Flux - SimLab Tutorial : 2D SPM Motor Brushless
Description This tutorial shows how to use SimLab to design and run electromagnetic analysis with Flux solver for electric motors. The studied device, a brushless DC motor with surface permanent magnet, includes the following elements: a fixed part (stator) including yoke, slots, and windings an air gap a movable part…
Flux - SimLab Tutorial : 2D IPM Motor Brushless
Description This tutorial shows how to use SimLab to run electromagnetic analysis with Flux solver for electric motors. The studied device, a brushless AC embedded permanent magnet motor, includes the following elements: * a fixed part (stator) including yoke, slots, and windings * an air gap * a movable part (rotor) with…
Develop and Deploy Your Custom Solutions Faster with HyperWorks 2022.1 Simulation Release
In HyperWorks 2022.1, we have introduced several key customization and automation enhancements. Bringing your custom content to any of the HyperWorks clients has never been easier. The following video will take you on a quick tour of the most important updates regarding extensions, API (Application Programming Interface)…
due to multiple instances of rtda license handlers salve status become NO SLOT
All, I am facing a weird issue from last few days. We have a NC server in Bangalore,India and takes licenses from US server. Since last 2 weeks , we are seeing multiple instances of license handlers for the NC server (slot_nc &server_nc ) makes the taskers status as NOSLOT. If this happens , I am killing the multiple slot…
Above error is coming when i have tried to use INREL = -2 in my model. Please Suggest how to overcome from this problem. i have attempted many times but this error solver throws when i use INREL = -2. I'm applying above condition on pontoon boat. Rather than pressure i have applied Pressure force. In both scenario (i.e.…
Thermal modelling in Flux - Questions from a beginner
Hello, I am struggling to analyze the thermal behaviour of an electric motor. My goal is to design a motor first in FluxMotor and then calculate the electromagnetic and thermal behaviour for a specific working point in Flux. I noticed that FluxMotor has the function to export a Flux 2D model. I would like to calculate the…
How to deal with warnings when using the AC sweep function with PSIM?
When I run AC sweep with PSIM, a warning message appears in the Simulation Message as shown below. Warning! The program did not reach the steady state after 60 cycles when performing the ac sweep. Frequency = 436516 Amplitude relative error =85.2 % The error is that it did not converge even after 60 cycles. Should I make…
questioning wrong -360 degrees in AC sweep results
From the article titled "AC ANALYSIS OF PEAK CURRENT MODE CONTROLLED BUCK CONVERTER," accessible through the provided link here. In the first section, "1. CURRENT LOOP TRANSFER FUNCTION," an AC sweep is configured to measure the current loop transfer function. Upon examining the Bode plot during this phase, it is evident…
Include fileがインポートできない
この記事は、KB0120301 を日本語に翻訳したものです。 Flux新機能:6自由度Mechanical set Flux v2022.1には、6自由度でシステムを駆動できる新しいタイプのMechanical setがあります: 図1 - 6自由度のMechanical set このMechanical setの動きは、Data Treeに自動的に作成される3つのParameters I/Oによって駆動さます: 図2 - 6自由度の運動パラメータ これらのパラメータはそれぞれX軸、Y軸、Z軸周りの回転を駆動します。 Fluxにおけるローター偏心モデリング 偏心の種類…
Is there any way to generate a Nyquist plot in PSIM for any converter topology?
Is there any way to generate a Nyquist plot in PSIM for any converter topology? This feature is available in Smart Control, but it's only applicable to some fixed topologies.
Export Animation File
Hi All, Can I export my simulation as a animation file (e.g. as a .fbx file) for import in an animation software (e.g. belnder)? Could not find anything, maybe there is a workaround? Thanks and best regards Leandro
how to plot swep gain
Hello, Q1. How to plot Gain vs Frequency for theta=0, phi=0? Q2, How to plot Axial Ratio vs Frequency for theta=0, phi=0? Thank you
Altair Grid Engine および ALM (License Manager) 関連のドキュメント/モジュールのダウンロード
Altair Grid Engine および ALM (License Manager) 関連のドキュメント/モジュールは、Altair One よりダウンロードが可能です。 1. Altair One (https://altairone.com/Marketplace) にアクセスし、sign in します。 2. All Apps から Altair Grid Engine を選択します。 <Altair Grid Engine のマニュアル/モジュール> - Download を選択し、マニュアルは Documents で、モジュールは Suite Version および Operating System…
About PSIM F28335 code generator
Hi everyone, I have encountered some issues with the code generator for F28335 when simulating the circuit. The error message is as follows: Error Message: Element: DLL_EXT_ESB Name: MainCCode ERROR: maybe missing ';' before '*' ERROR: syntax error before or at line 135 in file 'C:\Altair\PSIM_2022.1\PsimTmp\sE3501.cxx'…
Penetration check is not working
Hi, I was trying to import some meshed elements into COMSOL. COMSOL found some invalid elements (intersection/penetration). However, when I used the penetration panel in Hypermesh, it showed 0 intersection. Visually, it is not corrected. Is it a bug? And how may I solve this? Thank you.
Animation on Flux
How to save the animation made in Flux and open it in another visualization software?
Hyperlife hand calculation
Hi all, my question is about hyperlife damage calculation process for strain-life state. I want to do some hand calculation to estimate fatigue life and obtain same results with Hyperlife. I am using .h3d file as my input for calculations. 1. How does Hyperlife calculate related strain value to use at E-N graph? I am using…
Paycom Models & Workspaces
Overview Classic Models (.dmod) extract use templates to extract data from a specific report at a time. Classic Models can also acquire data from structured sources like Excel, CSV, and Database sources. Classic models may include filters, sorts, calculated fields, lookup fields, and summary aggregations. Data Prep Studio…
What is fastest way of finding the elements attached to a node
Hi All, I m trying to find all the attached elements to a node, using *findmark node 1 1 1 elements 0 2 command , But I what to know if there is any faster way of doing this, As this method takes a lot of time if you are processing thousands of nodes Any help is much appreciated , Thanks in advance
Altair HW Version 2022.1 Compatibility with ANSYS 23R1
Does Hyperworks support ANSYS 23R1 Files
Question about contact radius
Hi, I am confused about the role of contact radius in calculating contact force and contact detection. Currently my understanding is that contact forces are calculated based on particle physical radius and contact radius are only used for contact detection. For example, if I have two physically overlapped particles of…
HyperWorks 2022.1 CAD、ジオメトリ、メッシュ、モーフィングに関する概要
HyperWorks 2022.1 Simulation リリースの CAD、ジオメトリ、メッシュ、モーフィングの最新の機能強化について説明します。 スケッチ ツールの場合、単位系のサポートが追加され、スケッチ データ、パラメータ エンティティ、および変数マネージャーの単位サポートが有効になります。スケッチ ユニット システムで行われた変更により、ラインやサーフェスなどの実現されたジオメトリを含むスケッチ データとパラメータ データがスケールされます。 フィーチャ ツールを使用すると、フィーチャを編集および保存できます。ジオメトリ修正ツールの追加の改善には、穴、フィレット、ロゴの除去機能のサポート、カット ツールの改善、複数のラインと FE…
HyperWorks 2022.1 リリースのモデル アセンブリのハイライト
最新リリース 2022.1 では、モデル アセンブリ ワークフローの大幅な改善に取り組んできました。次のものが含まれます。 ・新しいソルバーサポート 〇 Exodus 〇 FEKO ・ポストスクリプトの削除 〇 実現インフラの大幅な改善 〇 35のポストスクリプトの廃止 ・ソリッドからコネクタ 〇 3Dソリッドジオメトリからコネクタへの変換 〇 パーツからメタデータの抽出 ・航空宇宙の実現 〇 Huthとユーザ定義のHuth ・シームクワッドの改善 〇 Tジョイントによる投影計算方法 〇 Tジョイントの新しい実現方法 ・取り入れの強化 〇 カスタム実現スタイル 〇 ラインと領域の 1D 吸収 ・グループリンクの機能強化 〇…
Altair HyperWorks 2022.1 シミュレーション リリースでは、部材と補強材を1D ビーム シェル メッシュまたはソリッドとして作成します
ビームを部材または補強材として生成および管理する必要がある場合、このビデオでは、さまざまな業界の例にて、ビームをモデル化するための HyperWorks 2022.1 リリースで利用できるツールセットを説明します。 このビデオでは、ダイレクト メッシュ作成とビーム編集 (位置合わせ/方向/オフセット) のほかに、OptiStruct 用の VABS (APA 製) による複合積層セクションのサポートなど、3D モデルを 1D ビームに縮小するための複数のオプションを紹介しています。 同様に、ビデオでは、既存の 1D ビーム メッシュからシェル…