Why is the section plane moving in visualization mode (Post) ?
I have an issue related to the visualization of a CFD analysis. When I put a section plane and animate it, it moves, instead of showing the movement "inside" of it. Such as the current movement as the time passes. Before, when I was studying an individual piece it would let me, but now I have this big cluster of pieces and…
Clustering based on geographical and non-geographical attributes
I'm working on an order dataset and I want to cluster orders by different clustering algorithms. also I want to add following constraint. For clustering, I have both geographical and non-geographical, and I want to cluster in such a way that each city is placed in only one cluster, and therefore all orders that include…
Clustering k-means
Hello everyone, I am looking for a way to cluster data. With the tools I am using, I cannot directly find the right number of k, so the data is put into the number of clusters I have set k to. Is there any way/tool I can find the right number of clusters without knowing it beforehand? And what kind of function should I use…
Import Image & Image Clustering
How can I detected patterns from images and clustering them? I want to clustered several images. But I don't know how to change it to dataset or else I should do. I already using "Read Image Meta Data" to import the images and its kinda works. But I still can't cange it to table. I want to make it like the "sonar" sample…
missing centroid table and plot function
I faced a problem that after running clustering in rapid, the result page missing the centroid table and plot function. How can I fix it?
DBSCAN performance evaluation
Hi! I'm facing the following problem. I have to compare the performance of K-Means and DBSCAN on a given dataset. I can easily do it with K-Means: But I can't fit the DBSCAN block in place of the K-Means block. The outputs are different and there is no "Cluster Model" to feed the Performance block. The old version of…
hello, I'm using rapidminer v5.3 because my notebook supports that... I'm still new to using rapidminer... what do you mean by step 2... can you explain?
Why are DBI using Local Random Seed and Determined Good Start Value same in K-Means
Hi, i'm working on text clustering using K-Means and Singular Value Decomposition (SVD). And i'm using parameter Local Random Seed and Determined Good Start Value to show the different. But the DBI value generated using Local Random Seed is always the same as Determine Good Start Value even though I have tried to enter a…
Bug in X-Means
I am running version 9.10 and did a cluster analysis on a single numeric variable in Auto Model. I performed both K-Means and X-Means clustering. The K-Means was fine but the X-Means gave me an error message that said the input data had only 1 class after pre-process/and or validation splits. This can happen if one or…
How to use optimize parameter (Grid) for Text Clustering (K-Means)?
i tried using optimize parameter grid module for K Means but its not working. I dont know how to use it properly. i searched online but all i can find is for clasification algorithm.
How to make K-Means Clustering using Month/Date
Hello I am writing a paper named "A Clustering Analysis: Political Violence Events and Fatalities in the Philippines" and I would like to make clusters based on month and date if possible, I am relatively new to using rapidminer, so here's what I have so far, I mapped the nominal months to make it numeric but now I have…
Rapidminer Local Repository
Hello everyone! Local repository is not showing after I install rapidminer, that means I cannot import any file.. please I need your help
How do I create balanced clusters?
Hi guys, I'm pretty new to the community so sorry if my question will seem quite elementary, but how do I create balanced clusters (k-means) - meaning that each cluster will have the same size of items in it? Or is there a way to force a minimum cluster size to anything else than 1? (What I am trying to do is to create…
Cluster comparison
Hi, In clustering, is there a way to produce cluster evaluation scores? such as the silhouette score. Or other scores that tells you the within-cluster variability?
RFM scores - milliseconds
Hello, i am trying to calculate RFM and i am stuck. 1)I saw that before the Aggregate operator (where calculate the R=max of InvoiceDate or min of InvoiceDateMillisecond, F=count of InvoiceNo, M=sum of TotalPrice) i need to calculate first the milliseconds from the InvoiceDate. Then should calculate also the difference…
How do i change Color of my result of Clustering in Rapid miner?
Cannot find the Expectation Maximization Operator
I have been through the documentation and know where the operator should be, but its missing from the list. Also oddly the documentation can only be reached through a direct search and is not listed on the operation ToC. I also searched the marketplace for extensions but found nothing useful. Am I missing something simple…
evaluating clustering algorithms?
We are working on text clustering for the data science project we find a few algorithms that can work with text like-K-means-K-medoids These two are centroid clustering and we use Davies Bouldin evaluation metrics to evaluate them -Agglomerative clustering-Top-down clusteringThese two are hierarchical clustering but we…
Pattern Recognition
Hello, I m trying to identify patterns in a time series data(please refer to the data below),in such a way that it tells me about the signature(s) (pattern it has in a particular period of time and therefore the algorithm extract those continuous time period in the form of 'from' and 'to' dates). Suppose my resultant…
Some Questions around Clustering
Dear all, Since im neither mathematician nor a computer scientist the answer to the following question might be an easy one for you guys here but for me it doesn't make sense at the moment. So I would kindly ask for your support on the following questions: My goal is to do a clustering with this data a…
New 9.10 DBSCAN
Dear community, I want to ask about the new DBCAN operator which outputted three instances (exa, ori, mod). I wish to perform evaluation using Cluster Density Performance, however neither of those output compatible with the input of the Cluster Density Performance operator. Can someone please give me any good tutorial on…
use k-means and fp-growth together
Hi every body My dataset is movielens 100k. I want to use k-means clustering on this dataset then use Fp -Growth on each cluster but idont know how I can do this work. I hope to use from you re help. thank you .
Performance operator for Agglomerative clustering
Hi, Would like to know what is/are the Performance operator suggested for Agglomerative Clustering algorithm? thanks in advance
How to Deploy non-predictive model such as Outlier detection/ Clustering model using custom deploy
I have an RM process that contains the K-Means and CMGOS model for clustering and outlier detection, but when I try to deploy these model using Custom Deploy it prompts me to upload either predictive model or Group model containing the last model as Predictive model, Since I do not have a Predictive model in my use case…
I want to do modified k-means clustering (dynamic clustering) in rapidminer. Is there a way by which it is possible?