How do I successfully import the load combinations from a CSV file?
Based on different trials, the load combination import process doesn't work correctly. I saw your tutorial on YouTube (https://youtu.be/Ip-gJBGGALA). In this video I could see how the import process works well but the video doesn't show the outcome like CASES and LOAD FACTORS information. I need help to understanding how…
Which version of Analytics Workbench can import Enterprise Guide project files?
I watched the following video in the Altair RapidMiner about importing Enterprise Guide projects into Workflows in Analytics Workbench, but and do not include the menu options described: Whish version is being demonstrated, and how can we download it? I thought this feature was due in 2025…
Ls-dyna import " *.k " file in hypermesh 2024r1
Hello, First, open the Ls-dyna "*.k" file in Hypermesh. Import the same file (a slightly modified model). All I want is to add a modified model to the existing model. In 2023r1, it was possible to add by selecting offset. In 2024r1, the screen changes to the imported model rather than the model being added. Please tell me…
I am unable to import the data in rapidminer 9.10.
Hi team, whenever I import the data and click on finish, it doesn't reflect the data as you can see in screenshot and the data size is small around 40 mb only. Can you help me out here?
Import error
problems with parsing when importing CSV file saved from course. Attached are pics illustrating the progression of the issue. I tried changing the pickup dt to dd-MM-yyyy KK:mm as instructor did CSV file but ran into issues when trying to USE the CSV database AFTER importing into RapidMiner. Parsing issues. So, I thought…
Import Excel
Hi there, I want to start a cluster analysis and put some random animals into different clusters. I startet of by finding some general similarities between a set of animals. Now that I come though the running process, the k-means Cluster is not showing the names of the animals, just some numerical value. I guess the cause…
Import data - no data found error message - CSV
Hi, I had been using the rapidminer for 2 days, I had imported several times the same structure csv, I had, but somehow it started to unrecognized the csv couple hours ago. I tried everything, the message always the same. No data found. "Try changing the column separator.." I checked the column separetor is good, it was…
Import Image & Image Clustering
How can I detected patterns from images and clustering them? I want to clustered several images. But I don't know how to change it to dataset or else I should do. I already using "Read Image Meta Data" to import the images and its kinda works. But I still can't cange it to table. I want to make it like the "sonar" sample…
Import process doctype error
Import Data Where to Store the Data Dialog hangs - 2022, importing titanic (or any other data)
I am following the introductory tutorials included in Rapidminer 10.0.000 on Mac. I have clicked the add data button, selected the Titanic+Data.xls file that I downloaded (or any other csv, xls file) and without changing any settings, clicked next until the import starts. The screen: Appears and the pencil moves back and…
Hiring at my employer
My team is looking for someone experienced in RapidMiner process development, data engineering, and building a data lake. We keep getting resumes from developers in various coding languages, but that's not our focus. We want someone who knows RapidMiner. Please check it out, I can't post links, goto SchwabJobs then search…
Right import format for columns
Hi, I’m trying to import StudyHour Data inside Rapidminer,
which shows the number of hours someone studied a day. The issue is that it converts into time as what time it is (pm/am) but I’m trying to get hours as the amount of time passed while studying. Not
the actual time. I used the type “hh:mm” in excel as you can see…
Solved: Data check wizard does not find malformatted data that would allow processing of data files
Hello, I have a csv file with over 200 columns and thousands of rows. Very few of the numerical values are malformatted like 20n7ž¾=5â038525 in single, not adjacent cells. How to perform automatic data cleaning, or labeling, or handling at all? Solved: I forgot to check the option box "Replace errors with missing values"…
Import a CSV, without false Linebreaks
Hi,I'm currently writing my Bachelors on Machine-Learning (Sarcasm detection specifically).My Prof. recommended Rapid Miner.Here's the problem: when trying to import the corpus I intend to work with (and am already working with in a survey, and that is also used in dozens of works im referencing) Rapid Miner moves content…
How to transfer and load rmhdf5table?
Hi dears I usually find ".ioo" files in windows explorer and copy them to transfer to another computer and copy the file into the destination RapidMiner folder. Then I refresh the RapidMiner repository and I can see my file and use it again. This procedure doesn't work for ".rmhdf5table". It seems the refresh command on a…
Import Data
Hello, I have difficulties to import the Data from my teacher to work with it. Could someone help me out please? Do I have to import a read file first? I have to import and work with the Iris Data but it's not working Thanks in advance!
How can I import time series data from a Google Spreadsheet on Google Drive into my process?
For a research paper, I need to read sensor data which is sent to a Google Spreadsheet (located in Google Drive) into a RapidMiner process and analyze it there. Is there a suitable operator for this task? Or do I have to create a database first? Does anyone know a solution for this case?
How to read posts from reddit?
Hi guys, I am doing a sentiment analysis in RapidMiner and I want to extract posts from reddit. In order to do this I tried using Read RSS Feed operator, but failed to do it. I am new to RapidMiner so I am not aware of all the operators, extensions etc. Do you have any suggestions on which operator to use to extract the…
Turning JSON Data into Spreadsheed
Hi there RapidMiner Community, I'm currently trying to load JSON data into RapidMiner to use it for a sentiment analysis I'm working on. Browsing threw a lot of the forum content on here regarding the work with JSON data and trying out a lot of the solutions, I sadly haven't found any that worked for me. The data should…
Can I import a Kinect file to Rapidminer?
Hello, My name is Maulana, currently live in Indonesia and a master degree student. I wanna ask some question because I am a newbie in rapidminer. Can I import a Kinect censored file to rapidminer? Or maybe some extension that can help and solve this case? Thank you for your answer, appreciate it. Stay healthy everyone!
Loss of Attributes in RM Drop Down
Hi there, I've raised this question before in other threads relating to other topics/processes but not had a solution that has permanently resolved it and would like to add it here as it's own topic. When I first started using RM a few months ago the attribute drop down alway showed me what was in my Dow Jones, FTSE, or…
GO won't work at all
I just recently got the monthly subscription for GO but it gets "hung up" (at times all night even on something with 80 rows and 3 columns!)!) and won't deliver any conclusions even on older files for which it was successfully predicting. So, I suspect it has nothing to do with the process or the particular files. Any…
How to Use XLM from these Forums
Hi, Often I see XML code (but not an rmp attachment for the code) but how do I physically get that written out code I see posted in a forum post into RM? I have the XML window open in RM and I have read Ingo's post: https://community.rapidminer.com/discussion/32606/import-xml-code-to-process I've tried pasting the code…
RM Won't Stop Referring to Deleted Excel File No Matter How Many Times I Set Path to New File
Hi I cannot not get any of my processes (like Read Excel or Retrieve) to respect the new pathway that I set to the latest Excel file (that has column "O" labelled as ATR 14d and NOT as ATR (14) (because somehow brackets in Turbo causes a whole other set of problems) no matter how many times I click on Read Excel or the…
Removed Brackets from Attributes Names in Excel Header -- Now Have Import Problem
Re: NullPointerException Hi I've had successful imports of a large Excel dataset. I went to try out the Turbo and got a warning: "The attribute 20) was already present in the example set." I saw this posts solution about removing brackets in the names in my top…