Integration of Altair Compose in AI Studio - Use Cases

Rajiv Dixit_21408
Rajiv Dixit_21408
Altair Employee
edited September 10 in Altair Exchange


Altair's AI Studio is a comprehensive Data Analytics and AI Platform that empowers organizations to make powerful insights accessible to their entire team. Altair AI Studio (formerly AI Studio) allows users to design and prototype highly explainable AI and machine learning models. Altair Compose, on the other hand, is an environment for performing math calculations, data analysis, visualization, programming, and process automation.

A new feature that integrates Altair Compose into AI Studio is now available, enabling AI Studio users to leverage the powerful capabilities of Compose directly within the AI Studio environment. This integration is achieved through several operators available in AI Studio, including the 'Execute Compose' operator, and 'Read CAE' operator.

'Execute Compose' operator: This operator calls Compose in the background, sends data and function to Compose, and presents the output in a table format within AI Studio. The log from Compose is also available in AI Studio for debugging functions.  

'Read CAE' operator: This operator reads data from a selected CAE result file with subcase, datatype, request, component, timesteps via input ports. This operator uses the CAE readers provided with Compose and supports a large set of file formats.

In this blog, we have uploaded 2 documents that explain how these operators can be used in a project. The files required for testing are embedded inside the word docs.

Please note: The oml file name has to be the same as function name. For e.g.  if file name is outputs.oml, then the function name should be outputs [function outputs = outputs (varargin)]

Feel free to test and provide us with your feedback.  

Usage/Installation Instructions

Follow the words docs - they have sections on usage and software requirements. 

Version: 2024 and above