is the fmtsearch SAS option supported by Altair?
Dear All, I have searched for "fmtsearch" on this website and got " no result found"… Is it supported by ALtair? In an existing SAS program I use the option fmtsearch(libname) to say in which library to search for existing formats. When I run this in Altair analytics workbench I get neither an error neither a message…
license key installation failed
Hello, I installed SLC server and analytical workbench. when I tried to apply my student license to the SLC server, it gave me the following error. can you please help me in getting up and running as I could not find relevant topic in the forum. I am new to Altair and intend to try R, Python, AI/ML Log file: NOTE:…
Problem of licence with SLC extension in VSCode
Hi, I have successfully install ALtair Analytic workbench on my computer. But now I want to use SLC ALTAIR in VScode, is it a different licence? Because I tried to start SLC and I have this error message: Failed to start SLC : NoLicenseException: Altair License Manager: License error Feature(s): GlobalZoneEU, HyperWorks,…
Import Enterprise Guide Projects and Convert Them into Workflows
This tutorial shows how to import enterprise guide projects and convert them into workflows.
Prepare SAS Language Programs to Run on Altair SLC Part 3
This is part 3 of the tutorial about making changes necessary to run SAS programs on SLC. This program first imports 2 SAS7BDAT datasets, converts them into WPD datasets, then merges them and exports the merged dataset as a WPD dataset. It may be necessary to update all libname statements to point to the data being…
Prepare SAS Language Programs to Run on Altair SLC Part 2
This is part 2 of the tutorial about making changes necessary to run SAS programs on SLC. This program first imports two SAS seven beta datasets, converts them into WPD datasets, then merges them, and exports the merge dataset as a CSV file. WPD is the SLC proprietary file format and optimized for use with SLC.
Prepare SAS Language Programs to Run on Altair SLC Part 1
This is part 1 of a tutorial on making the changes necessary to run SAS programs on SLC. This program first imports 2 SAS7BDAT datasets, converts them into WPD datasets, then merges them and exports the merged dataset as a WPD dataset. It may be necessary to update all libname statements to point to the data being…
Connect Altair Analytics Workbench to Altair SLC Hub
This tutorial shows how to connect Altair Analytics Workbench to Altair SLC Hub. Enter the configuration details sent by your order. Choose the execution profile created for you by your system administrator. When complete, a new server engine is visible below the Hub icon.
Altair SLC can read Excel spreadsheets, but can it read OpenDocument spreadsheets (*.ods)?
Altair SLC can read Excel spreadsheets, but can it read OpenDocument spreadsheets (*.ods)? Since installing OpenOffice.org/LibreOffice for office documents I have only had to use Excel files on client sites. OpenDocument spreadsheets (*.ods) are compressed XML file collections similar to *.xlsx files, so reading them…
Where is basketball_players.csv?
"The file used in this example can be found in the samples distributed with Altair SLC." I have searched the installed files for Altair SLC, but where is basketball_players.csv? It is referenced in MLP neural network examples.
Does SLC support system option FILELOCKWAIT?
Altair SLC does not recognise the SAS language system option FILELOCKWAIT, however system option TRANSACTEDFILEQUENCHDELAY is available. For example you can set TRANSACTEDFILEQUENCHDELAY=6000 and this effectively does the same thing as FILELOCKWAIT=6, the only difference is that FILELOCKWAIT take a time in seconds, whereas…
How do you install Altair SLC 2024 on wine 6 running on Linux Mint (Ubuntu)?
I have successfully installed Altair Analytics Workbench on wine 6 running on Linux Mint 21 (Ubuntu 22.04) using the *.msi installer. When I tried to install Altair SLC the same way, I get these errors: MESA-INTEL: warning: Bay Trail Vulcan support is incomplete…
What and where are the messages when you try to use more units in Altair SLC than you have?
What and where are the messages when you try to use more units in Altair SLC than you have? I would like to add this information in a new book I am writing, but have discovered that connecting to a Local Server in Analytics Workbench while running a batch job counts as 10 units, not 10+10 = 20 units, so I cannot test this…
Where is the PRINT output sent by Altair SLC Communicate by default?
Altair SLC Link is a technology that essentially takes a local script or part of a local script from a local Workbench client and executes it on a remote platform. Any log files, HTML or Listing results, and any datasets created from executing the program remotely are returned to the client through the normal Output and…
More Altair SLC books
Altair SLC: The SAS Language Compiler
How do I submit a long-running job to SLC Hub to avoid waiting for Workbench to run it?
Question: Using Workbench with Hub, I have a job that I know will take several hours to run. How do I submit this to the Hub so that I can quit Workbench and return later to get my job results? Answer: Use the Hub 'Pipeline' facility as follows: 1. Use your browser to log into the Hub portal using the same URL (hostname…
How can I get an Altair SLC Personal Edition license?
Altair SLC has a built-in Personal Edition (PE) license. To use Altair SLC you also need Altair Analytics Workbench. The Personal Edition is downloaded in the form of a ZIP file containing the two software packages. You will need to unpack the ZIP file and then install both SLC and Analytics Workbench. The personal edition…
How and when does the AltairSLC "community edition only" version renew the license?
I currently have an AltairSLC "community edition only" license. How and when does the AltairSLC "community edition only" version renew the license? https://altair.com/altair-slc/compare page says "Annual* Renewed with every major GA release" So is it automatic and I receive a notification of a new license? Or do I have to…
Workbench on Windows 11 requests password instead of allowing single-sign on?
We have seen some cases (e.g. after upgrade from Windows 10 to Windows 11) where Workbench does not obey single-signon settings (Kerberos SSO) when connecting remotely from Workbench to SLC. Users are expecting "passwordless" login but find they are prompted for their password/authentication. This is sometimes found to be…
How to verify the different Altair license methods for SLC on Windows?
(A) Single Machine e.g. Windows 11 MSI's to install: Workbench, SLC, and Altair Licensing. 1. SETINIT (wpskey) legacy license Apply the setinit license. Check the file C:\ProgramData\altair\slc\5\setinit.dat is in place. Select 'Local Server' > menu > Restart Check 'Log for Local Server' window. Time until 'Log for Local…
Does SLC encrypt data?
Data at Rest: The SLC can read/write encrypted datasets with the encryption key being specified by the IT/admin or specifically by the user. Encryption can be enforced for all users, or can be the default setting, or just "available when needed". i.e. the ENCRPYTKEY & ENCRYPT options can be set using OPTIONS statement,…
How does Altair Analytics Workbench handle character encodings and languages?
If there is an encoding problem where part or all of the special characters (accents, etc.) in a document are not correctly displayed in Workbench, it may be that the character set used to display them is not identical to that of your document. For example, if you open a UTF-8-encoded file when Workbench is set to…
Can I install Altair Analytics Workbench 2023, 2024, and/or 2025 in parallel on my PC?
Can I install Altair Analytics Workbench 2023, 2024, and/or 2025 in parallel on my Windows PC? Yes. Bear in mind that Altair SLC and Analytics Workbench are both required and are installed from separate MSIs. You will probably need to edit the file "workbench.ini" and add the line: -Dwpshome=C:\Program…
Connecting to a Snowflake database from Altair SLC on Windows
If you have data stored in a Snowflake database, you can connect using the ODBC driver for snowflake. To install the connection software you need to: * * Download and install the Snowflake ODBC driver (.msi) from the Snowflake website. Make sure you select the 64-bit driver version to match the Altair SLC installation. *…
When migrating SLC between Windows and Linux do I have to modify my SAS language programs?
There are various issues to beware of when switching operating system (OS)... The use of 'X' or 'CALL SYSTEM' or '%SYSEXEC' commands, and the use of filename (pipe) ... these are OS specific. Filename paths change from using "/" to "\" and from "C:" to "/". In some situations the '/' and '\' are interchangeable and SLC…