Estimating EDEM simulation run time

Stephen Cole
Stephen Cole
Altair Employee
edited April 2024 in Altair HyperWorks

I have attached a spreadsheet which is a useful tool for estimating simulation run time, this calculates the time-step (typically based on the smallest sphere in the simulation) and the user can input the time per iteration per particle along with the required simulation run time and estimated number of particles.  The time per iteration is the time it takes for EDEM to complete 1 time-step calculation and this tends to be a constant value for any given hardware on a 'per particle' basis.

The time per iteration per particle is simulation and hardware dependent.  A good GPU will run around 0.02 microseconds for time per iteration per particle however this does vary with simulation type and hardware.  Running a test case for a few iterations and timing it is the best way to get an accurate value.  For CPU the simulations run around 0.5-1 microseconds (12 CPU simulation).



The above graph shows that for the test case of varying particle numbers the time per iteration per particle is constant above 1e4 particles, below this the efficiently of using GPU drops away.

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