Where is the PRINT output sent by Altair SLC Communicate by default?
Altair SLC Link is a technology that essentially takes a local script or part of a local script from a local Workbench client and executes it on a remote platform. Any log files, HTML or Listing results, and any datasets created from executing the program remotely are returned to the client through the normal Output and…
Utilizing Custom Visualization Quality for Implicit Modeling
Implicit modeling refers to geometry that is represented using implicit functions, which can be thought of as a 3D grid using scalar values. This feature was first introduced to Altair Inspire in release 2023. To extract implicit models in an STL or 3MF format, the use of converting to mesh is necessary. Versions 2023…
Using JMAG-RT blocks in PSIM simulation
The file "RTTCalculator.dll" is removed from the PSIM setup for versions PSIM2024 and PSIM2024.1. If your PSIM schematic contains JMAG-RT blocks, when running simulation, you will encounter an error message: Error: Failed to load "RTTCalculator.dll, error - 126. To run JMAG-RT examples, one needs the file…
Altair HyperWorks 2024 新機能ご紹介
アルテアは、設計およびシミュレーションのための市場をリードするプラットフォームAltair® HyperWorks® 2024をリリースしました。最新リリースでは、人工知能(AI)を活用したエンジニアリング、ビジネス、機械および電子システムの設計、シミュレーション主導の設計および最適化が大幅に進化しました。 Altair HyperWorks 2024 は、あらゆる形状や物理特性、複雑性に対応し、設計から運用までの製品開発ライフサイクルのすべての段階で、統一された最新のユーザーエクスペリエンスを提供する唯一のプラットフォームです。Altair HyperWorks…
この記事はUbuntuの環境でAI-hubのインストール簡易説明資料です。 AI-hubのオンライン参照資料:Docker-compose deployment - Altair RapidMiner Documentation 記事で実施する環境: * Ubuntu環境: ubuntu22.04 * Docker: 27.1.1 - Community * AI-hub: 2024.0.3 これからはAI-hubをインストール手順です。 注意:お客様のIT環境よりますが、proxy環境のでAltairのライセンスサーバーに通信できない場合もあります。…
Altair Feko: What's new in Feko 2024.1
Highlights of the 2024.1 Release Feko Model Protection Model protection was extended to allow a custom 3D representation to be shown when a protected model is imported by a client. The 3D representation does not get meshed and does not form part of the simulation. The custom representation geometry is specified by the…
Software Support Policy for Data Analytics Products
Software Support Policy Latest Product Versions Product Name Current Version Versions Supported Altair Monarch (formerly Altair Modeler) 2024 Versions 2023 Altair Monarch Server 2024 Versions 2023 Altair Panopticon (formerly Panopticon Server) – Visualization Server 2024 Versions 2023 Altair Knowledge Studio/Seeker 2024…
Estimating EDEM simulation run time
I have attached a spreadsheet which is a useful tool for estimating simulation run time, this calculates the time-step (typically based on the smallest sphere in the simulation) and the user can input the time per iteration per particle along with the required simulation run time and estimated number of particles. The time…
Altair Feko: What's new in Feko 2024.0
Highlights of the 2024.0 Release Feko The Feko 2024.0 release features extensions to many different solvers - enhancing Feko's capabilities in propagation modelling, network planning as well as general and specialist EM analysis application areas. There are various performance improvements, interoperability and API…
Altair Simulation 설치파일 다운로드 및 설치 가이드 (클라우드 타입)
아래 링크를 클릭하여 관련 문서를 다운 받으실 수 있습니다. * Altair Simulation_설치가이드_윈도우_클라우드.pdf * ← 클릭
Altair Simulation 설치하기 - 설치 방법
Altair Simulation 설치하기 - 설치 방법.pdf ← 클릭
Altair Simulation 사용자 라이선스 설정 방법 - 사내 서버(LMX) 이용
아래 링크를 클릭하여 관련 문서를 다운받으실 수 있습니다. * Altair Simulation 사용자 라이선스 설정 방법 – 사내 서버 이용.pdf * ← 클릭
Target Microcontroller Support List for Embed 2023
Altair Embed® is a visual environment for model-based firmware development of embedded systems, including motor control, IoT devices, and vision systems. It combines an intuitive graphical interface with a content-rich environment to automatically generate microcontroller specific firmware and prototype real-time…
Altair Feko: What's new in Feko 2023.1
Highlights of the 2023.1 Release The Feko 2023.1 release features extensions to many different solvers - enhancing Feko's capabilities in propagation modelling, network planning as well as general and specialist EM analysis application areas. There are various performance improvements, interoperability and API extension,…
Altair® IoT Studio: General Release - Overview of Features
The attached document provides an overview of the features included in the General Release of Altair IoT Studio. For registration, kindly visit swx.altairone.com. Altair IoT Studio The Altair IoT Studio platform provides everything you need to quickly build scalable, secure, smart connected ecosystems, which includes: *…
License Manager 15.X 설치하기
아래 링크를 클릭하여 관련 문서를 다운받으실 수 있습니다. * Altair License Server 설치 가이드_15.X_윈도우.pdf ← 클릭
Altair Simulation 사용자 라이선스 설정 방법 – Altair 클라우드 서버 이용
아래 링크를 클릭하여 관련 문서를 다운받으실 수 있습니다. Altair Simulation 사용자 라이선스 설정 방법 – Altair 클라우드 서버 이용.pdf ← 클릭
Supported CAD (geometry) file formats for import and export in CADFEKO
CADFEKO supports the following CAD (geometry) file formats (with version) for import: * ACIS (.sat) * version: R1 – 2022 1.0 * AutoCAD (.dxf) * version: 2.5 – 2023 * CATIA V4 (.model, .session, .exp) * version: 4.1.9 to 4.2.4 * CATIA V5 (.CATPart, .CATProduct, .CATShape) * version: V5 R8 to V5–6 R2022 * IGES (.iges, .igs)…
Hardware Recommendations and Certifications 문서 접근 방법
[Hardware Recommendations and Certifications 문서 접근 방법] Altair 프로그램을 구동하기 위한 권장 사양이 있나요? Altair One에 접속하여 문서를 다운받으실 수 있습니다. ※아래 정보 확인 가능 * Graphics Boards * Workstation Desktop and Laptop/ Notebook Hardware * Solver Hardware Configuration Recommendations 1. AltairOne 접속 및 로그인 2. Altair Connect 접속 3. Documents 클릭 4. 제품 버전 설정…
Altair Simulation 설치 파일 다운로드 (LMX) 방법
아래 링크를 클릭하여 관련 문서를 다운받으실 수 있습니다. * Altair Simulation_설치가이드_윈도우_LMX.pdf← 클릭
HyperMesh CFD: Known Issues
List of known issues that were discovered after release. (Note: This article will continuously be updated when issues are reported) HyperMesh CFD 2023.0 known issues: Geometry - Meshing * Manage tool: Manage tool in Simulation ribbon does not list meshing or runs residing in same folder as hmcfd file. Workaround: You have…
S-TIMBER Tutorial 5 - Defining Timber Beams
Part 5 of the S-TIMBER tutorial series demonstrations shows how connect our vertical columns with timber beams to form a 3D timber frame. Topics covered: * Using grids define beams, and clone across floors * Creating Beams, their section properties, offsets, and end-connectivity * Deleting Beams * Beam Sections, and…
Altair Feko: What's new in Feko 2023
Highlights of the 2023 Release The Feko 2023 release features extensions to many different solvers - enhancing Feko's capabilities in propagation modelling, network planning as well as general and specialist EM analysis application areas. There are various performance improvements, interoperability and API extension,…
EDEM GPU Benchmark Results
Attached are EDEM Benchmark results from 2019, 2021 and EDEM 2022.2. The latest benchmark results are in EDEM_GPU_Benchmarking_2022.2.pdf These results are from a series of standardised real world simulations: The key results show the scalability of the A100 GPU (CUDA Solver) vs CPU:
Named User License
1. Go to Named User Tab, Altair Material Database (Named User) 2. Add User 3. Assign License 4. Select License 5. Submit 6. Group now contains one User and Has an Assigned License 7. Click on Add 8. Search and Select Username Note: The user must be already onboarded in your AltairOne Account* 9. Click Add 10. A New User…