Unable to connect to SQLServer on server using TCP/IP and no encryption
Hello, I am learning to use Rapidminer Studio 10.1 and trying to connect to SQL Server database on a server over TCP/IP, SQL Server version 2019, have set the connection with correct information such as the database username and password, host with instancename, port, and database name , as well as adding parameter…
Read and sampling MS SQL Data
Hi, I'm want to read and to sample the data directly from an MS SQL Database, before or better without importing the data in the local repository. How to do it ? Thanks, Michel
How to enable the option Manage Database Drivers under Connections Menu?
I am using licensed version of RapidMiner Studio v9.9. I am trying to connect RapidMiner with Neo4j database using the answer mentioned in this link. But I cannot see the option Connections > Manage Database Drivers in my studio application. How can I fix this?
Solved: Data check wizard does not find malformatted data that would allow processing of data files
Hello, I have a csv file with over 200 columns and thousands of rows. Very few of the numerical values are malformatted like 20n7ž¾=5â038525 in single, not adjacent cells. How to perform automatic data cleaning, or labeling, or handling at all? Solved: I forgot to check the option box "Replace errors with missing values"…
Execute python JSONDecode error
what does this error means and how do I check for the specific line? I am simply trying to read a dataset through "Execute Python" operator.
OUTPUT clause in not enabled when using Read Database Operator
Hi, I am trying to execute MERGE statement using Read Database operator. Not able to use OUTPUT clause in insert statement throwing syntax error. MERGE statement without OUTPUT clause is working fine in Execute SQL operator. But it is throwing error with output clause and also it doesn't have output port. , Please check…
Given a database table how to use macros and loop to change the multiple "where" values of SELECT
Given a database table how do I use macros to change the multiple "where" values of a select query using rapidminer? I have created a sample process but there the WHERE clause is having a single condition.. I want to check for multiple conditions. For example if I want to check like ACCOUNT_NO & CUSTOMER_ID how do I use…
For the 1st time i am using MACROS. I want to set the macro dynamically while reading data.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><process version="9.9.000"> <context> <input/> <output/> <macros/> </context> <operator activated="true" class="process" compatibility="9.4.000" expanded="true" name="Process" origin="GENERATED_TUTORIAL"> <parameter key="logverbosity" value="init"/> <parameter key="random_seed"…
Connection to AS400/DB2 database using JDBC Driver
Good day, I am trying to connect to my AS400/DB2 databased using the Jt400 10.5.jar driver. I am able to successfully connect (using test connection), however when running a simple SQL script (Read database operator) I am getting the below error: * Exception: java.lang.NullPointerException * Message: null * Stack trace: *…
Bug Reports: Error in loading excel file
I have an error in loading excel file, it stated that there was an error during executing the background job. Here is the detail of the error: * Exception: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException * Message: 7 * Stack trace: *…
How do I make existing Process (that referred to an Excel import) now recognise Read Excel pathway?
Hi there, so I started creating processes when watching this video called "Elaborate Your Time Series Analysis." I now realise that there's a difference between importing an Excel file into RM (which I originally opted for) and referring to an Excel file via an operator like Read Excel and making the file path to the Excel…
How to join multiple excel sheets to combine them into one cluster (k-means) ?
Hey there, I'm trying to join (in this example 2 but the purpose is to join a huge number of excels) some excel sheets with the join operator to cluster similar documents from different datasets. My problem is, that the join operator overwrites the datasets which are identical in their structure to that the exampleset that…
Connect Mysql Database via ODBC connector
Hello everyone, i am new here and i would like to connect mysql database with rapidminer via ODBC. but it doesn't show me ODBC Bridge option. If anyone know, please help me out.
Querying TERADATA takes too long
Hi all, I have a very big TERADATA database that has more than 35 000 000 rows. When I query the data for 1 000 000 rows, the Read Database operator executes in 12s, and when I tried to select all rows, the process ran for >40 minutes and I had to stop it. My question is, is this waiting time normal? If not, how can I…
Oracle Database Connection
Hi All, I am trying to connect to a oracle database via "Read Database" operator. However it works if I run it locally in the studio, but on running it on the RM server I am getting the below error. I have tried two methods in define connection 1) Repository 2) url . Both doesn't seem to work on the RM server. I have…
Update new row into existing excel file.
Hi. How to update our existing excel file with new row without replacing it every time the Machine Learning give new result? If possible could you show me by using operator? I'm not good with reading code. The problem start after Machine Learning part. I don't really know how to use the append operator correctly and if…
Executing RapidMiner Process on Php button click
I've .xml file of my rm process. i want to run rm process on php button click which then displays the result of process in a textbox. Please help!.