How do you install Altair SLC 2024 on wine 6 running on Linux Mint (Ubuntu)?
I have successfully installed Altair Analytics Workbench on wine 6 running on Linux Mint 21 (Ubuntu 22.04) using the *.msi installer. When I tried to install Altair SLC the same way, I get these errors: MESA-INTEL: warning: Bay Trail Vulcan support is incomplete…
./AI-Studio.sh not working
Hi everyone i am very new to this i work on linux. I was able to get into AiStudio using "./AI-Studio.sh" ,now when i run this command i get some error. May 04, 2024 10:17:36 AM com.rapidminer.launcher.PreLaunchMigrationManager log INFO: Will check for necessary directory migration processes. If there are any, the…
please help me I'm just beginner https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets.php
. 1. Conduct any data preparation that you need for your data set. This may
include handling inconsistent data, dealing with missing values, or changing
data types. Remember that in order to calculate means, each attribute in your
data set will need to be numeric. If, for example, one of your attributes
contains the values…
How to save?
Hey so I have a problem. When I would like to uplod a csv file from my computer in auto model I can not save it. Everything is fine until the finish line. It doesn't bring up my saving options so I can't choos one. So I can not start anything. Any tips?
Increasing Allocated Memory oF AI HUB via RapidMiner Deployment Administration
Hi nice people of RM; After hours and days I could connected my RM Studio to VM in Azure with 64gb RAM and 8 core CPU. And excited to run more complex tasks. But an awkward issue is only step ahead on me editing .env file via RapidMiner Deployment Administration. Default numbers are like these: SERVER_MAX_MEMORY=2048M and…
Import process stops when trying to read a CSV file.
I installed RapidMiner Studio version 9.8.001 to a Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS 64 bit. Program stops working after importing a CSV file. See attached screenshot.
My Rapidminer is freezing after the auto model is running
I use Rapidminer on the Linux I have java 8 version, I can open Rapidminer normally and most of the features work, but sometimes it freezes and always freezes after displaying the auto mode result, does anyone know what I can do?
Rapid Miner studio getting stuck on "initializing checks".
Its getting stuck at that point . I tried everything i know but still same results. I'm using open jdk 8 and i don't have any other java versions installed. JAVA path are also set properly . OS: Ubuntu 20.04
Change unix time stamp on loop
Hi - i have spent a lot of time searching the forum, but cant work it out. Wondering if anyone can help me please. I am trying to loop using a macro and changing a value that is inserted in to the URL (a different UNIX timestamp) on each iteration,. I want to do this in order to loop sucessive calls to the API to get more…
I have Java related errors when trying to install RapidMiner Studio. How can I solve this? (Ubuntu)
I'm trying to install RapidMiner Studio and I'm having problems related with Java, running the installation file RapidMiner-Studio.sh in my terminal (OS Ubuntu 18.04). I think I have all the requirements to install RapidMiner. I found out I had to have Java 8 or OpenJDK 8, so I installed and configured as explained here.…
Installation on ubuntu crashes with XML parser class loading issues
Hello fellow forum members. I have tried following the previous guides but downgrading from OpenJDK 11 to OpenJDK 8 did not help and neither did --add-modules help with the dreaded XML parsing errors. Here is my uname: 5.3.0-51-generic #44-Ubuntu SMP Wed Apr 22 21:09:44 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux Here is my…
Ubuntu 18.04 RapidMiner 9.6 runs out of sockets
For a while I had an issue that after some hours or days of use my system would stop opening windows. I assume it was running out of memory, even thought it has 64Gb RAM. Then I observed that this happens when I use RM extensively. After some investigation, I found that RM creates an executable program "browsercore64"…
I get an license failure when trying to start rapidminer-studio
Hi all,I want to start rapid miner on linux Mint 19.3, but it doesn't work: so, when I run the RapidMiner-Studio.sh in the terminal it stops with the following process: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: Product constraint manager could not be initialized! at…
Running Deep Learning extension with CUDA 10.2?
I can see in the new version of the Deep Learning extension the requirement for CUDA 10.0. However the new Tensorflow, which I also use on my system, requires CUDA 10.1+ and runs with the newest one too, which is CUDA 10.2. The release notes for the extension suggest to contact RM for assistance. As it is, the preferences…
Graphics don't display on Linux
Hi !Just starting with RapidMiner. Can't get any graphic displayed as shown in the tutorial. Blank space in the middle area, when the tutorial is showing nice bar charts... I have tried several (3) recent flavors of Ubuntu on different machines. Same result. Note that everytime, I had to remove Java 11 to Java 8 to get…
Issue about packages in linux version
Hello, everyone In related to the question I posted yesterday https://community.rapidminer.com/discussion/comment/62385#Comment_62385 now I have updated issue. My system is CentOS 7 Java 1.8 RAM 256G (I guess) I checked that Rapidminer (linux version) runs OK right after installation. But if I download extension packages,…
Problem about Rapidminer Studio (Linux Version)
Hello, everyone From today, I am using Rapidminer Studio for Linux I installed it on CentOS 7 and java 1.8 is running on CentOS. But when I start Rapidminer there are several error messages and lots of warning and if I try to edit text to edit boxes in Rapidminer UI Rapidminer stopped and it says (on console) "Could not…
When connect to MongoDB date time data are converted to unix timestamp, How come?
Scale RapidMiner for Linux
Hi everyone, I just installed RapidMiner for Linux but my screen resolution is too high which has as consequence a small RapidMiner UI... I checked the Installation Doc: "To work around this problem, please pass the following parameter when launching Studio: -Dsun.java2d.uiScale=2 and adapt the scaling factor as needed for…
Ubuntu Java 8 support
Hi, as far as I know Oracle disabled Java 8 access for personal use etc. No ppa. How about OpenJDK? Other ideas?
"I have encountered this error after log in on Rapid miner program, Ubuntu 18.04.2"
Exception: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Message: null Stack trace: java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.setCorePoolSize(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1560) com.rapidminer.extension.concurrency.execution.BackgroundExecutionService.updatePoolSize(BackgroundExecutionService.java:125)…
New Linux (Ubuntu 18.04.2) Installation - RapidMiner Fails On Startup
Hello, Just downloaded the Linux version of RapidMiner (Free) - Studio Version 9.2. When running the ./RapidMiner-Studio.sh, RapidMiner launches but hangs on 'Initializing Plugin GUI'. The last entry in the terminal is: INFO: Community repository 'Training Resources' added. I have read several articles and have taken the…
"Can't find a shortcut icon in linux mint"
I just install rapidminer in my Linux mint system by the terminal orders...but no quickstart icon created in my desktop neither in menu. Could somebody help? Thank you! Found a solution in a youtube page. But still cant understand why there is still no icon in my menu bar
While installing Rapidminer server on linux machine using headless installation I am getting error?
10:51:50,061 ERROR [org.jboss.as.controller.management-operation] (Controller Boot Thread) JBAS013412: Timeout after [3600] seconds waiting for service container stability. Operation will roll back. Step that first updated the service container was 'add' at address '[ ("core-service" => "management"),…
I am getting the below error on linux console when I am trying to install rapidminer server .
ERROR [org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol] (MSC service thread 1-2) JBWEB003043: Error initializing endpoint: java.net.BindException: Address already in use (Bind failed) / at org.apache.tomcat.util.net.JIoEndpoint.init(JIoEndpoint.java:979) [jbossweb-7.5.3.Final.jar:7.5.3.Final] at…