Feature Request : Tutorial should open in a new RapidMiner instance
When clicking on a tutorial link, it asks you to save / close the current process so that the tutorial process can open. If we can't have concurrent processes, clicking on a link for a tutorial process should open a new instance of RapidMiner
Coloring IO object data
Hi, I defined an IOobject datatype, and assigned a color to it, I find it when there is too much lines consisting this type of data in a process, the previous lines will not show the correct color and this data was removed from the output of the operator(no data when I hover my mouse above the output port). It seems RM…
cross project dataset
Hello, Can RapidMiner make data mining on cross project (more than 2) to make 1 dataset for testing and 3 different data set for training? What data integration tool / node can do this? Thank you
Feature Request: Port location
As a user of RapidMiner, I would like the option to determine the location of the ports for an operator. Today, the inputs are on the left, and the outputs are on the right. I would like an option to change the inputs from the left to the top, with the outputs changing from the right to the bottom. I expect this to be an…
Feature Request: Projects Discard Local Changes Per File
RapidMiner Projects (git) allows you to revert or discard your local changes and start fresh. Would it be possible to allow this on a per file basis so you can choose which files to revert? Using the snapshot viewer you can see which files have been modified and the request is to have a button next to each file which…
Show less than branches to the left of greater than branches in regression tree graph
Hello, When visualizing a regression tree in RapidMiner (that is, a decision tree with the least squares criterion to predict a numeric label), the branches are arranged such that the less-than branches are on the right and the greater-than branches are on the left. This is completely counterintuitive and impedes effective…
Detect an event of Bid Rigging in a dataset, using Auto Model
Hi, I would do a Bid Rigging analysis with RapidMiner, using Auto Model. I am not an expert, so I need support from all of you. So, in your opinion to find some bid rigging action in my dataset, what type of analysis do I have to do: Predict, Cluster or Outliners? For example, if my dataset is form by these attributes: Lot…
Feature Request: Set repository permissions operator
I have created a RapidMiner process to deploy a model and all the files it needs to a server (RapidMiner processes to prepare the data and score the model, configuration, etc). It copies files from a local repository to a server repository. This worked fine as long as I was the only user who did these deployments, but once…
Double-click on operators with a single dialog should open the dialog
Some operators, like "Read Database", react on double-clicking with mouse by opening a configuration dialog window. In the case of "Read Database", the dialog is "Build SQL Query...". This is nice as it reduces the amount of cursor movements from the drawing board to the "Parameter" panel and then back to the dialog. But…
Agglomerative Clustering - Dendrogram Labels
I would like to request of showing the labels (id) on the dendrogram leaves (have an optional possibly through a checkbox) when viewing the results of the analysis. It is understandable that for large datasets this may not make much sense because of too many leaves to be labeled. However, for small to medium size datasets,…
Feature Request: Loop Repository without retrieving any files
The Loop Repository operator provides in its inner subprocess, a "rep" input that provides the repository entry loaded in memory. This is causing unnecessary delays for our use cases, because we have additional conditions inside the inner subprocess to decide which entries actually need to be loaded (and only a minority of…
Show prevalence of largest class in Performance (Classification) and similar operators
When doing classification tasks, I normally use the prevalence (frequency) of the largest (modal) class as the naïve benchmark against which to compare if a single model is useful or not. For example, if my label is binary yes and no, with yes comprising 9% of the dataset and no comprising 91%, then I would expect the…
Feature Request: In feature selection operators, allow specifying features to always include
It would be useful for the feature selection operators (Forward Selection, Backward Elimination, Optimize Selection, Optimize Selection (Evolutionary), etc) to have the ability to provide a starting set of features that we always want to include. This would be useful when we already have a working model with a basic set of…
Feature Request: Web Service Sorting and QoL Improvements
Currently in the RM Server web dashboard the Web Services are listed in a random order. I assume it is being sorted based on some hash or ID that isn't viewable from the front-end. A few amazing improvements to this page could be: - Sort alphabetically (based on name) by default with the option to click the top bar to…
Translate Java to Python
Hello RM friends That would be nice if there is an operator can translate all Java codes in RM to Python Regards Sara
Basket analyses with Auto Model
Hello RM friends That would be nice if RM can do basket analyses with Auto Model Best Sara
Hello! Does anybody know if RapidMiner has an extension for Concept Linking?
Hi! I am workin on a text mining project on RapidMiner and I was wondering if RapidMiner has the capability to do Concept Linking or something similar.
how to import echarts support
I need to draw a chart,but highcharts can not be solved, how can rapidminer support echarts? Can anybody provide some ideas? Thanks~
[Feature Request] Dark Mode
RapidMiner users, I think it would be awesome if RapidMiner can also release a dark mode option. If you all share and support the request, the development team might come around it. ;)
XGBoost and LightGBM implementations
Hello, while the h20 gbm definitely is a performing model, I often find myself using the XGBoost or lightgbm model from either R or python instead. Given this is one of the most commonly used gbm models, any chance we could have them added to RapidMiner.
Feature Request: Explain Predictions: Select the top X attributes by importance for the imp port
It seems there's a missing feature with Explain Predictions: the "imp" output port always returns the importance of all attributes for all examples. I would like to get only the top X for both positive and negative importance for visualization. The "exa" port uses the "maximal explaining attributes" parameter for this, but…
Can we add support for negative units on cut() and probably others?
Well, today I had an interesting, super simple case. I had the following strings: Enero 2016Febrero 2016Marzo 2016Abril 2016... Those are strings that define "periods" (months, as "enero" is January, etc...) but not exactly dates (as this is the name of the period for an invoice, and therefore it's treated like a…
Create "savepoints" that allow partial execution of a project.
Hello folks, Have you considered an operator that stores the current state of everything (macros, processes) into an object that can be marshalled and used as a different starting point? Like... the Store operator but that stores everything, not just the things we order it to store. e.g., I build a process that does A, B,…
Feature Request: Visualization to drag/drop simple summary table
When thinking about EDA, and more specifically teaching the concept of really diving into the data, sometimes its really nice to simply drag/drop a few attributes around to rows/columns and either create counts or summarize a single variable. The count/aggregation could be as simple as 1 per table, but ideal state, we…
Assign Agent through Schedule Process Operator
Hi I need to configure a crawling process that gets the pages I'm going to crawl and then schedules a process on a given agent on RM Server. The current Schedule Process doesn't give me the option to decide on which agent the process is going to be running. The reason I need it to be dynamic is that I wan't to use an agent…