Converting Dates for Use in Model to Predict Oil & Gas Drill Timing?
Hi There! I recently completed MIT's "No-Code AI & Machine Learning" certificate where we used RapidMiner on some more simple models. I'm now trying to put what I've learned into use in my business. I am trying to use certain "key drilling indicators" to predict when a drilling rig will show up on a given tract of land.…
Where I will get certification in Altair?
please help me I'm just beginner https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets.php
. 1. Conduct any data preparation that you need for your data set. This may
include handling inconsistent data, dealing with missing values, or changing
data types. Remember that in order to calculate means, each attribute in your
data set will need to be numeric. If, for example, one of your attributes
contains the values…
Advice regarding if my project can be solved with Rapidminer!
Hi All, Let me start with letting you know about my project. I have a lot(may be more than a 10000) of email files as input. From this unstructured text data, I wanted to generate tuples of meeting/visits/conferences as a relational table. Each tuple will be a meeting and there will be some attributes related to each…
Process Help: Correlation and Regression
Hello! I have the following data (74 observations) and am trying to identify the process and operators to conduct an exploratory analysis (Correlation and Regression) of the relationship between the president's political party affiliation and this consumer good's Producer Price Index value which is averaged over each year…
Using the Correlation Matrix Operator Matrix Output
In my project, I'm trying to reduce the amount of correlation in my dataset. The standard way we do this is to look at all the pair-wise correlations of attribute, isolate those pairs above .95 (in absolute), and remove the attribute from the pair that has the lower correlation with the independent variable. The…
How to show numbers - Visualization
Hello, I'm trying to download the correlation table but it's only showing the numbers if I go over it with my mouse. How do I activate to see all numbers at once? Thanks in advance!
Correlation between polynominal attributes?
Hi, I work with the employee attrition data set and have a question. The data set contains numerical values, bionominal and polynomial values. With the nummerical and bionominal values, I can use the operator correlationmatrix and see how the dependency on the target variable attribution is. How do I do that with…
Correlcation Matrix
Do I have to remove the missing values before doing a correlation matrix?
Valdiation of the model and adjusted R Squared
Hey Community, I have a question regarding the validation of my model (I used the cross validation operator). I created a prediction model (label: numeric) and therfore used the algorithms "Linear Regression, "Neural Net" and "Deep Learning". For validation I chose the RMSE, the relative error and the squared correlation…
How to compare and match between 2 excels with similar data?
I have 2 excels. Both have the company name and country data. But the company names are similar and are not the same. So using the country data (which is the same), I have to match the company names and display the final matched data in one excel file. I have also attached the example of the data in both excels. I have…
Should I use a Red Status Highly Correlated Attribute in Auto Model?
Hi there, If the results of a Linear Model are too good to be true, I got 0.3% Relative Error on a Linear Model, can I conclude that this has happened because I've included (red status) attributes that are too closely correlated to the Label (Dow Jones closing price)? Should I trust the result? “High Correlation: a…
standard of reliability- accuracy and gains
Hi everyone, I am a newbie to Rapidminer. This will be a quick question, I hope to hear any comments from you. I imported 203 rows of data into Rapidminer and run automodel. The best performing model is the decision tree model, accuracy=55.6%, standard deviation ±12, gains =20, can I judge that this model is reliable? why?…
Display Correlation and P-Values
how can I see what are the correlation values,-p-value? and coefficients? is there a way to see them? so that I know which values are correlated with my model
correlation matrix
how can I use the correlation matirx operator between attributes with different value types specifically between a nominal and a real/integer attribute?
weight by correlation
the Weight by Correlation operator can be applied only on ExampleSets with numerical or binominal label. It cannot be applied on Polynominal attributes because the polynominal classes provide no information about their ordering, therefore the weights are more or less random depending on the internal numerical…
Remove correlated features from training set and apply the same features to test set
Hello all, I just wondering how you achieve to remove pairwise correlated features from your training set (using the Remove Correlated Attributes operator) and apply the same features to your test set? If I should compare this operation to something I think about the "Apply feature set" (as exists for the features…
When I use Auto Model, there are Correlation value, ID-ness value, ect.
The Attribute value with a color-coded status bubble (red
/ yellow / green) are shown by the quality bars (C / I / S / M / T). How to
calculate the correlation shown by C? First I thought it is Pearson correlation coefficient. But
after i tested Pearson correlation coefficient method , I did not get the same
result as…
Why does the correlation matrix show the minority class when the majority class was selected
I'm running a simple classification model to predict the presence or absence of heart disease based on multiple risk factors. When I run Automodel I specify the class of interest being the "presence of heart disease". After the algorithms have run I took a look at the correlation matrix and the obvious risk factors showed…
Summary statistics - some models
Hello RapidMiner community, I've searched a lot but still did not find a way to calculate summary statistics (e.g., p-value) after using the logistic regression operator or the chi-square correlation. Am I missing some tip or the RapidMiner does not allow to calculate such parameters? Thank you very much!
Machine Learning Model for increase of revenue
Hi everybody, for university I got a dataset of a telecommunication companie. I shall develop activities to increase the revenue.I thought about churn prevention as first plan to increase revenue. But for development of other activities I have some problems how to start.I have a column MonthlyRevenue which is a float…
Consulting required: Transformation or other model?
Hello everyone, I am examining a dataset of some sales records. According to the Literature in this Field, there are some delayed effects of pricechanges. To be more specific, the theory says: If Prices are high(er), consumers are more likely to wait and shift there purchasing actions into the future. Therefore, I…
significance of the correlation coefficient
Hi all I want to determine whether the correlation between variables is significant. i.e. I need to compare the p-value of significance level of r coefficient in Rapidminer. How can i do this? Best
Correlating data
Hello guys! I am working with some data and I need help in this case: I have a lot of informations about some cities, like population, average number of cars etc. I need to generate a graphic correlating year, data (population, for instance) and the cities. How can I do this? (I couldn't attach my sketch explain the…
Finding Correlations
Hello everyone, I want to make a flow in order to find correlations between some attributes of a machine. The attributes are like speed, pressure, alarms etc. How can I do it? Also, suppose that I have live data. If I use historical data like all these, is it possible to create a neutral network in order to find the next…