ATCx Digital Twin - October 17, 2024
Altair's ATCx Digital Twin on October 17, 2024, is a virtual global event focused on exploring the latest advancements in digital twin technology. Attendees will learn how to harness simulation, AI, and data analytics to optimize product design, development, and operations across industries like manufacturing, heavy…
Weekend Learning Series: ML and AI
Introducing Weekend Learning Series by Dr. Mamdouh Refaat Dr. Mamdouh Refaat is the chief data scientist in Altair's development group. He leads a team of data scientists dedicated to discovering new approaches to implementing machine learning and AI to support Altair's mission of convergence of simulation, data science,…
Problem accessing data on AnythingDB
When I click on a thing I've previously created on AnythingDB the whole page goes blank and I cannot access its data.
Future.Industry 2024
Welcome to the Science of Possibility Join us as we explore the future of what’s possible in technology, as thought-leaders, industry experts and visionaries converge to share their insights on the latest trends that promise to reshape the landscape of tomorrow. The event will once again be presented across three time…
Altair® IoT Studio: General Release - Overview of Features
The attached document provides an overview of the features included in the General Release of Altair IoT Studio. For registration, kindly visit swx.altairone.com. Altair IoT Studio The Altair IoT Studio platform provides everything you need to quickly build scalable, secure, smart connected ecosystems, which includes: *…
Altair Data Science Day
Exploring code-free and code-friendly learning & teaching The current and projected shortage of data scientists is well known: In an Altair industry survey, 75% of respondents say they already struggle to find enough data science talent, while the number of data scientist roles is projected to grow 35% from 2022 to 2032 -…
Unlock the Power of Text Analysis in Aerospace Manufacturing
Join us on October 11, 2023 for a global webinar where we unlock the power of Text Analysis in Aerospace Manufacturing. Discover how text analysis can uncover valuable insights from technical documents, maintenance records, communication channels, and more. We'll explore practical applications of text mining in aerospace…
SmartWorks IoTとAltair Embedの連携
SmartWorks IoTを使用するとログインするだけで、Altair Panopticonによるリアルタイム可視化やMQTT*1 ブローカが使用可能です。 また、Altair Embedはブロックダイアグラムベースのアプリケーションで、リアルタイムシミュレーションのほか、 自動コード生成により簡単にハードウェアを動作させることができます。Arduino、Raspberry Pi、Texas InstrumentsおよびST Micro社の製品を含む1200以上のターゲットをサポートしています。 今回はSmartWorks IoTを使用して、Altair Embedで生成したデータをAltair…
SmartWorks IoTとAltair Activateの連携
SmartWorks IoTを使用するとログインするだけで、Altair Panopticonによるリアルタイム可視化やMQTT*1ブローカが使用可能です。 また、Altair Activateは1Dモデルを用いたリアルタイムシミュレーションのほか、ArduinoデバイスとのHardware in the loopやHuman in the loopに対応しており、実機を含めた様々なデータを取り扱うことができます。 今回はSmartWorks IoTを使用して、Altair Activateで生成したデータをAltair Panopticonでリアルタイム可視化する手順を紹介します。…
Raw History gone
Hi, I m using python to publish a list of data to the cloud. Inside the Raw History tab, i can clearly see the data being published into the cloud one by one. However, the data will disappear once I reflesh the Raw History tab, meaning the cloud didnt save the data I published. How to solve it?? Also, I use the exactly…
Data Science for Engineers: Making Use of Aerospace Telemetry Data
Aerospace companies collect endless amounts of time series data from, sensors, systems, and simulations. Engineers can find practical insights in this data with machine learning and AI projects when they know where to look and what to do with that data. Predicting failure in engines, turbo fans, motors, and any moving…
Hi everyone, I don't quite understand how to set up and use actions. Does an action publish a topic to an end device? I read all the examples but if someone could give me a clearer explanation, thanks.
Hi, On SmartWorks IOT, I can't add properties to thinks in my space today. An error says: "ApiRequestError: Additional property credentials is not allowed" Thanks for your help . Jean-Pierre SIMONOT
JSON and MQTT configuration in Embed
In NEW platform, I want to configure JSON and MQTT. How can I find those key parameters in the NEW SmartWorks and fill them in Embed?
How to get API-Key?
I tried to configure my Smartworks platform following the video, but I can't find my API-key. How can I get it? video: mine:
Embed and Smartworks iot problem
Hi Team, I read Embed and SmartWorks IOT tutorial and try to configure my device. But the SmartWorks interface in the tutorial has been completely changed so I have some problems. I have performed some steps in SmartWorks so far, create space,category,things and model.But I don't know how to configure JSON and MQTT in…
Can not get token to allow reading data from Things
I have created simple Things "person" and created Client ID and Client Secret for generate credential to allow me create and read data of Things. I use API Inspector to generate credential by using scope data.read and data.create I found that it can not generate credential when using scope data.read but it can generate for…
Why I can not generate token for reading data from things in smartwork IoT
Now, I use Smartworks IoT to prove of concept that it can do for IoT project. I got some issue about generating token for allowing to access to the things. To send and read data to the things we need to generate token by using information from interface tab and have to specify the scope that want to access such as read,…
SmartWorks IoTを使用したAltair ActivateとiPhoneの連携
SmartWorks IoTを使用して、iPhoneの加速度センサ情報をAltair Activateに取り込む手順を紹介します。 SmartWorks IoTのMQTTブローカを使用し、iPhoneの加速度をMQTTに送信し、Activate側で受信します。 事前に「SmartWorks IoTとAltair Activateの連携」でMQTTの使用方法を習得してください。 https://community.altair.com/community/?id=kb_article_view&sysparm_article=KB0117641 MQTTブローカのセットアップ SmartWorks…
Learn Data Science and Machine Learning with Altair SmartWorks Analytics
Learn Data Science and Machine Learning with Altair SmartWorks Analytics with this series of how to videos in SmartWorks Analytics
Activation email - SmartworksIOT
hi, i signed up for a free account at: https://idp.swx.altairone.com/. I have not received an activation email. Can this be rectified? thanks, Michael
sign up/ log in
I have signed up for an account. I cannot log in. I have reset the password and still cannot log in. What procedure is required to do so? Kurt McDonal (kmcdonal@altair.com)
How do I get the most of my connected product, and securely?
SmartWorks IoT ensures security and performance from the beginning, helping you create scalable connected product solutions and deploy everywhere. But let’s see what that actually looks like through a real application. The case in point here is of an electric motorcycle manufacturer who wants to provide its users –…
How to Develop Connected Product Ecosystems with Altair® SmartWorks® IoT
See how to use SmartWorks IoT to develop an application to manage a fleet of motorcycles. Using the app, the electric motorcycle manufacturer plans to provide its users, including individual owners, rental companies, and servicing firms, with an application that will let them monitor and control motorcycles in the field.…
The Answer is Blowing in the Wind - Infield operational insight helps energy start-up fuel innovation
Vortex Bladeless, a tech start-up in Spain, specializes in developing aerogenerators with no blades. This new wind energy technology is designed for on-site generation in residential areas, being able to work on-grid, off-grid, or along with regular solar panels or other generators. In order to advance development of this…