Running SimLab on HPC without GUI
Hello, I'm trying to use SimLab on a HPC, but I'm not sure how to run a simulation via command prompt without the GUI. I'm able to set up the case, it's just a matter of calculating. I'd like to run simulations using SimLab by itself (using AcuSolve), as well as SimLab coupled with EDEM. Any advice would be greatly…
Altair SimLab / ElectroFloとHyperStudyを活用した電子機器の熱解析DOE手順書
Altair SimLab / ElectroFloの高度な熱解析機能とAltair HyperStudyを組み合わせることで、電子機器の熱解析におけるDOE(実験計画法)を効率的に実行できます。 本稿では、Altair SimLab / ElectroFloを用いて電子デバイス、ヒートシンク、ファンの熱解析モデルを構築し、それをAltair HyperStudyと連携させることで、発熱量・ファン速度・周囲温度の変化に伴うデバイス温度を自動で算出する手法を解説します。さらに、取得したデータを活用し、フィットモデル(予測モデル)を作成するプロセスについても紹介します。 下記より、手順書およびモデルをダウンロードいただけます。ご利用ください。…
SimLab / ElectroFloを用いた電子機器の熱解析手順書
Altair SimLabおよびElectroFloを使用すると、複雑な形状や空気の流れ、熱経路を考慮しながら、電子デバイスの温度解析を迅速に行うことができます。 本投稿では、問題を単純化し、「デバイスの発熱」「ヒートシンクへの熱伝導」「ファンによる冷却」を考慮した解析手順書を作成しました。本手順を用いることで、指定したデバイスの発熱量、ファンの風速、周囲温度におけるデバイス温度を予測できます。 下記より、手順書およびモデルをダウンロードいただけます。ご利用ください。 使用ソフト: 大規模有限要素モデリングとアセンブリ | Altair SimLab
OptiStruct 에서 물성 암호화 (encypt) 방법
Radioss interface의 경우 자체적으로 encrypt 기능이 존재하지만, OptiStruct 의 경우 os_encrypt_win.exe 응용 프로그램을 사용하여 암호화를 해주실 수 있습니다. OptiStruct 기준, 간단한 사용방법은 아래와 같습니다. Step1) Material 정보가 담긴 fem 파일 저장 Step2) MAT 항목 이름과 ID를 제외한 모든 필드를 암호화하려면, fem 파일 내에서 Material 구문의 ID를 제거 후 text 파일로 저장 Step3) window 기준, cmd 창에서 아래와 같이 os_encrypt_win.exe 경로로…
Is the boiling model in Acusolve possible to model film boiling?
Hi Experts, As mentioned in the title, I'm wondering that the applicability of this boiling model outside the nuclear boiling range (i.e. natural convection boiling, transition boiling and film boiling). Thanks and regards, Gary
Post Hole Digger: EDEM-OS Two Way Coupling
Background: A post hole digger is a drilling tool that uses a rotating helical blade to drill holes into the ground/soil. It's also known as a tractor screw auger or earth auger: The auger has a metal blade or bit with a helical, spiral shape The blade rotates, acting like a screw to pull material upward as it drills into…
1DバッテリーモデルEnergy Storage Libraryの使い方
アルテアの1DシミュレーションツールTwin ActivateのEnergy Storage Libraryを使用すると、多段RCペアを含む高機能なバッテリーの1D等価回路モデルを使用できます。 また、パワーエレクトロニクスシミュレーションPSIMとの連携も可能で、パワーコンバーターを含むバッテリーの充放電シミュレーションも可能です。 今回は、多段RCペアを含まないPSIMのサンプルバッテリーモデルの特性をEnergy Storage Libraryのバッテリーモデルで再現するチュートリアルを作成しました。 そのほか、発熱計算、1D熱モデルとの連携による温度依存性の考慮など、さまざまな機能をご利用いただけます。 お試しください。…
Issue with LEBM in EDEM v2024.1 at Larger Time Steps
Hi Altair Community, I am currently using the Linear Elastic Bonding Model (LEBM) in EDEM v2024.1 following the tutorial in the attached link: 🔗 EDEM Physics Model Tutorial - Linear Elastic Bonded Model I encountered an issue when increasing the time step from the original 2e-5 to a larger value, such as 5e-5. When using a…
Creating Datasets from Results Files for Altair romAI
Altair romAI is an AI-powered technology that creates reduced order models (ROMs) to accelerate complex simulations like DEM, CFD, etc. ROMs created with romAI capture the dynamic response of a system accurately and yield almost instant results. One of the most time-consuming steps when working with romAI is preparing your…
Fundamentals of N-Dimensional Lookup Tables in Twin Activate
Twin Activate is a block diagram simulation environment for modeling dynamic systems. It features several blocks that approximate non-linear functions using lookup tables, which are often useful in systems modeling. In this short guide, I want to show how N-dimensional lookup tables blocks should be used in Twin Activate…
Accelerating Battery Charging Simulations with Altair romAI - Part 2
Data Preparation and Format Conversion Now that I have all the simulation results from the DOE, they need to be formatted specifically for romAI, which requires a single CSV file with time in the first column, followed by all training signals (inputs, outputs, and states) in subsequent columns. This file contains data from…
Accelerating Battery Charging Simulations with Altair romAI - Part 1
Introduction As the world shifts toward electric solutions, battery charging technology has become a cornerstone of modern innovation. At the heart of this technology lie power converters - sophisticated devices that manage the crucial task of delivering power to batteries efficiently and safely. Designing these power…
How can I prevent penetration between the impact object and the Vespa frame in the simulation
Hello, Please help me learn HyperMesh 2024.1 with the Radioss solver. How can I prevent penetration between the impact object and the Vespa frame in the simulation? In the animation, the objects pass through each other. Please provide the correct settings and instructions to ensure proper contact behavior during the crash…
How to define the material property (yield strength) & Safety Factor
Hello How to define the material property (yield strength) in HyperMesh 2024.1 for the OptiStruct solver and display the safety factor in the output ??
Realistic Examples of Feko Simulations with Creeping Waves
This white paper discusses simulations of antennas on a large airplane for cases in which the inclusion of creeping waves is important: antenna patterns that include the shadow region of the fuselage and coupling between antennas on opposite sides of the fuselage. Results obtained with the asymptotic method Faceted Uniform…
[HyperView] Tcl 명령어를 활용한 각 window 별 .gif 파일 일괄 저장 방법
HyperView에서 간단한 TCL 명령어를 사용해 각 window 별 애니메이션을 .gif 파일로 일괄 저장하는 방법에 대해 안내 드리겠습니다. 해당 명령어를 사용하면 각 window마다 일일이 File > Screen capture > Video to file 할 필요 없이 지정한 폴더에 지정한 파일 명으로 일괄 저장됩니다. hwc hwd page current activewindow=1 #1번 윈도우를 활성화하는 명령어 hwc save animation page C:/user_path/1.gif #저장경로와 파일명, 확장자 지정하여 애니메이션 저장하는 명령어 위…
[HyperMesh] Post의 Matrix 기능을 사용해 각 comp별 결과 값 확인하는 방법
HyperMesh, HyperView에서 각 Component 별 결과를 확인할 때 Matrix기능을 사용해 더 편리하게 결과를 추출할 수 있는 기능을 소개해 드리겠습니다. 많은 component로 assembly 되어있거나, load case가 여러 개인 경우 Matrix를 사용하면 한 번에 여러 component에 대한 결과 값을 추출할 수 있습니다. Layout 변경 HyperMesh&HyperView 띄우기 HyperMesh > Matrix 열기 HM > 결과 확인할 Component 선택 HV > 확인하고 싶은 결과 선택 > 결과 확인
Rainflow Counting Algorithm - Create Simple 3D Plot
Overview: This OML script shows how to create a 3D histogram from results from the rainflow OML command. These are the steps it takes: Create signal to analyze Evaluate rainflow counting algorithm Create 3D histogram from means & ranges Format histogram to show cycle count for means & ranges Prerequisite: Install Altair…
Licence error v2024.1
Hello, I have a licence problem when running a forming analysis through HYPERFORM AND RADIOSS. Below you have the error code : License error: Altair License Manager: License error Feature(s): GlobalZoneEU, HyperWorksEDU Error Code: 9 Error Description: Feature not found License Path: C:/Program…
Python code in Hypermesh 2024.1 version
Hello, I am trying to execute a Python code in Hypermesh 2024.1 version. I am still quite new to Hypermesh. But what I find that the regular syntax for Python does not work in Hypermesh and I get several errors. Greatly appreciate if anyone can help what I am doing wrong. From a quick search online I found that the syntax…
Integration of Current Density
Hi all! In Simlab, I have made a flow simulation with electrical effects. The output includes the current density. However, I am interested in the total current through a surface. In theory, the current is the integral of the current density over the surface elements of a surface. Similar integration must have already been…
Simulation of Wi-Fi Coverage in a Large Aircraft Cabin with the Dominant Path Model
This white paper shows how WinProp can be used to simulate and optimize Wi-Fi coverage in a large airplane cabin. In spite of the size and complexity of the geometry, the proprietary Dominant Path Model produces good results in a matter of seconds. Project files are included.
[SimSolid] Batch Run with importing and exporting *.csv from datum points
Overview: You can batch run using *.ssp and also import/export *.csv from datum points. Prerequisite: You should prepare datum points(csv) and modify a path of files.
Downgrading a FEKO Model from Version 2024.1 to Version 2024
Hello, I have a FEKO model saved in version 2024.1, but the other machine I am working with only supports version 2024. Is there a way to convert or downgrade my .cfx file to make it compatible with version 2024? If direct conversion is not possible, could you recommend any alternative methods to work around this issue?…
LLC PlanarTransformer Simulation in Altair SimLab
In this video, learn how to simulate LLC planar transformation in Altair SimLab. With the Magnetic AC solution in SimLab, the Transformer can be modeled and simulated. In this demo, we will cover : 1) Creation of the solution 2) Meshing of copper layers with extrusive mesh 3) Assign terminals of solid conductors 4)…