RapidMinerでモデルを検証する際の方法をご紹介します。 検証方法にはさまざまな種類があり、手元にあるデータのサンプル数や、時系列データに対して時間軸を考慮した検証を行いたいかなど状況によって使い分ける必要があります。 ここでは次の4つの検証⽅法をご紹介します。 Leave one out 交差検証/k-fold 交差検証/group k-fold 交差検証/Sliding Window Validation(時系列データに対する交差検証) およそのサンプル数なども記載しておりますので、状況に応じて検証⽅法を試してみてください。RapidMinerで実行する時のオペレータ、設定方法をご説明しておりますので、ぜひご参考ください。…
Your help to enhance my RNN-LSTM solution
Hello everyone, In the first place, I would like to thank you for this helpful RapidMiner community platform that helped me a lot in solving many issues in developing this early prediction model. Thus, I am seeking the RapidMiner community's advice regarding my process. Actually, I am trying to develop an early prediction…
Beginner question regarding train / test set
First of all: I am a total beginner in data science. For my university project, I need to create a process in rapidminer which predicts a customer satisfaction based on a survey. The dataset can be obtained from kaggle by searching for "Airline Passenger Satisfaction" by TJ Klein (cannot post links yet). I get a train and…
How do I use Optmize Parameters to find a seed where the minimum class precision is maximized?
I was using the Cross-Validation operator to create a Gradient Boosted Trees model on a small database (419 examples). I had 5 different classes and I wanted to find a seed where the class precision percentage was best distributed. For example, in the image above I had a good average accuracy, but the class precision…
A simple template of a process for training, (cross-)validation and testing
Hello, so, I am looking for a simple example (no feature selection, data cleaning, nothing of the sort) of a process in Rapidminer with the three classical steps: training, validation (using cross-validation) and testing (using the parameter obtained in the cross-validation). Does anyone have a template for that? Again, it…
Logging Best Parameters and Learned Weights from Cross Validation
Hi! Is there a way to obtain the best parameter combination output from cross-validation operator? After running the cross validation on the train set, I need to log the best parameters and the weights for the features learned by the model. What operators should I use for this?
Testing set in Hierarchical Classification with Cross Validation
Hello, I'm trying to apply a Hierarchical Classification, and it works with the Cross-Validation (Training-Validation set) operator. But, the problem is when I'm using the testing set, because Performance operator does not show results for each nodo. Instead, it shows like a multi-label classification, then seems like when…
Confusion Matrix Precision and Recall
I have precision and recall results from two different data sets. one indicates (positive class: positive), and the other (positive class: negative). I do not understand what it means?. for example in this picture:
How do i proceed with adding cross validation to auto model?
Here's my attempt at this. I opened an AM process (i selected SVM), then when i was in the design window, i selected create validation set. After that, i clicked on Split validation and right clicked to replace the operator with CV (under validation). Then i clicked on the CV and in the training window i added a decision…
How do you get the Neural Net to work?
Hi, For a project I am truing to predict rating levels associated with user reviews from Amazon Reviews using the available features. Inside cross validation I have Random Forest and in Split Validation I have Neural Net (which won't work). Should I use Neural Net? How do I get the model to predict more than just high? How…
cross project dataset
Hello, Can RapidMiner make data mining on cross project (more than 2) to make 1 dataset for testing and 3 different data set for training? What data integration tool / node can do this? Thank you
How to optimize parameter in linear Regression?
hello!! I create a multiple linear regression model by doing hyperparameter tuning using the operator optimize parameter, but I'm confused about what hyperparameters I should optimize in the rapid miner to avoid overfitting? I hope someone can help me in solving this problem.
I did Linear Discriminant Analysis but i dont understand the result
hello everyone,i had to to Linear Discriminant Analysis on a dataset that has a binomial feature (satisfied, dissatisfied) and a few other features like age and gender and rating, but now i dont understand what does the result mean, can someone please explain to me? here is the process and the results and this is what i…
why is there no 'cross validation' ?
why is there no 'cross validation'? I use student license
I'm trying to do prescriptive analytics, yet it keeps on loading. Any solution?
I'm trying to do prescriptive analytics, yet it keeps on loading. It just keeps on buffering for hours. Any solution?
filter test data and split it into sub sets
Hello, I am new to rapidminer. I would like to train a model using cross validation and test it later on subsets ( like female and male users and different regions subsets). I wonder how I can split the test set into subsets, which operators? and what to use for applying the model and getting it performance on those…
Sampling (Balancing) and Cross validation
hey everyone I want to train a decision tree model and I already use a cross validation operator for training my model. However I also need to balance my data since I have two classes from which one is repesented much less times. I am concerned now how to use the samling Operator. I know how to use it to balance my data, i…
How to get confusion matrix when carrying out classification cross-validation
Hello, I have been trying to get my confusion matrix from when carrying out K means cross validation for my data set but it has been abortive. Can anyone help? I have attached my process below. Thank you.
Logistic Regression Losing 1 Polynomial attribute consistently
I have two polynomnials data columns, one being an age group that is has 5 attributes (e.g. 16-20, 21-30....) and another polynomial with 4 attributes (Tariff plan 1, 2, 3, 4). When applying the logistic regression model, one attribute does not show in the model. For example I lose Tariff Plan 2 and Age Group 31-40, every…
The Decision Tree gave impossible result
I just trained a machine using a Decision Tree, that reached an F-score of 99,7%. Which sounds good until you hear, that naive bayes only got 66,4% the highest score on that dataset I found was 98,2% using deep learning The highest CREDIBLE score I found on that dataset was 78,5% The design is based off of this…
Cross-validated model on test data
Hello everyone, I am new to working with RapidMiner and I want to verify my understanding. My data set was separated into a training and a test data set before feeding it into RapidMiner. My goal is to train and cross-validate a model and then apply it to the the test data. Does the structure as shown in the pictures make…
linear regression nominal data problem
hi everyonei have a problem implementing linear regression on a dataset that has polynomial and numerical data but theproblem is i want to predict Activity which is polynomial values and when i use Nominal to Numerical i still get error thank you all
Question regarding linear regression model output
Hi RapidMiner Community I tried to make a linear regression model and tried testing the performance of the model through cross validation. The output is a linear function: - 31.472 * Distance in kilometers
+ 34850.105 * WTG Quantity
+ 15042.279 The model performs very well at predicting the cost that I am seeking. However,…
Rapidminer GO
HI. i have just tried rapidminer Go and i am thinking to go for it. My only concern is about the validation process. It seems to me that it automatically applies a dataset split 70/30 but i would like to set a cross validation or at least have the choice between the two methods according the dataset size. Can it be…
Problem with overfitting
Hello, I have a problem with overfitting.It is a classification with 8 label values and 6 attributes with about 5.5 million values each.By cross validation with 10 folds, my decision tree reaches an accuracy of about 93%. Unfortunately, when I apply the model to new data, I only get a test accuracy of 33%.Can anyone tell…