Altair HyperWorks 2024 新機能ご紹介
アルテアは、設計およびシミュレーションのための市場をリードするプラットフォームAltair® HyperWorks® 2024をリリースしました。最新リリースでは、人工知能(AI)を活用したエンジニアリング、ビジネス、機械および電子システムの設計、シミュレーション主導の設計および最適化が大幅に進化しました。 Altair HyperWorks 2024 は、あらゆる形状や物理特性、複雑性に対応し、設計から運用までの製品開発ライフサイクルのすべての段階で、統一された最新のユーザーエクスペリエンスを提供する唯一のプラットフォームです。Altair HyperWorks…
Altair Feko: What's new in Feko 2024.1
Highlights of the 2024.1 Release Feko Model Protection Model protection was extended to allow a custom 3D representation to be shown when a protected model is imported by a client. The 3D representation does not get meshed and does not form part of the simulation. The custom representation geometry is specified by the…
Altair Feko: What's new in Feko 2024.0
Highlights of the 2024.0 Release Feko The Feko 2024.0 release features extensions to many different solvers - enhancing Feko's capabilities in propagation modelling, network planning as well as general and specialist EM analysis application areas. There are various performance improvements, interoperability and API…
Altair Feko: What's new in Feko 2023.1
Highlights of the 2023.1 Release The Feko 2023.1 release features extensions to many different solvers - enhancing Feko's capabilities in propagation modelling, network planning as well as general and specialist EM analysis application areas. There are various performance improvements, interoperability and API extension,…
Altair® IoT Studio: General Release - Overview of Features
The attached document provides an overview of the features included in the General Release of Altair IoT Studio. For registration, kindly visit swx.altairone.com. Altair IoT Studio The Altair IoT Studio platform provides everything you need to quickly build scalable, secure, smart connected ecosystems, which includes: *…
HyperMesh CFD: Known Issues
List of known issues that were discovered after release. (Note: This article will continuously be updated when issues are reported) HyperMesh CFD 2023.0 known issues: Geometry - Meshing * Manage tool: Manage tool in Simulation ribbon does not list meshing or runs residing in same folder as hmcfd file. Workaround: You have…
Altair Feko: What's new in Feko 2023
Highlights of the 2023 Release The Feko 2023 release features extensions to many different solvers - enhancing Feko's capabilities in propagation modelling, network planning as well as general and specialist EM analysis application areas. There are various performance improvements, interoperability and API extension,…
What's new in Feko 2022.3
Highlights of the 2022.3 Release The Feko 2022.3 release features extensions to many different solvers - enhancing Feko’s capabilities in propagation modelling, network planning as well as general and specialist EM analysis application areas. There are various performance improvements, interoperability and API extension,…
AcuSolve Known Issues
Below is a list of known issues that were discovered after release. Note: This article will continuously be updated when issues are reported. AcuSolve 2022.2 * When simulating three phases with AcuSolve/EDEM coupling, if a user defines their own material and specifies a mass flow inlet boundary condition the solver may…
What's new in Feko 2022
The Feko 2022.0 release features extensions to many different solvers - enhancing Feko’s capabilities in propagation modelling, network planning as well as general and specialist EM analysis application areas. There are various performance improvements, interoperability and API extension, enabling more flexible workflows…
HyperWorks CFD Known Issues
Below is a list of known issues that were discovered after release. (Note: This article will continuously be updated when issues are reported) HyperWorks CFD 2021.2 1) Volume mesher creates negative jacobian elements * Due to this issue, acuprep will fail. * Work around: Turn off the Imprint layer option via Mesh ribbon >…
What's new in nanoFluidX 2021.2
New Features * Extractor – the extractor feature is in its essence an advanced probe capability. What distinguishes it from the regular probe capability in nanoFluidX is that the extractor supplies an .stl mesh of arbitrary shape to the solver and all the desired diagnostics are then measured on this .stl mesh. If the .stl…
What's new in Feko 2021.2
The Feko 2021.2 release features a number of new simulation approaches as well as performance improvements and more flexible workflows. A new SBR (shooting and bouncing rays) method for propagation modelling using WInProp A novel dual-domain CBFM approach for radome analysis and optimal CBFM preparation using ray-tracing…
Holiday Release of Operator Toolbox!
Hello everybody! I have the great honor to announce the next
release of our operator toolbox extension. With this extension we add some
useful new functionality as well as build on our existing capabilities. But
without further delay, lets talk about the new things! Detect Outliers (Univariate) Often you want to figure out…
Simulation Driven Design for Efficient Electric Machines - What's New in FluxMotor 2018
The electric motor design process can be long and tedious. Modern design tools enables designers to quickly evaluate and compare machine techinical-economic potential. Discover how FluxMotor can radically change the way machines are designed, through each stage and be able to use standard or customized parts, add windings…