MotionView to Car Real Time

Altair Employee
edited August 2024 in Altair Exchange


The MotionView to Car Real Time extension (MVtoCRT) provides a tool to export the suspension
characteristics of MotionView’s vehicle models to be used in Altair TwinActivate Car Real Time (TwinActivate-
CRT) and VI-Grade Car Real Time (VI-CRT).


Working knowledge and installation packages of Altair MotionView/MotionSolve (v2024.1 onwards).

Vehicle Tools Extension needs to be loaded prior to loading this extension.

Usage/Installation Instructions

Follow these steps to install the extension in MotionView:

  1. Unpack the folder "motionview_to_carrealtime".
  2. Save it to a preferred location on your machine's disk.
  3. Open Altair MotionView.
  4. Go to: File -> Extensions -> Add Extension.
  5. Browse the folder "MotionView_to_CarRealTime" within the unpacked folder.
  6. Click on the toggle to activate the extension.

Solving the model in MotionSolve: Use XML format while exporting the solver deck.