Altair SLC can read Excel spreadsheets, but can it read OpenDocument spreadsheets (*.ods)?
Altair SLC can read Excel spreadsheets, but can it read OpenDocument spreadsheets (*.ods)? Since installing OpenOffice.org/LibreOffice for office documents I have only had to use Excel files on client sites. OpenDocument spreadsheets (*.ods) are compressed XML file collections similar to *.xlsx files, so reading them…
Auto Model gives error for all models with this set of data. How can I fix this?
I'm new to RapidMiner so it could most definitely be an oversight on my part but I've been racking my brain over this for the past couple hours and can't find what's wrong. Help would be very much appreciated.
Need help automating large demographic datasets into more manageable variables for SPSS
Hi, Is there a way to shorten the titles of long demographic variables in an excel spreadsheet to make them more concise? I would need to analyze them in SPSS. Would I be able to automate this process or shorten the manual labour that's required? Unfortunately, I'm not able to share the data here. Thank you
Write Excel - Process failed
Hi Folks, Sorry for asking such a basic question: I have tried to have my results displayed as an Excel via Turbo Prep and via the Write Excel Operator. Both are giving me the same Errornote: Invalid Row number(1048576) outside allowable range (0.. 1048575) How can i change the allowable range or is there any other fix for…
Import Excel
Hi there, I want to start a cluster analysis and put some random animals into different clusters. I startet of by finding some general similarities between a set of animals. Now that I come though the running process, the k-means Cluster is not showing the names of the animals, just some numerical value. I guess the cause…
Set Role Operator - attribute missing in input example set
Hello, New to RapidMiner. I am following the process described in the "Automatic Classification of Documents" tutorial (can't post links yet but it's in RapidMiner Academy). When it gets to the Set Role operator, I get an error message where it says the attribute is missing in the input dataset (Image 1). However when…
Revert Tokenized words back to sentences
Hello, I would like to ask. How do I change my tokenized words attribute back into my own text attribute in Excel file? I was doing tokenized words for correcting many mistakes in my text by using Stem (Dictionary) and many other operators within Process Documents from Data. The thing is that I can't find any operator that…
Generate attribute: Column name* macro
I am trying to do this A B C D 2 1 1 4 3 2 4 1 ' using generate attribute i want to multiply each column with macro but i am getting error ( '*' must have a argument of type numerical). A* macro like that i have given function.
trying an Algorithm in RapidMiner
I am trying to use TOPSIS model in Rapid Miner. Can anybody please tell me. Can we able to do this Rapid miner and all operations for columns in rapid miner? I'm trying this for so long. As i am new to this rapid miner dont know whether i can able to do this or not.
Twitter Search
Hey @ all, I do have two questions: 1. I want to search tweets that companies have tweeted, no reaction to other tweets. I can't use get statuses because they show also raection to other accounts 2. Also I want to chance the user many times. I have a list of accounts I want to get tweets from. Is this possible to…
CSV File becomes very large when imported to RapidMiner
Hey everyone, I have a .csv file with a size of 283MB, however when loading the file into RapidMiner it becomes roughly 6.7GB, which is too large for my system to perform text mining. The file contains 3 columns and around 220.000 rows. Two of the columns are simply ID's and one column is the actual text with around 100…
add identifier attribute for joining datasets
data set A: a1,b1,c1a2,b2,c2 data set B:x1,y1,z1x2,y2,z2 right now I am manually adding a final row column of data after exporting; for which dataset the data came from ie: data set A: a1,b1,c1,setAa2,b2,c2,setA data set B:x1,y1,z1,setBx2,y2,z2,setB before joining them together, Im wondering if there is a way to do that…
i got an error when input data from my excel,there are so many question mark, can someone help me?
Include metadata when writing to excel
Hello, I am a very new user of Rapidminer and would appreciate some help. I have created a process to find specific key words in an excel file and write the results to a new excel file. The example set in the results tab includes metadata which is omitted when I write the excel file. How do I also include the metadata when…
Outlook Emails exported to excel to be grouped by Subject
Hi Rapidminer Community, I came across the Aggregate function and would like to group by the Subject type. However, I do realise that the group by function works differently from the Group by function in Outlook. Take the below email subject type for instance: Email 1: This is it Email 2: Re: This is it Email 3: FW: This…
Excel worksheet loop using Macro
Hi All - I'm having trouble with something I thought would be relatively easy and unable to get through it. I basically would like to "Read Excel" in a loop by using a macro to loop through however many sheets are in this file as they can change from month to month. The data structure is the same on each tab but each…
Reading excel file written by Rapidminer in Pandas Dataframe
Hello, I have a process in RM that writes some data into excel using "Write Excel" operator, and the file format is .xlsx This excel file is to be read in a Python script for which I use pandas library, but the excel file is read as an empty dataframe within the script. It can only read the first column name in the excel…
Hola, quisiera saber si se puede tomar un archivo de excel y correrlo en servidor?
Estoy haciendo un proceso donde se toman archivos de excel del outlook diariamente, pero como quiero automatizar mi proceso quiero que se este corriendo en servidor diariamente pero para eso necesito saber como desde Rapidminer Al Hub puede leer mis archivos y no truene porque no encuentra esa ruta. Espero me puedan…
Write Excel
Hi there, I'm trying to export my result into an excel file (or csv doesn't really matter), but I always get the error. Memory buffered file Is it to much data for my laptop or what could I've done wrong? Thanks for your help! Regards
Twitter Sentiment Analysis from RapidMiner Template
Dear community, I am a beginner in machine learning field and I have just started with my first project on sentiment analysis. I have decided to use the template provided by RapidMiner -> It works perfectly, however I am unsure whether I have chosen right input data. In the 1st box "Retrieve Historical Sentiment", I put my…
Predict multiple value based on another value
Hello guys, so, i had this data which represents the contents of soil in x-depth and the data only has limited depth. i tried to make model based on contents of soil in x-depth which going to predict those contents of soil arent shown on the depth. e.g contents of soil in 3 m depths and make this data to predict contents…
Read Excel Table with 300+ URLs and get Page Informations
I would like to get Informations such as the Response Code, Response Message, Content Type etc. of the URLs in my Excel Table. I used - Read Excel -> Store -> Handle Exception (Get Pages) -> Store - as my Process Chain. For some reason I only get the URL as my Result instead of all the Information I want. Hopefully someone…
Dynamic LDA
I used Extract Topics from Data (LDA). The result makes sense. However, I want to see how some topics fade away or become more popular over the years. Please can you help? Thank you.
Export to Excel
Hi friends, I have a question, could I write to excel 5 different types of searches on twitter on a only one excel file??
Detect an event of Bid Rigging in a dataset, using Auto Model
Hi, I would do a Bid Rigging analysis with RapidMiner, using Auto Model. I am not an expert, so I need support from all of you. So, in your opinion to find some bid rigging action in my dataset, what type of analysis do I have to do: Predict, Cluster or Outliners? For example, if my dataset is form by these attributes: Lot…