due to multiple instances of rtda license handlers salve status become NO SLOT

Pavan K_21222
Pavan K_21222 Altair Community Member
edited January 2024 in Community Q&A



I am facing a weird issue from last few days.

We have a NC server in Bangalore,India and takes licenses from US server.

Since last 2 weeks , we are seeing multiple instances of license handlers for the NC server (slot_nc &server_nc ) makes the taskers status as NOSLOT.

If this happens , I am killing the multiple slot handlers and again the taskers status becomes Normal (WORKING).

I have rebooted the NC server and restarted rtda daemon on license server , but still getting multiple instances on nc_slots & server_nc


Please let us know how to resolve this issue.  


  • Fazel_Noor
    Fazel_Noor Altair Community Member
    edited January 2024

    I am in the same team as Pavan above.  Another observation:  license log file shows that only our BNG NC master is checking in/out server_nc  licenses,  the other two masters in USA are not checking in/out server_nc licenses to the license server and back.  They only are checkin/checkout-ing slot licenses.   I am guessing there is some setting or entry somewhere that makes the master only take the server_nc license once and be done with it.