Is there a way to show and hide an OutputPort depending on a boolean Parameter?

jan_engelhardt_ New Altair Community Member
edited November 5 in Community Q&A
Hello RM Community,

I am developing a machine learning operator for RapidMiner.
I wonder whether there is a way to show and hide an OutputPort depending on a boolean Parameter?

Kind regards


  • sgenzer
    Altair Employee
  • MartinLiebig
    Altair Employee
    Thats rather @jczogalla .
    PortExtender are doing this in someway.. So maybe one can build a logic like it?
  • jczogalla
    jczogalla New Altair Community Member

    in general, ports cannot be just hidden. They have to be added/removed from the operator which may influence the rest of the operators behavior and may cause side effects. Having said that, if that special port is always the last port and there are no port extenders (for example through ports like on the log or loop operators), you could theoretically add an observer to the parameters of your operator that will add/remove the special port.
    Another way to go about this might just be to create different meta data depending on the parameter.
    Can you tell us a bit more what you want to do specifically?
