New MD DigitalTwin Driver feature

Thierry Bernard_21945
Thierry Bernard_21945
Altair Employee
edited December 4 in Altair Exchange


The new MD DigitalTwin Driver feature is part of the new "MD_Tools for Compose" extension.

MD DigitalTwin Driver intends to enable NEW users (targeting project managers, system and test engineers) to leverage EXISTING advanced multi-discipline models for parametric simulation and related results investigation with an industry specific flavor without requiring related tools know-how (see attached PDF on-line help):


MD_Tools for Compose and MD_Tools for TwinActivate (*) extension must be installed.

(*) Note : upon need.

Usage/Installation Instructions:

Download/unpack attached ZIP file:

to review embedded unpacked videos describing the following topics:

  1. Enable Compose extension and define Windows desktop shortcut:
    1. Install and activate extension in Compose.
    2. Open DigitalTwin Driver session from Compose menu.
    3. Define dedicated Windows desktop shortcut.
    4. Open DigitalTwin Driver session from Windows desktop (recommended).
  2. Unpack/review dedicated "RotatingBlade" tutorial:
    1. Define new dedicated Windows desktop shortcut.
    2. Use new shortcut once to initialize tutorial model and results files.
    3. Use new shortcut twice (and more) to review completed tutorial session.
  3. Drive "RotatingBlade" model/simulation (primary capability of DigitalTwin Driver):
    1. Delete local "_9_Results/MODEL" subfolder.
    2. Open new DigitalTwin Driver session (empty).
    3. Select "Model simulation" tab.
    4. Load local "rblade.mdl" model and review corresponding automated tabs.
    5. Flag parameters for DSAs and submit related jobs.
    6. Wait for related MotionSolve jobs to complete…
    7. Review new local "_9_Results/MODEL" subfolder with completed jobs.
  4. Understand "RotatingBlade" requirements (how to enable DigitalTwin Driver with EXISTING multi-discipline model):
    1. Open MotionView with loaded model.
    2. Review MotionView model and system notes to produce dedicated tabs.
    3. Review the content of local "_0_Data" subfolder with tabs related images.
    4. Review MotionView dataset parameters notes to produce dedicated tabs controls.
  5. Investigate/compare "RotatingBlade" results (secondary capability of DigitalTwin Driver):
    1. Select "Results processing" tab.
    2. Load available results files from local "_9_Results/MODEL" subfolder.
    3. Build first layout to compare time dependant plots.
    4. Build second layout to compare frequency dependant plots.
    5. Open HyperView to compare modes animation.

Notes :

  1. DigitalTwin Driver can be accessed from either dedicated desktop shortcut(s), Compose or TwinActivate "MD_Tools" menus.
  2. Primary and secondary DigitalTwin Driver capabilities can be used independantly.
  3. Current DigitalTwin Driver session can be saved to/loaded from local file (same name with ".mat" and ".omd") that can then be open by double-pick in Windows browser (dedicated shortcut is recommended).
  4. DigitalTwin Driver on-line help can be accessed by hiting either "F1" (tool generic) or "F2" (model dedicated, if any) key from any session.

Release Version: v2024.x