Converting Dates for Use in Model to Predict Oil & Gas Drill Timing?
Hi There! I recently completed MIT's "No-Code AI & Machine Learning" certificate where we used RapidMiner on some more simple models. I'm now trying to put what I've learned into use in my business. I am trying to use certain "key drilling indicators" to predict when a drilling rig will show up on a given tract of land.…
Where I will get certification in Altair?
How to load data from Rapid Miner to neo4j ?
Please let me know what are the possible options and operators available to load data from Rapid Miner to Neo4j. I know how to fetch data from Neo4j to Rapid Miner but is the vice versa possible ? what are the available options. Thanks in advance, Pooja
cross project dataset
Hello, Can RapidMiner make data mining on cross project (more than 2) to make 1 dataset for testing and 3 different data set for training? What data integration tool / node can do this? Thank you
please help me I'm just beginner https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets.php
. 1. Conduct any data preparation that you need for your data set. This may
include handling inconsistent data, dealing with missing values, or changing
data types. Remember that in order to calculate means, each attribute in your
data set will need to be numeric. If, for example, one of your attributes
contains the values…
Is there any dynamic model available which is flexible enogh to forcasting according to the attribut
Is there any
dynamic model/operators available which is flexible enough to forecasting
according to the attributes in the input?
Wrong datetime after Write in Database
Hi everyone, I have process which retrieves data from a database, does some feature engineering and then store the result in another database. One of the attributes is a datetime (CET timezone) and I would expect that the destination datetime is equivalent to the source. When I run the process locally, the process works as…
How to resolve "No suitable driver found for URL" issue when connecting to a custom driver ?
it worked when adding the driver to DataGrip but not with Rapidminer if you want more explanation of this problem comment your mail so i can send you a link of a video that explains the problem(i am a new memeber in rapidminer i can t post links)
Load data from InfluxDB into RapidMiner
Hello all, i need to analyze data stored in a InfluxDB. Sadly there is no JDBC driver for this database. Is there any way to do this anyway? I have searched the web and this forum without any usefull hint. Any help is appreciated! Best regards and thanks in advance :smile:
Changing Data in Rapidminer
Hello everyone, I am currently working with rapidminer and I got a question for which i didnt find any helpful information yet. For preparing my data I have a huge Excel file which i uploaded in Rapidminer. Since I want to analyse the data I need some new rows which I would like to create in Rapidminer. For example I have…
Write database error - unique constraint vs batch mode
Hi, I'm getting some error with a Write Database operator. I usually write data using append mode in a table in an Oracle Database which as a unique constraint on some attributes. The connection with the database is not direct but I rather connect to a Denodo "database" which automatically push the data to the original…
Relational data indexed
I have three tables (for example) Sales table = Date, productID, qty, amount, customerIDCustomer table = CustomerID, First, Last, Phone, email, loyalty pointsProduct table = ProductID, origin, weight, lead time, price, aisle#, supplier, category How to connect these for analysis?
Clustering and writing back results into MySQl Database
Hi i am making Text clustering and i got 5 clusters with text. So i want write back into the MYSQL Database to each. Im not sure where to connect the write database. For example. t1 is cluster 1 t2 is cluster 2 t3 is cluster 3 So i have a new Column in my table and every data should get a cluster. Regards, Ash
Distinct counts
I have a dataset with thousands of IDs that have multiple encounters tied to them and each encounter has multiple events in it (each ID, encounter and event are listed rows). These all have specific dates tied to each encounter. The dataset is thousands of rows long. I am trying to count the number of distinct encounters…
Connection to AS400/DB2 database using JDBC Driver
Good day, I am trying to connect to my AS400/DB2 databased using the Jt400 10.5.jar driver. I am able to successfully connect (using test connection), however when running a simple SQL script (Read database operator) I am getting the below error: * Exception: java.lang.NullPointerException * Message: null * Stack trace: *…
How can I create a new atribute that show the age of people to a specific date?
I need to create a new atribute, and show the age of the people of my database on a specific date? Can I do it with date operators?
How I can erase a column from the data base?
If my data base has a column with a missing value. And I want to delete this column or hide it. How can I erase that and then when I press de play button show me the result with out this column ?
How can I import time series data from a Google Spreadsheet on Google Drive into my process?
For a research paper, I need to read sensor data which is sent to a Google Spreadsheet (located in Google Drive) into a RapidMiner process and analyze it there. Is there a suitable operator for this task? Or do I have to create a database first? Does anyone know a solution for this case?
Detect an event of Bid Rigging in a dataset, using Auto Model
Hi, I would do a Bid Rigging analysis with RapidMiner, using Auto Model. I am not an expert, so I need support from all of you. So, in your opinion to find some bid rigging action in my dataset, what type of analysis do I have to do: Predict, Cluster or Outliners? For example, if my dataset is form by these attributes: Lot…
Deployment table: rm_mdm_locations
Hey, may someone tell me the column names and types of the "rm_mdm_locations" table in his Rapidmine AI Hub Database? I deleted mine, need to create it again i think
Detect Bid Rigging in dataset, using Auto Model
Hi, I would do a bid rigging analysis with RapidMiner, using Auto Model. I am not an expert, so I need support from all of you. So, in your opinion to find some bid rigging action in my dataset, what type of analysis do I have to do: Predict, Cluster or Outliners? I have a dataset with attributes like: tender results (a…
How To Write Not Read Character Into Database (square character)
Hello im literally new using Rapidmineri dont know how to write square character like above to my mysql databaseit always says database error occured incorrection string valueIm attach dataset and rmp process Please your kindness Thx for your helpBelow example set when i just show in rapidminer
Remove seemingly "empty" rows in Excel Sheet - Containing Spaces
Hi guys, I'm currently cleaning my data and also used an operator to remove missing values. I realized, after writing an excel sheet, that there were still some "empty" cells left. These cells aren't empty though, they are containing a space, thus they seem empty but are really not and Rapidminer won't detect them as such.…
Weird Problem with Go
There seems to be a problem with Go. It didn't work at all for a while and then when it did it pulled up the wrong file (or seemed to transform it) than the one I designated. What's happening, folks?
Supervised Sentiment Analysis - Removing @
Hi there, I'm currently working on doing a supervised sentiment analysis with Instagram comments. One of the issues I'm having is that there are a lot of comment replies, which start by mentioning the name of the person that the reply is directed at. So one person comments on something and another person replies to this…