Utilizing Custom Visualization Quality for Implicit Modeling
Implicit modeling refers to geometry that is represented using implicit functions, which can be thought of as a 3D grid using scalar values.
This feature was first introduced to Altair Inspire in release 2023. To extract implicit models in an STL or 3MF format, the use of converting to mesh is necessary. Versions 2023 through 2024 allow for the user to control voxel settings through the Visualization Quality, while versions 2024.1 and beyond include a pop-up with the following options: Create sharp edges and specify mesh size, Specify mesh size, Use implicit visualization quality, and setting Average mesh size.
In the following examples all the same parameters were used and only the Convert to Triangle Mesh settings were changed:
Create sharp edges and specify mesh size
- Lattice edges are captured, however saved models can take time to import.
Specify mesh size
- Does not capture crisp lattice edge
Use implicit visualization quality
- There are two ways to use Visualization Quality, by either selecting from the built-in resolutions: Very Low, Low, Medium, High, Very High or by the user setting their own values with Custom.
The higher the resolution, the smaller the elements.
Through Custom Visualization Quality, values that are positive versus negative change the definition of how the voxels are generated.
Positive numbers will define the voxel size. Positive values are normally low.
Negative numbers, define the voxel count along the longest length. Negative values are normally high.
For other questions regarding Visualization Quality and Meshing Settings reference the Help page here: