How are the position at t=0 and gamma defined in Flux, and how is end winding impedance calculated?
Hi I am following the example "Flux - Twin Activate Coupling: IPM Motor Speed Control", focusing on Case 3, where the initial rotor position at t=0t = 0t=0 is set to 7.5°. I understand this is determined as the zero-crossing point of the phase-one voltage through back EMF analysis, as explained in the example "Brushless…
I want create process like this 1- I have the column with T/F value 2- I need to create a new column as counter if the last column has T value start the counter if the value is change make value 0 and restart the counter value as 0
Parametrize a file path
I am using Rapidminer studio in conjunction with AI Hub to read a json document that gives me result. How can I parametrize the input file? I need to test the api where this process is deployed and the user can choose a file while sending the request as form data and results will vary accordingly.
Use pdf file name as attribute
Hello everyone :smile: I want to do some simple Text Mining using pdf files in RM but I'm a little stuck right now. I created a process using the loop files and process document operator for reading in several pdf files. As I have a lot of files to analyze, which I also want to compare, I would like to create an attribute…
Macro using dates for SQL
Hi: I'm trying to use a macro with date in an SQL statement but I'm getting an error from the SQL side. Here is part of the SQL statement: Declare @fDate date, @tdate date , @processingdate date, @lag int =%{lag}SET @fDate =%{themonth} error message is "Operand type clash: int is incompatible with date." How do I resolve…
Macro with example index more than one
Dear RapidMiner community, I currently want to extract some rows with filter and use Extract macro. Since the example index just gives me an example, is it possible to provide a range of examples (e.g. row number 1-15) or some rows (1,4,7, and 15)? Maybe is there another option for this problem?
Excel worksheet loop using Macro
Hi All - I'm having trouble with something I thought would be relatively easy and unable to get through it. I basically would like to "Read Excel" in a loop by using a macro to loop through however many sheets are in this file as they can change from month to month. The data structure is the same on each tab but each…
I have a doubt regarding One hot encoding Let say i have a table and in that table i have a column called points ranging from 1 to 5. When i separate the point column using One Hot Encoding operator i get separate column for each entity in the point column but now i want to multiply the 1's in the newly generated…
Given a database table how to use macros and loop to change the multiple "where" values of SELECT
Given a database table how do I use macros to change the multiple "where" values of a select query using rapidminer? I have created a sample process but there the WHERE clause is having a single condition.. I want to check for multiple conditions. For example if I want to check like ACCOUNT_NO & CUSTOMER_ID how do I use…
For the 1st time i am using MACROS. I want to set the macro dynamically while reading data.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><process version="9.9.000"> <context> <input/> <output/> <macros/> </context> <operator activated="true" class="process" compatibility="9.4.000" expanded="true" name="Process" origin="GENERATED_TUTORIAL"> <parameter key="logverbosity" value="init"/> <parameter key="random_seed"…
macro concept in programming
Hello. I am looking at the Studio tutorial #4 called Macros and Sampling. Can someone explain in familiar programming language (like Python or Java etc.) what macros are in RapidMiner? I am not really sure. The are said to be variables but I don't think that is the full story. And do they have anything to do with macros in…
Comparing every row of an exampleset with all the rows in another
I have two examplesets, say A and B, with the same set of attribute names, and each individual row from A needs to be compared with all rows in B to be categorized based on a criteria on a particular attribute. My initial thought was to use a Loop Examples operator to iterate over the rows of A, and to retrieve B and apply…
Publishing Twitter Link to Web App via Macro
I am trying configure my web app to have a link to a Twitter user's profile. In the main page of my web app, I have a bar graph of count of tweets by user name. These user names are just display names and I have a data set where the user names are associated to the user screen names (unique twitter handles). To access a…
How to use macro to check condition
Hello, In generate attribute getting error in this condition "if(CY +%{opt}+ Avg3Yr_percentage,60,20)" opt macro contain "<" for reference i have attched my process and input file <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><process version="9.5.001"> <context> <input/> <output/> <macros/> </context> <operator activated="true"…
how create this attribute
Hi, I´m new in RM. I have to do the next task: Transform the attribute "index_evento". Excel to RM. I need you help !!! I need the attribute "index_event" as like in Excel. In the next comment you will find the XML. I´m going to share the last part of the process. THANKS !!!
Create/ Calculate new example
Hi,I have a data set like this:Value | Nr.X | 1Y | 2 And like to have this kind of data set:Value | Nr.X | 1Y | 1Y | 1 Question:How can I generate new examples from the existing one? Do I need to use transpose to generate new Attributes? Or should I use De-Pivot or a Macro? What is the most effective way? Thanks for…
how to change macro date format?
hello, I have macro that contain current date i wnat to change date format to "MM/dd/yyyy" how can i do that? e.g %{current_date} Aug 21, 2020 1:13:49 PM IST and one other date i need to compare with this macro is InputDate Aug 21, 2020 1:13:49 PM IST when i checked this condtion getting " F" results for all…
Can I pass macro in extract macro
Hello, I want to pass attribute name dynamically as loop iteration like in 1st iteration in "attribute name" is "attribute_1" in second "attribute_2" and so on. when i checked in generate attribute this macro gives correct result what i want "SCENARIOPARAMETER_"+%{iteration}" but same when i passed in extract macro giving…
How to split and store splited data in macro
Hello, I have one Column "Parameter" that contains values below Parameter Financial Product=REMITTANCE|MESSAGEDIRECTION=I I want to store both in macro after split like %{Key} %{value} %{key_1} %{value_1}
Change unix time stamp on loop
Hi - i have spent a lot of time searching the forum, but cant work it out. Wondering if anyone can help me please. I am trying to loop using a macro and changing a value that is inserted in to the URL (a different UNIX timestamp) on each iteration,. I want to do this in order to loop sucessive calls to the API to get more…
Can pass two macros in filter example expression or not
hello, I have two macro both have values i checked by passing in generate attribute but when I pass filter example expression not getting any result. e.g. %{key}==%{value} product= Credit Card Both macro data is present in my data
how to check condition on filter example by joining two macro
Hello, I have total three macros i want to check condition on filter %{key} "%{prof_value_1}" i want to genrate this macro like %{prof_value_%{m_cnt}} product %{key} CreditCard(%{prof_value_1}) 1 how can do that %{attribute_value_1}==%{prof_value_%{m_cnt}} ?
How to split macros values.
Hello, I have two macro %{key} and %{value} Product and Credit Card,Travel Card I want output Product = Credit card and Product = Travel Card
Can I pass macros in filter
Hello, I want pass macro in filter example operator. e.g I have two macro %{key} is in %{value} key conating Product and value contain "Card;Insurence" How can I do that
Filter Example with macro
Hello, Im trying to use the set macro operator for filtering by using the golf example set. However it does not work and I cant find the reason for it. Does anybody know why? - Thank you! <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><process version="9.7.000"> <context> <input/> <output/> <macros/> </context> <operator…