying to configure RapidMiner Ai hub server with Prometheus to monitor and collect metrics. I was following the steps from the RapidMiner Ai hub documentation for monitoring. I have added the scrape configs as mentioned in the documentation and also added SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=default,webapi,…
Extensions installation issue
When I try to install extensions on rapidminer 9.10.014, I get an error saying "Cannot connect to Marketplace" Please check your internet connect and Proxy configuration. I still keep getting the same error. I am on Mac and have local admin privileges.I tried uninstalling and installing multiple times and even created a…
HG Axis LockGuard - permanent axis range lock
Overview This Extension provides a toolbar with buttons to turn the "Axis LockGuard" ON/OFF (available since HG2023.1). The TCL commands that are used in the background are: [::hwplot::GetPlotManagerHandle] SetFitAxesLockGuard true [::hwplot::GetPlotManagerHandle] SetFitAxesLockGuard false Pre-Requisite Download and un-zip…
is image classification possible using rapidminer?
if possible how to do it? i am beginner on using rapidminer
New CAE Connectors Extension Now Available!
We have released a new extension allowing users to connect to their CAE results files directly inside AI Studio. This first release has been tested for h3d, rtf, rth, op2, odb, res, and hwascii files. In the backend, it uses Altair Compose and Python to allow for the extraction of a specific datatype from a subcase. To get…