How to Create an array in Altair Embed ?
Hi Team… I'm currently working on communication side (like UART , SPI) of Altair Embed.In that i have doubt how to create an array and how to access the index values of that.Because ,If i read the values using READ block, i need to know how to store it in an array and how to access that.
Coloring IO object data
Hi, I defined an IOobject datatype, and assigned a color to it, I find it when there is too much lines consisting this type of data in a process, the previous lines will not show the correct color and this data was removed from the output of the operator(no data when I hover my mouse above the output port). It seems RM…
Logic based Rule/Decision Tree/Flowcharts in RapidMiner
Hi, I want to know whether Rapidminer has operators that can allow me to build decision trees using basic operations like {if else} and maybe even use the condition{>, <}. I know RM supports learning decision tree models through its operator, but can I manually build such a tree, in a way people draw a tree in other…
My rapidminer didn't have local repository after i install it and the create new connection blank
CSV File becomes very large when imported to RapidMiner
Hey everyone, I have a .csv file with a size of 283MB, however when loading the file into RapidMiner it becomes roughly 6.7GB, which is too large for my system to perform text mining. The file contains 3 columns and around 220.000 rows. Two of the columns are simply ID's and one column is the actual text with around 100…
Compiling RapidMIner Studio
I am trying to compile RapidMiner Studio on Ubuntu 20.4, Running ./gradlew jar fails with the following error message: FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. * Where: Script '/home/zahra/workspace/rapidminer-studio-modular/open-source/os-module.gradle' line: 12 * What went wrong: A problem occurred evaluating script. >…
Extending Rapidminer: Where can I find information on class hierarchy, methods and so on?
In the tutorial for creating a new extension there isn't a lot of information about which classes we need to import or which methods or variables are in each class. For example in this page, the information about which classes to import is present only in the "The complete operator class now looks like this." tab. However…
Installed my own extension but can´t find it in operator tree
Hello, I developed my first operator and installed it. IntelliJ shows me that that the build was successful and that the task "installExtension" is finished and i can see that the extension was loaded in the "About Installed Extensions" - menu. However I can not find my operator in the operator tree. Any suggestions what…
Date transposing changing the format
Hi all, My question seems to be simple but I cannot find the answer. I have some data with a date format that I need. My dates are at the columns level for the moment. For a reason, I need to transpose the table that I have. My date now becomes Row. My problem is that when I am transposing, the date format change and I…
How tho fix a Process Failed (read time out)
Hello everyone, I was just asking how to see the progress of a process, unfortunately it suddenly stoped with an error message. I'm running an Aylien sentiment analysis process for 130000 record, I test it on a sample and it was great. But after applying it on the whole dataset it stoped after about 27 hours. Can anyone…
Integrate model with third party tool
I want to deploy my model and use it with a third party tool like excel or so, that increases the ease of use for the end user.
I'm having a problem in running my process in a Java Application
Hi I'm having errors/warnings with my Java app. Any help would be appreciated. Here is my code in Netbeans: RepositoryLocation pLoc = new RepositoryLocation(process);
ProcessEntry pEntry = (ProcessEntry) pLoc.locateEntry();
String processXML = pEntry.retrieveXML();
com.rapidminer.Process myProcess = new…
Setting correct data type for output port of Operator
Hello everyone, I recently encountered a problem while I was trying to define the correct data type for the output ports of my curstom operator in my extension. It seems to be not possible to define a data type at all. No matter which data type I define, this port's data type is in RapidMiner always displayed as an…
"Is there a way to register extension sample repository in global search?"
Hello RM Community, I am developing an extension with a sample repository. I already bundled the repository with the extension following this tutorial: https://docs.rapidminer.com/latest/developers/how-to/sample-repositories.html. However, it seems that the global search feature does not include it. Is there a way to…
Does the build version from Git source codes have the 10k rows limit?
Hi Everyone, The free version has the 10k rows limit, does the build version from Git source codes have the 10k rows limit ? Thanks a lot.
Is there a way to show and hide an OutputPort depending on a boolean Parameter?
Hello RM Community, I am developing a machine learning operator for RapidMiner. I wonder whether there is a way to show and hide an OutputPort depending on a boolean Parameter? Kind regards Jan
RapidMiner Studio 9.3 will no launch; no log file created
Installed from SCCM 9.0.3. HKCU folders are present. Created \PROFILE\.rapidminer. Launch shortcut or .exe..nothing. Launch as Admmistrator...nothing. The only way it will work is if launching from an Administrator commans prompt. No log files are create on all failures. Users have Modify, Read, and execute (full) rights…
Java Security Blocks neccessary Objects - found no way to get around it.
Hi there, Before i start, i can't select any category (like Knowledge Base) except Help for this Post. No Scriptblocker whatsoever running right now either. So for my NLP Extension (Part-of-Speech-Taggers) i need to integrate the pre-made Taggers into Operators. When i try to initialize those Taggers, they get blocked,…
LDA,QDA and RDA operators from RM 7.1 available in RM9 ....what would be the best way to do it?
At some point the behaviour of these operators has changed in more recent versions of Rapidminer. I am losing repeatability. Of all the learners I tested, these are the ones that did not give me the same results between RM7.1 and RM8+. At least on my data. The results are the same if repeated on each version of Rapidminer…
Can I change rapidminer5's code for extension project?
I am using RapidMiner5 and want to develop the extension project with RapidMiner5. In order to develop the extension project, I changed some code in RapidMiner. Because some method in RapidMiner5 is private or protected. I tested the code just in extension project and get the successful result, but when I built it to…
RapidMiner5-extension-project build failed with one line more code.
I am using RM5 and want to add extension to RM5. So I download rapidminer5's extension project. But I met a very strange problem. This is the beginning of the situation, I added a class and an empty method, the compilation passed. But when I add a line of code, the compilation doesn't go through. This line of code is very…
Creating an Extension for TSFRESH
Hello Developer Community, I am a new user to RM studio. How would one go about creating an extension to operationalize the feature extraction method using TS-FRESH? I am doing some research with this method, so having this feature extraction method in GUI vs. Command Line would be a major plus for expediting work efforts.…
Hello, Always more tentative deep learning modules appear in RM. Yet, so far, I have not encountered any operator proposing unsupervised learning through neural autoencoding. Have I missed it, or is this approach not yet available among RM extensions?
With the same input data, I got very different results with or not with Radoop module
I create a process to use the Decision Tree with the sample data Titanic. Then I create a process to use the Decision Tree in radoop with the same data Titanic. But I got the very different result. Does anybody knows the reason?
OperatorChain Class and creating super operator
Hi, I am trying to create extension that uses subprocess and for that I am using OperatorChain class. Is there any documentation or implementation for the creating super operator..? I have already tried these links: * https://rapidminer.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/RapidMiner-extensions.pdf *…